Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

What Decks will win Regionals

Ok this is how i see it. each set changes the game play. You cannot determin what decks are gonna win. Supprisingly most decks won with are decks people underestimate because u tech out against other decks. Personally i think this post should end because this is pointless to talk further about this. It will become redundent. :thumb:
How dare you all blast zap-turn-dos. You read my post and how in 3 states i came within a hair of top 16 in cedar grove and 2nd in both milford and rhode island. I cant say much for the deck because its so hard to defend against alectric but i have beaten dark heart,darkness decks,rock lock,beddrill/crobat combo,magcago,moltres ex-balkze,and bex before so dont you EVER and i mean EVER diss zap-trun-dos because i have shown time and time again it can make it through tournaments with a respectible record and when i take a trip to worlds ill prove all you wrong and laugh at you when i sit there in the world championships. All i pray is the new manectrike is better the deoxys one.

Ohh yeah heres a tale about milford regionals:

I faced johhnybalze in top 4. In 5 turns he got me down 4 prizes so i was stuck knowing dragonite was built and hes 2 prizes from forcing game 3 so im a stunning and slow upset i came back from 4 prizes down to beat him with 5 minutes left in round. I beat him 2-0 but it was a very long comeback so before you diss zap-turn-dos watch what happens to me in regioanls and see if i can prove any of you posers wrong. :mad:
Well besides from what ever i end up playin it will most likly go to:
Some rogue with milotic Ex in it,

Dave III
Milo will rock, oh yeah, I just tested it against rock-lock, it OWNZ. That blows up rock lock. All you have to do is take care of those dark amphys on the bench with BEX, and GG.
Milotic isn't THAT good. You're still making assumptions that you have certain conditions work in your favor every single time... Plus, you expect Rock Lock players to not find a way to beat it? Oi vay.

~ RaNd0m
I think that if it is in the next set, i will play Steelix EX because i ordered a couple of japanese boxes and I have 3. I wont really care if i dont win, i just like playing japanese cards because they are cool. :wink:
Milotic Ex is sooooo over-rated.Its an ex so you can't celio for it.Sand Damage+plus a tricky can kill it before its out.Lone feebas starts can kill you.Even if they do get a MiloEx out and start candying a bunch the rock-lock player will pow it up and kill it with a scramble on Amphy.(Thx Dark Umbreon)You lose space and concistency for a card that won't help you every game.

I heard that someone played Vilplume and only came up against 1 rock-lock.That may happen to someone play MiloEx too.
No, you PETM or quick search for it only when you can instantly rare candy into it. You NEVER let feebas or magikarp sit there when you can't immediately evolve. I already told you how to take care of the dark ampharos.
Milotic ex is great in Blaziken. The point of having it in play is not to let you go Rare Candy crazy, but instead to allow you time to put down all your Stage 2s while your opponent can't spread his damage. You don't play the matchup offensively, you play it with a Milotic down and a Jirachi (Hidden Legends) active.

When Rock-Lock can't.. well.. Rock.. its options are almost nothing versus Blaziken. If you're playing defensively and waiting for a competent opponent to go up on you in prizes, you're just asking to be hit with BEX and Admin, killing your Pidgeot and leaving you with almost nothing, as you still can't Rock, and have to draw both Scramble and Pow to take out Milotic. If you take the offensive (which, the problem is, can't include Rock, which means you have to use more than one energy to attack) you might kill the Jirachi (which would probably explode anyways with a Swoop to make bench room and make it harder to Pow), but you lose your Stage 2 120 HP Pokemon that's fully powered to a Rayquaza. You kill Rayquaza? Another one takes its place, and you're out of resources to try to fight it.

When played well, this matchup is already very good for Blaziken. But with a Milotic (and assuming it's not prized), Blaziken has a great advantage in this matchup. And, trust me; I know this matchup.

The problem with Blaziken now is that Milotic ex might start appearing in Dragonite, a very tough and not-so-straightforward matchup for Blaziken. Milotic ex can basically be Dragonite's answer to BEX, which is the one card it has at least some trouble dealing with. The difference between 3 energies on Rayquaza and 4 for a kill is big, even though it's only 10 HP.

Setzer Gabbiani said:
The problem with Blaziken now is that Milotic ex might start appearing in Dragonite, a very tough and not-so-straightforward matchup for Blaziken. Milotic ex can basically be Dragonite's answer to BEX, which is the one card it has at least some trouble dealing with. The difference between 3 energies on Rayquaza and 4 for a kill is big, even though it's only 10 HP.


Just Stream it first.
This thread really is pointless. Until we see what emerald is gonna bring ( and- more importantly- what translations hold) all of this is just pointless speculation.
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Moltres423 said:
Milotic Ex is sooooo over-rated.Its an ex so you can't celio for it.Sand Damage+plus a tricky can kill it before its out.Lone feebas starts can kill you.Even if they do get a MiloEx out and start candying a bunch the rock-lock player will pow it up and kill it with a scramble on Amphy.(Thx Dark Umbreon)You lose space and concistency for a card that won't help you every game.

I heard that someone played Vilplume and only came up against 1 rock-lock.That may happen to someone play MiloEx too.

More like thx DJ cause I thought of the Pow! combo before anyone. *notices the date on his "rock lock revised" topic is earlier than he heard ppl mention other ppl use it*

Btw, I agree. Milo ex SUX.
tecdecs said:
none of the decks we mentioned will win regionals, new stadium in emerald just killed all of our archetype decks


Actually the new stadium helps deck that use the legedary brids because it gives them freedom of flying around while pidgeot is strapped down and metagross and drak dragonite are working with no power. Plus it helps out some other decks here that dont rely on powers.

So the stadium dosent hurt all decks mentioned here just alot of them :thumb: