Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

rk9 ex, how much it is now???

Flare Starfire said:
I actually never got his gym name, I just know him from the Modesto CCs which he won and I got 2nd. But the entire room seemed to be commenting on it by the end since there were so many exs (read: shiny things) involved.
Yah, its him. Chris? :3
Ryanvergel: Yes, perhaps. But when the only exposure I have to events of any kind come at 3+ hours the majority of the time, you get your dealing done ASAP because you might not have another chance. As for other Arcanines at the event, there were 2 that I know of. One person was coaxed into trading an Arcanine EX and a Flygon EX for 8 unopened packs of cards. How, don't ask me. As for online trades and such... I tried to do the whole trade by mail thing, and it didn't work for me. The mail out here is far from reliable in the mountains. Too much drama for my tastes. And like I said on the money thing- cards spent at this point is much better than money spent. I'm sorry if this has upset the balance of trading power somehow, but I've already said I expect zero people to follow in my footsteps as far as that goes. Its a personal thing, and it should really stay that way so long as both parties left the trading table happy. (And believe me, I certainly did.)
carlossan said:
I still cant believe that trade... next time think twice before you do things like that...

Seriously....just because I hold different views on what to trade for what... doesn't mean I have to defend it to the community at large. It is what it is. Perhaps you wish you were the one with the Arcanine EX? You would've gotten the same offer from me. "Whatever you need." I have very few needs, but I'm not afraid to overkill to get what I want, on the spot. It is what it is. I don't expect anyone else to act the same way, and I ask that you please respect the way I chose to do trades, at least. Thanks =).
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Your're not the only one going to great lengths to get Arcanine ex. I'm trading a sealed Team Rocket Return's booster box for it + ex's if shipping is less than $20... But hey, I want it. And I was holding on to the box to give away as tourney prizes, but I never find a date to run one, so I want to use it while it's still in demand (after all TRR IS one of the best sets in HL-on). So it's like gambling, if Arcanine ex is kept high in value all thru it's time in Modified, I can always trade it for good stuff. (Like Charized ex and Lugia ex always seem to get good prices at eBay... sometimes close to the price of a booster box itself), but if not.. well, I made someone else happy at least... (could come in handy next time we're talking about making a deal)
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lol it's so funny. Before legend maker came out, everyone wanted Mew EX and Arcanine EX. Now when the set comes out, we've had two threads pretty much showing that the two cards aren't half as good as we thought they are. They are both nice, but all those people who traded for the japanese ones might be rethinking their actions.

Arcanine EX is nice, it's cool, but it will in no way be the new big force of the format.
I know I won't be. Some of us want Arcanine so we can play Arcanine...cause he's Arcanine. Us fans are weird like that though, don't mind us. ;)
..and once people figure out that it's totally overated, I suspect that price will go down about $10.
Just another beautiful cold day but some hot trades. First we go pick up our yugioh prerelease cards since my son still plays . Then we look for the people that no longer play pokemon and try to get good deals on the cards they have left. Then we go to a local card store that has a main business of yugioh and baseball but gets two boxes of pokemon for people like me. He likes to open the packs and sell the cards separately. All the foils go in one tray and all the other cards and treated as commons. He used to sell those for a nickle but now they are 10 whole cents. I always look there first since he has trainers like rare candy and Giant stump and react energy in the 10 cent cards. Oh I pick up a strange cave with the other trainers I mentioned. My son looks at a few foils and thinks they are the same old unlimited that he has seen time and time again So he puts them up. But I ask the guy if he put in any thing new. He says I don't think so and then I look anyway. They go from $1 to $4 dollars. I find an ARCANINE EX mint at $3.00 He says since I have been a good customer I can have the ARCANINE EX for $2.50 and the trainers for free. I wait to show the cards to my son when we are like a mile down the street so the guy can't here a big YAHOO out of my son.
Prime said:
lol it's so funny. Before legend maker came out, everyone wanted Mew EX and Arcanine EX. Now when the set comes out, we've had two threads pretty much showing that the two cards aren't half as good as we thought they are. They are both nice, but all those people who traded for the japanese ones might be rethinking their actions.

Arcanine EX is nice, it's cool, but it will in no way be the new big force of the format.
I have aboslutly no regrets for getting my K9's traded a lugia for one at PR and traded 2 trode EX with 2 wobba and 2 desert ruins for a JPN RK9 and 2 stumps I still need a 3rd one if anyone is willing Im offering $30
Prime said:
..and once people figure out that it's totally overated, I suspect that price will go down about $10.
I just got 30$ for mine!
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David's Confused Pokedad said:
Just another beautiful cold day but some hot trades. First we go pick up our yugioh prerelease cards since my son still plays.

YGO? and Pokemon. Tsk Tsk. :nonono:

J/K :lol:
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Cool deal Blastoise1992, awesome actually. Arcanine EX is still the hot card right now. I think after States the popularity will fall, and the price will too. Now if a deck is found with Arcanine EX and it's a big contender in the format(which I doubt), the popularity might stay the same. I doubt it though.
Once people come to the conclusion that its NOWHERE near as good as they think, it'll drop. I don't know whats so good about a pokemon that 2HKO's most pokemon, and gets 2HKO'd by most. Arcanine is mediokre at BEST.
blastoise1992 said:
Once people come to the conclusion that its NOWHERE near as good as they think, it'll drop. I don't know whats so good about a pokemon that 2HKO's most pokemon, and gets 2HKO'd by most. Arcanine is mediokre at BEST.
Well with the right disruption and the correct set up its hard to stop. I took a really well built Walrein EX deck down to last prize before I had to give in to it. so even though I was completly weak to a deck I was able to battle it out as opposed to just saying "Oh yay Water I conceede" And Im still offering $30 for an RK9 Come on someone take my MONEY!!
I definitely want some Arcanine EX of my own, I just won't be paying anymore than $15 for them. Guess I won't be getting any for a while, huh? LOL