Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League


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I might play the Primeape deck I posted now that Polistall is so popular. This will give me room and means for ATM Ice AND Rock, and also many Tools. You won't be weak, but neither will I. And I can tech in Dunsparce vs. Dunsparce for the stand-off (remember its Poke-Body?).
Other ways to remove Fossils quickly: 1. a Pokemon that "does 10 damage to all of your opponent's Pokemon" - there are a BUNCH including Spin-Tail, but also Dark Crobat (which I think will see more action), and Weezing Delta (which is included in some Liability decks)... there are also bound to be many more released for the next format as well. 2. things that stop Trainers from being placed including Manectric EX (in Mew-Trick), Crobat Delta (it's being played!), and Houndoom UF. 3. How about Xatu DX, or Espeon-EX, with a Pow!, Pokemon Reversal, or Warp Point? 4. How about Gengar-EX, which is not extremely popular, but still has aficianados?

By the way, if you Upward Lick, you don't get to Hit-and-Run.

So, looking at this, I would say that Dustox-EX with Weezing Liability including the Weezing Delta, and perhaps even a Xatu Tech with 2 ATM Ice, and 2 ATM-Rock, 5 to 6 stadiums is a good deck.

Also interesting might be Dark Crobat/ Crobat Delta with Jumpluff. Using Dark Drain KO's all your Fossils at once and then removes damage from itself. Crobat Delta can hit for 40, then 60, or can hit for 30 Disconnect. Jumpluff is resistant to Water and Poli- is Weak to Grass. Naturally, you can add in Surprise! Time and Poliwrath UF which is actually quite a nice card, but perhaps that's where the tech Xatu comes comes in.

I'm not trying to be a smarty here, but giving you food for thought. What if I did this? Would you be prepared?
You don't need a tech for politoed, you need a tech for Jake! Winning games with dunsparce along is a testament to that.
I've been liking Dunsparce ever since someone mentioned Mew-Trick. "Oh, hello, I'm Dunsparce, and you're Confused. Thank you for playing."
WOOOOHOOOO!!!!! It's not too surprising because Polistall was bound to win:biggrin:
ch, he said to say WOOT, not WOOOOHOOOO, duh. JK, another polistall deck did good at a regi, it used stuff, I dunno when i saw it play it had only a Pex, and fossils out, so i asuume just Ployssil
Ya it was Polistall. Now I'm just waiting for Bulbasnore to put my article Polistall on the Featured Articles like he promised. It will probably get on to the archetypes pretty soon because its doing so well.
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