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Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky

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While Sableye has an interesting Poke-Body, nobody really LIKES going first.

I really like how the Charizard, Charmeleon, and Charmander have the original art, but re-done. But if Japan got OUR Base Charizard art, then will we get Japan's art?

Nobody likes going first because you can't use supporters. With sableye you can.
^ So? You still can't use trainers, and that wastes an attack where you could CFF or use Call Energy.

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It's too bad that DRE is rotating out, because that would make this little buddy quite broken. I could see him in play with Leafeon and some Multis, though.

Salamence LV.66 – Colorless – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Shelgon

Poke-Body: Battle Dopamine
If your opponent has any Pokemon in play with a maximum HP of 120 or higher, ignore the Colorless Energy cost for all of this Pokemon’s attacks.

[R][C] Flare: 50 damage.
[R][W][C][C] Steam Spin: 120 damage. Discard 1 Fire Energy and 1 Water Energy attached to Salamence.

Weakness: Colorless (+30)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 3
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Yes, I (and other sceptics) were right - Blastoise/Venusaur/Charizard was*too crazy to be true, and so was keeping the old term 'Poké-Power'. The re-designed 'Zard line is looking very nice (although not playbale), and I'm looking forward to picking up my displays at the Poké-Center early tomorrow morning. :D :D

Edit: Shining Voltorb is very cool-looking too, and cards like Energy Link and Shaymin lvX look VERY playable.
^ So? You still can't use trainers, and that wastes an attack where you could CFF or use Call Energy.

Are you serious? It gives you the option. No one says you can't still call if the opportunity arrives. ANY starter can use a Call energy, sir. This Sableye is potentially one of the best starters we've seen.

Come on now, people. I KNOW nobody is scoffing at that Steelix, right? Wow...
IMO, these are the 5 most broken cards in this set (from 5 to 1):

5. Tyranitar: Play this card with Darkrai LV.X and Weavile SW = Amazing. It make take a couple of turns, but 80 to each of your opponent's pokemon is just groundbreaking.

4. Raichu LV.X: Attack twice in 1 turn? This card is ringing the word broken. Of course you have to use Voltage Shoot once, but you get to choose the next attack. With so many combinations with the new raichu, the md raichu, and the mt raichu, endless combinations can be made.

3. Regigigas + Regigigas LV.X: These cards are very, very interesting. Interestingly broken. Let's see: Get Regigigas and 3 regis out, Level up, giga blaster, then giga power next turn, then giga blaster, etc. Sacrifice at the right time on Regigigas, and it can be an interesting game.

2. Gengar: It's just incredible. The Poke-Power is a bit flippy (Love the name!), but flip a heads and it brings payback. The first attack brings even more envy. For one energy, you can place up to 6 damage counters on one of your opponent's pokemon. The second attack also helps with Lumineon, as it gets to look at your opponent's hand beforehand so you can get a strategy of what to do.

1. Salamence: I do think this card is the most broken in the set. Just about every deck plays a pokemon with 120 + HP. So T2 you can either knock it out or leave a lot of damage on it. Also 2 energy for 50 isn't bad either.

Once again, this is just my opinion for the 5 most broken cards in the set.

6. Sableye
7. Luimineon
8. Shaymin X
9. Duskinoir X
10. Torterra

You use the word broken too freely

Raichu Lv.X only gets to attack twice in 1 turn once. As well as that, to successfully use voltage shoot twice you would have to have 5 energy attached.

T-tar wouldn't hit everything for 80, because Darkrai's body only adds to damage to the active. And 5 energy is a lot of energy even with weavile powering him up.

Regigas needs 3 energy to attack at the least, and getting all those regis out won't be easy. It can easily be countered.

I do agree that gengar is incredible though, the swarm of gengar I am sure will win the game.

I like sally but I wish it didn't ask for two types of energy.

BROKEN means that if you use it you are guaranteed the win, and there has only been 2 cards of hat caliber. Sneasil and Slowking (at there time) were the 2.

IMO lumineon is the best card in the set.

However Bronzong makes Flood (Bastoise/Fortress) so much more playable. With it and smeargle, you could get 14+ energy in hand as quick as T5.

IMO the new set lives up to my high expectations, 9.5/10 for the set
There's a lot to like about this set.

Scizor-really hard to kill. Maybe we could see some kind of swarm deck with this and Cherrim?
Cherrim-stage 1 Gatr d.
Shaymin Lv. X-Wow. Too bad the attack costs 3.
Vespiquen-I want to like it...
Abomasnow-we'll have to wait and see how big Grass and Water get, but that's a pretty sweet body and the second attack isn't too shabby.
Raichu/Lv. X-very flexible. It helps that there's some synergy with Claydol and Roseanne's.
Gengar-sick, obviously. Combos nicely with DP Gengar. The Haunter also helps you set up a nice Poltergeist.
Dusknoir-Card advantage setting up your first attack AND the Lv. X? Talk about broken. This is the Dusknoir of choice.
Mamoswine-first attack is weird, but the second attack can do LOTS of damage. 3 more Mamoswines = 180 damage.
Torterra-interesting 1-0-1 tech option in Grass decks
Infernape-this card is just nutty. 120 HP and free retreat, no water weakness, and turn 1 donk written all over it. WOW.
Tyranitar-This thing is a beast. Screw Weavile, just run lots of Felicity's and Unown ? as a starter and let your opponent's Claydol do the work for you.
Steelix-TANK. 130 HP stage 1 with Metal bonus, AND Marowak d's attack? Sign me up.
Salamence-It really depends on what's in the meta. But 120 for 2 and discard 2 seems pretty solid.
Regigigas/Lv. X-It would take a lot of work, but it's pretty interesting.
the + cards-Drawer is a 4 of and Blower might be a 2 of.

I'm pretty excited about this set. I'm almost convinced Dusknoir is the next big deck. It wrecks spread decks by sniping them back, and with all the card draw/search it's really easy to get multiples out to abuse the BROKEN Lv. X with.
Are you serious? It gives you the option. No one says you can't still call if the opportunity arrives. ANY starter can use a Call energy, sir. This Sableye is potentially one of the best starters we've seen.

Come on now, people. I KNOW nobody is scoffing at that Steelix, right? Wow...

I lol'd so hard when I saw that card. Someone was in a funny mood when they thought that one up....

100 dmg X the number of heads.... wow :lol:
How can you try to like vespiquen? She can hit 2 for 90 and one for 70 while healing 7 damage counters, with shaymin in play that is a 140 HP healing beast. Not to mention the possibility of playing cherim on the bench to deal even more damage. Scizor is also nothing to laugh at with an almost garunteed t2 70 it makes banette almost obsolete, scizor can also be combined with shaymin and cherim which is even more ah-mazing. The grass pokemon in this set by far is its best aspect. Not to mention that you can combo them with grass pokemon from previous sets. 200 HP torterra lv. X? 160 HP vilplume and 140 HP bellossom that resists the dreaded kingdra?

Bronzong makes too many cards playable from gatr to kingdra. Damage spread is going to make a huge comeback with cards such as dusknoir and electrode. With help from previous cards like Spiritomb, Zapdos, and Super Scoop Up damage will be getting out there fast.

Lumineon combines nicely with Dusknoir DP you bring up a basic and then toss back their stage 2. Which will cause people to play with only 2 benched pokemon while facing dusknoir.

Sally is pretty ah-mazing and should work wonders against kingdra. Energy link, patch and plus power are going to be vital cards in decks that use him.

But I have to conclude that after this set is released grass pokemon should take the cake. With cards like torterra IFDS and Scizor they have the ability to set up extremely fast. They match kingdra in HP, speed, and damage out-put along with resistance. They can play around Sally with out dropping shamin. They can heal damage dealt by spread decks. No one will play fire with kingdra being played. PLUS they wont play powers most grass decks will consist of bodies. You would be a fool to try to abuse powers after this set drops.
I don't know DarthPika, it would take a few turns getting enough energy in your hand. In that time, the opponent could just Wager it all away.
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