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Non-Professor wins Professor Cup!

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I am being honest in that thread is the nastiest I have seen and about being picked on in school,

Hey, I'm a Pokemon Player :)
now im a professor from new jersey. I didnt go to nats due to me and my wife having a newborn baby girl.
but i will be going to nats next year. IF there is a professor cup next year it is pointless to play in.

For all the people who think this guy should keep all the prizes you good people need to wake up.

How would you like it if all us professors, pto, to, and lo just stop judging and holding events for you guys.

just a little thought, but, there would be no pokemon if it werent for the people who are smart enough to take and pass the test
I am being honest in saying, after reading pokemum's WALLOFTEXT I agree, and understand her P.O.V. Also after reading some of the other links showing our friend AA's attitude on other sites it enough to put me off. I understand the hardwork you guys put in. I am "studying" to take the professor exam :). I have to speak rather generally here, as I have never met a pokemon professor, heck I am not even sure there are any in my country? But I can't disagree with you when you say without all the professors / league leaders / judges and all the other people who put in the hard time to make this game possible, there wouldn't be alot.

@Rocketman, sorry if earlier post's were "rude" or offensive. I still don't quite get the point you were trying to make, but
I certainly understand it from the words Pokemum used.
now im a professor from new jersey. I didnt go to nats due to me and my wife having a newborn baby girl.
but i will be going to nats next year. IF there is a professor cup next year it is pointless to play in.

For all the people who think this guy should keep all the prizes you good people need to wake up.

How would you like it if all us professors, pto, to, and lo just stop judging and holding events for you guys.

just a little thought, but, there would be no pokemon if it werent for the people who are smart enough to take and pass the test
i completely expect that should there be a professor cup next year, that changes WILL be made...

Somewhere in here he said that he would take the trophy off of ebay and give back the stuff he won...yet he hasn't. Like absoltrainer said, ending eBay auctions is incredibly easy, it really only takes two clicks. For some reason, I don't think he's being terribly earnest :/
i hope there is changes mom if there isnt any i will not play in it
they better check each and every person who signs up for the cup
A few things...

The attacks on Cecily on 6P are being posted by 2 or 3 cowards with sock puppet accounts.. They in no way should be read into with any depth whatsoever.

People get into the professor cup every single year who aren't professors, this year, one of them just HAPPENED to win.

If he wouldn't have made cut, this would be a non issue.

As far as eBay goes.. You forget that there are collectors that scour eBay for rare items that don't frequent the Gym. That trophy is going to get bids no matter what. If he ends up getting $500+ for it, I see him just burning his bridges with Pokemon right then and there and taking the money. Lets be real. He is not getting sued over this. He never signed a contract.

To be clear, I love Pokemon and the community more than the next guy and do not advocate what he did in any way, and my apologies to the runner-up and others affected by his presence.

I have no doubt Ayden has a bright future ahead of him. I watch A LOT of Dr. Phil, one mistake should not dictate his future. He seems like a good kid that just did something stupid, and he IS paying for it.
I do feel bad for all parties involved in this situation. Even if AA is allowed back into events no one is going to give him the time of day. I do realize he can't under the current rules be denied entry, but you can expect that there will be some judges who know the penalty guidelines and won't hold back a ruling. What used to be a warning of "judge discretion" may be ignored and given the stated penalty. It will be a pain to be in any serious event. I do think this 4 year hiatus for school should be taken into account when sentencing. I think "Life" sounds a bit extreme where as assigning a say 8 year penalty (covering the 4 year hiatus and a 4 year ban) will have the same overall effect. I think should he be around at the end of the eight years the professor program should be closed to him. I am a professor and ended up 18th so my rating may have been affected by this, but I think some of you are going to far. I mean I think he will have to deal with the fact he will have a group of angry judges against him.

Now on the rant end on it: I feel no sense of sorrow for actions. I know he's apologized and he wants to take steps to rectify the situation and that's well and good. On the other hand it wasn't posted in his article that as he put the auction up he realized he messed up and was taking it down that I would take as sorrow and remorse. I mean perhaps its because I'm a teacher and see it all to often it's not until someone is called out on what they do that they are suddenly sorry.

I will not say he didn't deserve the win. Quite clearly he outplayed his opponent's in the cup to take the win. However I will agree he may have robbed the prizes from some people as it may have altered matches in some people's favor. I'm not saying it should have worked better for me. I will say in my 2 losses the 2nd one I simply got outplayed and won't deny that. The first loss was due to a horrible type match up paired with no other Pokemon or draw from 4 turns and I just lost.

Let's not argue he won "fair and square" (for lack of a better term.) We can argue that he unfavorable skewed the results by changing various match ups.

After seeing this post... I can never believe anything this guy has said and will say in the future. His apologies are even half hearted, and him simply not taking 2min to close the auction after he said he will is also signs that he has no respect for the game.

The people that are also giving this guy praise also has absolute no respect for this game as well.

Now at the league I run, I will be teaching them even more about Respecting this game, and how much it means to Others than themselves. Even thou I have been doing that for 7 years, I'm raising the bar even more to prevent these disrespectful punks from tarnishing this game.

What they should do know is make everyone signed up for the Professor Cup take the Exam Again to ensue that only true Professors that pretty much dedicate their free time to Help everyone else get their proper Thanks.
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Here's the thing that makes my head hurt.

To those of you who say "He outplayed her and won, therefore he should be the champion regardless" and "if he had not been there, it's a moot point, you can't prove that she would have won!"

Do you people employ logic or is it just blind 'HUURRR DUURRRR HE WENT X-0 AND WON HURR DUUR!"

Sure, he outplayed everyone (Apparently with no rare candy and a 3-2-3 line - which speaks magnitudes about the level of play at the event if he won - no disrespect meant on the competitors! I have no good way of expressing this at 7:30am after not sleeping - it's in my mind, but I just can't 'translate' it, so please don't take offense), but let's assume he was not in the event.

That's one player removed - Statistically, that would not skew the results considerably enough for Cecily to be knocked out of top cut. If she was second or third seed originally, logically and statistically, given her performance, she would have made top cut regardless.

It would have made a difference if the top cut threshold had shifted (For instance, only 63 players and it becoming a top 8 instead of top 16 due to that one crucial player). But I think the numbers were significant enough to not have impacted this. Also given her seed placement, her performance would have to have had to have suffered a lot in order for her to be knocked out of the cut regardless.

In top cut, she has proven herself against the best field of players there. She would have went on to win the event - especially if her ONLY loss was against Ayden. That means, she's more than likely to be able to take out the rest of the field. She would have won top cut if Ayden was not present. At least anyone with any sense could come to that conclusion. Don't be so blind.

Simply put, Deception + Trusting staff oversight = fraud outcome. Personally I recognize Cecily as the winner.
Anyone arguing otherwise is simply ignorant, trolling, or clearly uneducated enough in the way TOM operates.
Being the best player in tournament in terms of skill is irrelevant. If Ayden is not a part of the tournament we don't know how Cecily would have done. For all we know she gets paired up in swiss against 3 people who donk her and she doesn't make top cut. Maybe having Ayden in the tournament actually helped her get to top cut. All I know is that since the pairing would have been completely different throughout the tournament you can't just declare Cecily the winner. Cecily came in 2nd because Ayden was a part of the tournament. There's no guarantee that Cecily comes in 1st, 2nd, or even top cut in any other deviation from the tournament that took place.
Just wow. I feel for everyone who is now trying to fix this or feels let down in the Professors Cup. How many times do they get a tournament to celebrate what they do?

This is what happens when you think something is just a joke but actually really hurts the people you let down.
I expected better from everyone, especially the mods. I am truly disgusted with Evil Psyduck's ''sue the idiot'' comment. Pokegym as a community should've handled this situation maturely and sensibly, and yet it's taken you all 17 pages of utter crap to achieve nothing. Hang your heads in shame, and lock this damn thing.
Posted with Mobile style...
This taints the 2011 Professor Cup. I say, someone hire a lawyer and file a class-action civil suit against this person. Then we'll see who laughs the loudest. Someone start a list of possible financial damages caused by this action, to TPCi and the professors. Once it can be proved there was intent to commit fraud, damage claims will follow.

---------- Post added 08/03/2011 at 11:05 PM ----------

Everyone... there's a lot more to the story than everyone is making it out to be. I've had my jaw drop whenever I see a made up rumor. There are 2 rumors that are very fake. 1) I snuck into the Cup knowing I was 100% sure it wasn't allowed. It wasn't the case which is why I asked....
To quote your own words, "I’ll be the first to admit it. I’m a fraud."

Why did you say that if you didn't think you 100%, knowingly committed fraud?

Your article is very damaging. Good luck trying to retract it.
I expected better from everyone, especially the mods. I am truly disgusted with Evil Psyduck's ''sue the idiot'' comment. Pokegym as a community should've handled this situation maturely and sensibly, and yet it's taken you all 17 pages of utter crap to achieve nothing. Hang your heads in shame, and lock this damn thing.
Posted with Mobile style...

This thread is fine. What's wrong with saying sue the idiot? The kid is obviously an idiot for doing something that could get him a life ban just to "pass time." He has broken the rules, and he deserves to be punished. I see no shame in this, other than the people cheering for him.
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