Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

This should be the best deck out right now. I'll explain why, LMK what you think!

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Um, yeah, so now on the issue of which vulpixes i should play. I find that you wont atatck with vulpix anyways, but sleep can be really annoying, especially if they have a dunsparce or something and you go first. I like 2nd turn ninetales doing 90, with TV reporter first turn and Vulpix AQ heads etc, but the odds of that are low, so i onoly play one vulpix AQ. LMK which ones i shold use
Alright, now Im thinking that cuz blaziken ex is my main attacker, that i should just go 2/2 ninetales, opening room for say a pokemon nurse and a warp point. LMK whether i should stick to 3/3 or go 2/2 and if so, what i should replace them with.
I find Nurse useless in Blaze decks. Even more in Niniken. Your main counters will ohko you. Then again there is Muk ex which it could help against. I still vote 3/3 but I see now Nurse could help.
Let me start by saying I have not this entire post. I still want to comment on what I saw early in the post. I'll start with this, I agree this is the best blaze list. I created the aqua deck and have tested it extensively. I can tell you fist hand that this deck gives the aqua deck way more problems than rayBexBlaze. Case in point, I played the aqua deck yesterday @ the Indiana States. My son won the 10- division with the aqua deck. I played it in 15+. My other son played blaze/tails in the 11-14. I beat 2 bar decks and lost to a similar version of the blaze/tails/Bex list posted here. I needed to beat it to get my kid into the top 4. We could have, and I sure the other player would have, drawn and we both make the top 4. I played it out for my boy, I lost to this list. This player beat a BAR and my sons blaze/tails deck and won the 11-14 beating BAR in match play. Say whatever you want, I know how it plays here in testing and now I have seen it first hand in tourney play. This is the best blaze list IMO.
psycodad said:
Let me start by saying I have not this entire post. I still want to comment on what I saw early in the post. I'll start with this, I agree this is the best blaze list. I created the aqua deck and have tested it extensively. I can tell you fist hand that this deck gives the aqua deck way more problems than rayBexBlaze. Case in point, I played the aqua deck yesterday @ the Indiana States. My son won the 10- division with the aqua deck. I played it in 15+. My other son played blaze/tails in the 11-14. I beat 2 bar decks and lost to a similar version of the blaze/tails/Bex list posted here. I needed to beat it to get my kid into the top 4. We could have, and I sure the other player would have, drawn and we both make the top 4. I played it out for my boy, I lost to this list. This player beat a BAR and my sons blaze/tails deck and won the 11-14 beating BAR in match play. Say whatever you want, I know how it plays here in testing and now I have seen it first hand in tourney play. This is the best blaze list IMO.

OMG wow somebody sees why i use ninetales instead of rayquaza!! Thank you, I totally agree with you. :D
OK, now i have changed the deck a little bit, and added two cards i felt could do a world of good. I have taken away one vulpix and one ninetales, and put in 1 warp point and 1 pokemon nurse. I am considering dropping something like POR for maybe a weakness guard...Im not sure about these decisions, what do you guys think?
GrandmaJoner said:
I am considering dropping something like POR for maybe a weakness guard

Keep the POR. The speed it gives you MORE than makes up for the weakness of your fire pokemon. You just lose speed when you play weakness guard.

Forget the weakness guard Joner, your deck (as well as everybody elses) can only be so good. Water is obviously the decks main weakness, but then again, suicune ex cant attack if you smack it w/ a volcanic ash first. Its the quickest of the draw they say. No additional fixes, the poke nurse works as a filler card (you -1nine/vul) b/c even if you get hit let's say for 140 on blazex after his atk, you can just retreat and heal ;0
GrandmaJoner said:
This should be the best deck out there right now, the one that should work the best. This is Blaziken/Blaziken ex/Niniken. I KNOW I'm not the first one to use this OBVIOUSLY, but I just want help perfecting it. Let me tell you why this deck beats Blaziken ex/Rayquaza...Because of the two prize rule solely. Although the retreat of rayquaza is annoying sometimes if you use multi energy, but thats not the main problem. Blaziken ex gets rid of Rayquaza with no problem, but with Ninetales he would think twice because it is not as much of a loss. So let me know what you think, any minor changes, etc. Thanks,

i think if u take out one blaze Ex and put in one Wobby and 4 multy u should be ready for muk Ex because right now that will kill ur deck
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