Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

UK Pre-releases - Majestic Dawn -


New Member
Well it seems the US has already started booking dates for the next DP set release.

Weekends of 10-11 May and 17-18 May ..

Any dates yet for us here in the UK?
I have the Crawley venue booked for saturday the 10th May. But that was based upon a guess coupled with the need to plan ahead to ensure that a venue is available.
Whatever the first Saturday date will be we'll be having one in Leicesterrrrr.... Phione-ix Games are go go go...

- fK
Just in case anyone was wondering......

Yes the UK will be holding this at the same time as the US.

I am awaiting some bits to come in, however just to let you know also, this will not be limited to only a few locations and will be open to all active TO's/Leagues.

An email will be going out shortly (as soon as I get a spare 2 mins) , however any eager people can email us at [email protected] to show your interest (and be added to the dreaded list!)

Also I will post up a locations list as soon as I put it together.




Whatever the first Saturday date will be we'll be having one in Leicesterrrrr.... Phione-ix Games are go go go...

- fK

Umm the dates for the Pre Release (ATM) will be between 10th - 18th May (to give Leagues which run Mid Week a chance to run these.)

This would be the second/Third Sat in May.
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