Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Pokemon GS/SS complete card list and spoilers!

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Does anyone know how to make Ariados good? The attack's great, a potential 100 for C as long as you manage to get the opponent Poisoned Burned and Confused. What's the easiest way to do that though?
Unless you have a super-switching party, there isn't really a 'quick' way to inflict each status condition in a turn, heck, it'd take two turns AT LEAST! By that time, if your opponent can see what you're doing, they'll just retreat or Switch/Warp Point or something... I mean, unless you go for Venasaur ex or Vileplume ex or some other stage one or stage two's, wouldn't it just be easier to leave those ones up there to attack anyway?

Just my view...
Hi ZoraJolteon,

Choose a victim on the bench and send them to sleep and poison them with the second attack. In case the victim remains asleep one can dish out a decent amount for the one resource needed. Make sure to attach Power Root to Ariados. The spider could be a nice addition to Dark Crobat decks status hunters.
Yeah, that COULD work, but it just seems like a big sacrifice to be making almost every few turns, and the Dark Houndoom is situational, so you'd need a few Switch, in case the first Houndoom doesn't work... I dunno, just seems like a little too much to try to be pulling off every turn...
I don't like having to rely on his second attack, as it only gives a 25% chance of dealing 70 damage. Koffing gives 70 damage nearly 100% of the time. What we really need is good old Dark Gloom and Drowsee back. Or even SLEEP! Wow, I never thought I'd hear myself say that.
ZoraJolteon said:
Does anyone know how to make Ariados good? The attack's great, a potential 100 for C as long as you manage to get the opponent Poisoned Burned and Confused. What's the easiest way to do that though?
Venusaur EX. =)
They're all on the first post, and pretty darn cool looking.

With these new Shinings Im hoping people will realise (mainly CaCers) that Star shinings dont use alternate energy sources like the Neo ones.
I cant view Entei either..... it goes to a log in page and I aint not got not an account.

were the heck are the meganium, feraligator and typhlosion EX!!!!!!
they are in the set right??
Precons =/
That probably means that the auction for the card(s) is over...

It's the exact same way for the one link in the other GS/SS thread with the pictures with all of those random un/common cards. You know, the 'link that gave us all that first view of Cleffa... lol
I just made some minor corrections to the spoiler list (now that I have actual cards to reference, as opposed to transcriptions). Scyther's HP is 60, not 70. Jolteon and Pupitar (the heck?) both have free retreat. Buffer Gem has the Scramble Energy Rule--can't be attached to basics or exs, but CAN be attached to Dark Pokemon and Pokemon with owners in their names. To the people who are using my spoiler on their websites, please be sure to take note of these changes.
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