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Sick of People Borrowing Decks Instead Of Making There Own


New Member
At the Stadium Challenge in Callifornia 3 people I know where playing borrowed decks, one of them said he did it because he can't make a tournament worthy deck on his own. If you can't make your own deck or find a deck list on this site that you think you can make and play well, then why are you even playing in major tournaments. One of the people that borrowed a deck came in first which as far as I'm concerned is complettely unfair to all the people that actually purchased boosters to get there cards and make there own deck to loose to someone who couldn't even make there own deck with there own cards, as far as I'm concerned it was as if someone in an older age group was playing that match since the person who lent the deck is in the oldest age group and the other person isn't.
finding a deck list+ making a deck using your own cards (but someone else idea) is almost as bad as borrowing, make your own gd decks, archtype is not everything.
Hedgefoxidna said:
finding a deck list+ making a deck using your own cards (but someone else idea) is almost as bad as borrowing, make your own gd decks, archtype is not everything.
At least if you find the deck on-line your not being showed how to play it like they were but I do agree everyone should make there own "gd deck" plus we know the company appreciates it because that means if everyone had to make there own some people would need to buy more packs, bad for them but good for the company :)
Well we kinda feel the same way. My son (10-) came in 2nd in a Gym Challenge to a boy that borrowed a deck for that day. He borrowed the deck because he had forgotten his I guess. But to my point- We were a little upset because he was using an adults BAR deck and not a deck of his own creation. But on the other hand, I had to give the boy some credit, being 10- and using a deck like BAR which isn't his own and knowing how to combo the cards to pull off 1st in the Gym Challenge. We've seen it other tourneys from other players as well, but we were just a little more upset this time because of the prizes at stake!

Speed up my story- these two boys were matched up in top 4 at the South Stadium. I was very curious as to if he was playing with his own deck or that same borrowed deck, well he was playing with his very own deck that he created and NOT a bar version and my son playing his same deck as before. My son won the 2/3 match against him.

So it can be very frustrating to see players pull off major wins with borrowed decks, especially in the older age groups!! If they can't build a tourney worthy deck on their own, pull together with friends and get your deck in shape.
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Uh, I honestly don't see a problem with borrowing decks. Someone in the long run did pay for the packs and if they want to let one of their friends borrow it so they have a better chance at winning and stuff, that's fair. Simply because its their right to let someone borrow and if they beat you, its your fault your deck wasn't up to par to beat theirs...though i mean if its like water vs. fire...then obv GG. =\

But Still, people have the right to borrow decks and who's to say that a deck is borrowed just because they haven't played it at your league or something. Honestly, if I had a BOSS deck, I'd save it for a big event and jus playtest secretly on apprentice, and then bust it out at the event.

Also, I have 0 cards past skyridge at the moment, and I don't plan on getting anymore. If I ever want to play again, I'll have to end up borrowing a deck from someone. I considered doing that for the ECSC but I had too much to do around here to go travel 300 miles for pokeymanz. I was tournament calibur and I can be if I wanted to again; I don't see how borrowing a deck makes me much less of a player.

Also, have you ever heard of trading? Thats what you do with the cards you get in the boosters, so you can get the cards you want/need for a deck. Thats what others do to make their 1st place decks.

Also, I know of a few people who straight up bought their decks they used for recent tournies. Some paid well over $200 for all the cards, that's definitely a few boxes of cards right there.

And to argue against your last comma separated sentence =/, I've seen "little kids" play with 15+ decks and still win, so I obviously don't think any deck is set for a certain age, they're set to compete and win you major tournaments if your luck is good.

And to wrap it all up...borrowing is good no matter what(well unless your deck flops). You're allowed to do it, its not a moral sin to use a good deck to beat everyone and get 1st, and if you got the skill to play the deck, then I mean by any means go ahead.

One question though, what if the deck wasn't borrowed that got first, what then? Oh let me answer that. Well "he won fair and square." He didn't cheat at all, so it's fair both ways. Having the cards or not doesn't change your skill level.

Sometimes its the people you know and how much you or they have.
Borrowing someone else's deck at least cheapens the win though because you're using something that you never had to work on to build. It's just there. It takes away the hard work put into getting cards and deckbuilding.
How does it really cheapen the win? Tournaments are about skill, and it takes skill to win. Borrowing someone else's cards does not increase skill in any way. If you're able to take a deck you haven't played with before and win, then you have skill there my friend and you deserve to win. Those who build and decktest obviously want to increase their chances at winning, but if you have the skill then that proves much more.
I don't like the idea of borrowing decks much either. Sure you have to know how to play, but, take my little brother for example. He knows how to play but he has no idea how to make a deck. He tried making one and it was like Gyarados/Milotic/Kingdra/Kingdra ex with no trainers etc. If I handed him a great deck he would be able to use it after 5 minutes of explanation and possibly win a tournament. With a deck he made he probably wouldn't win a single match. It seems to me tha being the champion would mean being able to make a deck and play it...not just play it. If someone does half the work for you then you really don't deserve the win.
I don't like how people rip other's decks because they are good, but what'cha gonna do?
Well, sounds like jealousy, the person who won the Stadium Challenge must of had the skill to play the deck. And alot of it since he was playing with someone else`s deck. Loaning someones deck does kinda take the win away from the guy to some extent. But if you look at it in sports, players get loaned and suppose that team wins something do people say that the win has been devalued. Anywayz a trips and trip hes won it so good luck to him.


See you guys @worlds
Raikou said:
Also, I have 0 cards past skyridge at the moment, and I don't plan on getting anymore. If I ever want to play again, I'll have to end up borrowing a deck from someone. I considered doing that for the ECSC but I had too much to do around here to go travel 300 miles for pokeymanz. I was tournament calibur and I can be if I wanted to again; I don't see how borrowing a deck makes me much less of a player.
Also, I know of a few people who straight up bought their decks they used for recent tournies. Some paid well over $200 for all the cards, that's definitely a few boxes of cards right there.

First of all if half of the players were like you and haven't purchased any new cards, just borrowed decks, there probably wouldn't even be tournaments for Pokemon anymore since they would not be selling enough packs to make it worth wild to continue the game. As for people who buy there deck if they would like to spend there money purchasing there deck I don't mind that as much since they are actually spending money on this product, the money spent on the deck will probably go to buying new packs anyway, plus they are not being taught how to play there deck by the people lending it to them like I know the people I'm talking about were (you know who you are, and you should be ashamed). No card game is designed for everyone to borrow the best cards otherwise this game would not exist do to lack of product purchases.
Del Boy said:
Well, sounds like jealousy, the person who won the Stadium Challenge must of had the skill to play the deck. And alot of it since he was playing with someone else`s deck. Loaning someones deck does kinda take the win away from the guy to some extent. But if you look at it in sports, players get loaned and suppose that team wins something do people say that the win has been devalued. Anywayz a trips and trip hes won it so good luck to him.

First of all I was not competting in the event. Secondly SHE would not have even been in my age group but she was in the same one with one of my friends, who made and learned how to play the deck herself. Thirdly I wouldn't have cared if she knew how to play the deck but she was taught how to play the deck by the people that lent it to her. Speaking of sports lets say it's the NBA playoffs and the Chicago Bulls borowed some of the best players from other teams, like Shaq and Cobe, if they won and advanced would that be fair to the team they played? The answer is no!
I have actually heard of TOs considering playing a short tourney w/in their league etc wherein the opponents would exchange decks and play w/ each others. Winning that way would really show a players ability, unless it was an obv. blowout due to a type weakness. (ie water vs. straight fire)
If they did I don't think the players would show who got there deck how to play it. However I think that would be an interesting tournament idea.
Here is my opinion:

If you forget your deck at home for any reason borrowing decks is fine due to you want to play and cant due to simple mistakes.

Borrwing a deck because you cant make a tourney worthy deck is not right,its wrong and should not be attemped by anyone and if you win a tournament off a deck that you borrowed due to the reason of not being able to build a tourney worth deck you should be ashamed of yoursleves for that.

I know someone borrowed a deck johhnyblaze built because he dident have his deck with him and he made top 8 with it. Thats ok but dont attempt to borrow a deck if yours is no good because it ruins the chance anyoen who acctulally builds a deck has to win a tournmant they train hard for.
FireFighter095ReBorn said:
If you forget your deck at home for any reason borrowing decks is fine due to you want to play and cant due to simple mistakes.
Then people could just always say they forgot there deck to try to get sypothy from someone to borrow a deck.
Wait a're complaining about a 10 & Under player??? That's the only female who won.
I made my seven year-old's deck. Should he not play because he needed my help? He's just starting to play and lost all of his games, but he had fun doing it.
Also, for those who are reading this, this was only the second time ever playing for this 10 & U. I think she definitely has a natural ability for Pokemon!
*Reaches under computer desk for Soap Box.. AH! There it is*

If you are 10- and can make your OWN Deck and Win a Tourny.. I will shake your Hand at World's.. Every Parent Here Encourages Their 10- to make a Deck or get a Deck Idea.. but as a Parent, (I could be Wrong Here) you always make suggestions or Tweaks for your 10- to Help them Do well. Conceptually the Deck Idea may be "Our" childs, but the Play testing and assistance is totally a Parent's! What parent (that Plays) isn't going to test the deck themselves and make "Suggestions" to the Child? Agreeably, some Kids have natural Ability and a good Deck Knowledge to build their own deck.. but C'Mon, 10- doing it "ALL" Themselves... Bad Parent to fib like that...

I know my son Played Rambo.. (Hope you weren't Referencing that MM).. at a Challenge that he had Tweaked himself to his play style.. Masterball, Nurse, etc.. It was my deck.. but not my deck.. does he know how to play it.. well sure.. do I feel guilty about letting him use iut.. HECK NO! They are "OUR" Cards as a Family... We want the best for our Children and try to "Help" them succeed in what the strive to do. Does this take away the Joy of his 2nd place finish in OK.. nope.. he played against great opponents and knew how to combat his Weakness... Borrowed a deck.. Sure.. Skill? After Years of Playing this game, ABSOLUTELY!

If you are 11+ and are borrowing a deck.. SHAME ON YOU! But if you Pull it off against all the other Decks out there... I will gladly shake your hand and Congratulate you! You beat your Opponent and that is the key thing everyone is missing! If they Borrowed a deck and came in dead last, no issue... so why does it matter so much that they come in first? If you don't like it. BEAT THEM! If you lose, shake their hand and be an Adult.. you just got Punked by a more skilled Player, not a Deck!

*Steps down off Box and slides it back in place for later usage.. waits for Intelligent Rebuttal*
hmp well im saying ''if'' some one borowed a deck from some one n they both got to the final n fought each other n the person who borrow the deck woned n woned with the opponents deck which isnt really isnt fair

but i dunt c any problems with borrowing decks but i have a lil n gets mad sometimes of that

~fan fan
The people who borrowed decks were in different age groups 1 in the ten and under and 2 in the 15+ and no they did not forget there decks they asked there friends specifically if they could borrow tournament class decks and if they could show them how to play them and they did. Family should always help family, I have no quarel with that even though I am the only one in my family who cares about Pokemon, and bessides the cards will usually belong to all of you in this case.