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What will happen to GG when MD comes out?

I really do not understand what you are saying. gangd? I really do not know what that means. But why Is everybody asking me questions? It's just a simple tournament I won, I might not do good In worlds this year. I played a ton of GG decks at Regionals, I played Crystal beach, and It took them a long time to energize, So I knocked them out before they could get ready.
G and G thats how i said it ever since the card came out. And by no means is G and G slow. The only thing that has a REALLY big favor matchup against it is bannette and thats proably the only thing this whole format.
yeah, I run a Banette/Lunatone/ and Solrock deck, with plenty of Crystal beach.I get about 4 banette In play In the 3rd turn, then Lunatone Gravity change, Lake boundary or 2 plus power or 1 plus-power 1 strength charm. Gallade Is never safe from Mawile and Gardevoir or Gallade are never safe from banette.
Banette always has a favorable match up against GG, that's old news.

If you hate GG, then good for you. But I'm honestly gonna go out on a limb and say that you're in the senior division or you've been playing against weak GG lists.
if you think that G and G is slow, or weak, you are ignorant, and have come into contact with some horrid decks. G & G is one of the fastest decks out there. a good plox deck isnt scratched by bannette, as they will always tech in at least one tauros and 2-3 windstorms. I dont remember who it was that said it on another thread, but even cessation crystal isnt detrimental to the other player, it is an annoyance. the trick to playing any deck, G & G or rogue, is to tech in cards against things that will be a problem to you, and if a G &G player is too ignorant to see that, then they obviously wont be a world champion. that simple. i have never lost to bannette, and dont plan on it. plus, bannette is trash against most anything other than g & g (magmortar).

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Honestly, looking at the MD set list, nothing looks like it'll slow down or overtake G&G.

what is there, call energy? most people will use pachi still anyways.
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I actually did beat Speed Empoleon, Magnezone, Darkrai, Magmortar, and GG with speed Banette. And Jeremy totally beated the whole Holon Engine, and speed Empoleon at worlds last year In Seniors by using BanetteEX. Don't Misjudge Banette, When It's T1.
Infernape fails to keep up with GG in the long run, just like the original Infernape did. Empoleon is easier to neuter as you would expect, mainly due to the simple fact that they keep hitting themselves, and Group Surf is easily stopped as well, or at least weakened. Its the new techs that make GG so much better with MD.
The orginal ape has a postive matchup against Plox. ;/ And why do people think that Plox is faster then empoleon or any of the other new decks? Cause its not.
if you think that G and G is slow, or weak, you are ignorant, and have come into contact with some horrid decks. G & G is one of the fastest decks out there. a good plox deck isnt scratched by bannette, as they will always tech in at least one tauros and 2-3 windstorms. I dont remember who it was that said it on another thread, but even cessation crystal isnt detrimental to the other player, it is an annoyance. the trick to playing any deck, G & G or rogue, is to tech in cards against things that will be a problem to you, and if a G &G player is too ignorant to see that, then they obviously wont be a world champion. that simple. i have never lost to bannette, and dont plan on it. plus, bannette is trash against most anything other than g & g (magmortar).

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what is there, call energy? most people will use pachi still anyways.

As much as I agree with the teching part, i think you can't deny that banette still has a good matchup against GG. You can tech to improve it, but if banette gets a decent start you'll probably loose.
As much as I agree with the teching part, i think you can't deny that banette still has a good matchup against GG. You can tech to improve it, but if banette gets a decent start you'll probably loose.

well, bannette always gets a decent start. the only problem i see is that it ends up being trash in the end game. If G&G or Plox stays in long enough, itll thrash Bannete.
Banette/G&G/Magmortar/Artimethic(seems like a form of Nette tho)Eeveelutions/Empoleon/Ape/Fossils/Skittles/Beedrill I mean thats just some decks to add and now Rogue decks can be contenders,this would be a good end to a sub par format,but G&G will still be played because of 1 simple things,its a SIMPLE deck that is consitant.
GG will still be the most played deck at battleroads.

1. Not enough time to test and find a new BDIF
2. Everyone has already put a 2nd mortgage on their bicycle to get the cards for GG
3. GG will obviously still be a great deck with great synergy that can win any game

Nats though, I'm not sure. Should be enough time to playtest/find a pawn shop. Maybe something will change by then, but still be ready for GG at battleroads.
100% agree with Chuck.

I have another reason GG will remain BDIF: it can tech Latilock very easily if Kabutops or Eeveelutions (Glaceon in particular) see any success. Helps versus Magmortar too. GG just isn't phased, no reason anyone will use new cards instead.
What's that new Dusknoir?

130 HP, 70 damage for 3 energy and moves 20 from itself to the opponent's bench.
Beats anything in Gardevoir decks with Lake Boundary and can't be 2HKOed by them except for Psychic Cut. After a few tests I can say Dusknoir-focused decks would have about 65-35 matchup against Plox (without having autoloss to Magmortar, like Banette).

Unfortunaly, it is not part of Majestic Dawn (maybe to new since it released short time before Japanese DP5), so there are lots of good alternative decks, but nothing that really stops G&G.
100% agree with Chuck.

I have another reason GG will remain BDIF: it can tech Latilock very easily if Kabutops or Eeveelutions (Glaceon in particular) see any success. Helps versus Magmortar too. GG just isn't phased, no reason anyone will use new cards instead.
Until the numbers point to Plox not winning BRs (well 90% of them) and then people may be smart enough to stop playing it.