Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

PokeRadar shinies! Best method ever!

Length of hypotenuse c of triangle with sides 2, 3 of a right trangle = (square root ((2)^2 + (3)^2) = (square root (4 + 9) = (square root (13) < 4.

(square root (16) ) = 4.
good thing i studied geomotry because other wise, this would be a foreign language to me

Pokemon: Not just for kids anymore! You need to be a Rocket Scientist to figure it all out! (Team Rocket Scientist, that is... :biggrin:)
you're serious, and not just toying with me right?

the HYPOTENUSE is always shorter than the total length of the TWO REMAINING SIDES. That's why going east 2 and north 3 doesn't give you a distance of 5.
Have you even been reading everything in this thread?
We've been telling everybody to go the FURTHEST patch.
Now you tell me how to figure which way to go.

If you don't know which number is larger, then that's just sad
Please, the game doesn't count real distance, just the number of steps it takes to get there. Otherwise the game would be stupidly overcomplicated and no fun...
It'd make sense if it was counting real distance. This is why people say, 'sometimes the chain just randomly ends.'

It wasn't just randomly ending - it was because they were doing it based on steps, not distance!
It's simple, really. If you walk three steps in 1 direction, then two in a perpendicular direction to the first, you haven't travelled a radius of 4 away, only about 3.61. You need to walk at least 4 straight, or at least 3 one way and 3 perpendicular. Or, if you all want a pretty picture...
i was getting a shiny elekid so i put a pokemon with static in front of my party, i also got alot of pacharisu :-(
I was so pumped my swarm was Beldum today...managed to catch TWO shinies. Had to waste two Master Balls on both of them...but I think it was worth it: :]

Shiny Beldum #1

Shiny Beldum #2

Both have really nice stats as Metagross @ 55, so I might raise both of them as Physical sweepers of some sort.

Thoughts? :]
(Deleted and reposted reply:

For purposes of defenses, speed, and nature, I recommend raising the first. You could always EV train both, and see which you feel like using on a given occasion as well.)

Blast from the past! Or a bump, really.

Well, I caught another Porygon, in a Dive Ball this time, like I wanted. Modest nature. However... *sighs* Here are its IVs: 29 / 30 / 17 / 24 / 31 / 27. Making its IVs great, but the Sp. Atk. worse than my current shiny Porygon-Z. Decided... *tries not to gag* to raise this one to be a Porygon2.

TL;DR version:
Modest Porygon2 (Shiny)
Dive Ball, Caught @ Level: 18
IVs: 29 / 30 / 17 / 24 / 31 / 27​
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I havent been able to get a chain of Porygon to 40 despite many attempts :( Eevee, Porygon, Sentret and Togepi all seem to not like me.
I havent been able to get a chain of Porygon to 40 despite many attempts :( Eevee, Porygon, Sentret and Togepi all seem to not like me.
Yeah. Garden Pokemon are a pain in the bum. D: And if you think that's bad, try the barely-visible sandstorm chaining for Beldum. ._.
Yeah I find it decently doable to chain in such Sandstorm, I got to a 37 digglet chain the other day, so close, dunno why it broke, but oh well. I haven't gotten Beldum cause I havent tried, I just find it boring since alot of people have it, but trying to chain digglet or trapinch, now thats a true challenge. Garden Pokemon are just plain dumb luck =(