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Getting scammed.

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I don't think this really happened at all... Reminds me of the little kid on youtube who posted a video on youtube crying to everyone that someone broke in his house and jacked his pokemon binders. He was beatened up in the face.. and still had his tv.. I know if I broke into someone house.. wouldn't go for the cards right away..
This is why sometimes a middle man comes in handy. There's some people here that are very trustworthy. I feel that if it's a big trade, a middleman is necessary so they can confirmed that both ends are received. And of course, a middle man fee is necessary because they're taking time out of their lives to confirm the trade and ship everything out accordingly.

I know the rules on here say no middle man, but if a trade between two people (with high refs) trust, but still don't want to risk it, a mod should count for a middle man.

This isn't due to me trying to do a large trade, or wanting too. Just something that can protect two traders. Limits obviously in play, like both have to have X refs first or something....

Just further protection between two members, even though it will rarely be used.

Now in regards to out of site,

it is hard to find a middle man that both people can trust. Trying to get a person to agree to that will be hard unless both know the person. Even then, if both know the person, both should know each other and be trusted....
I know the rules on here say no middle man, but if a trade between two people (with high refs) trust, but still don't want to risk it, a mod should count for a middle man.

This isn't due to me trying to do a large trade, or wanting too. Just something that can protect two traders. Limits obviously in play, like both have to have X refs first or something....

Just further protection between two members, even though it will rarely be used.

Now in regards to out of site,

it is hard to find a middle man that both people can trust. Trying to get a person to agree to that will be hard unless both know the person. Even then, if both know the person, both should know each other and be trusted....

Except mods do not and will not act has a middle man. :nonono:
I don't think this really happened at all... Reminds me of the little kid on youtube who posted a video on youtube crying to everyone that someone broke in his house and jacked his pokemon binders. He was beatened up in the face.. and still had his tv.. I know if I broke into someone house.. wouldn't go for the cards right away..

Just out of curiosity, how come you came here giving me advice and being somewhat helpful, then decided I'm lying?
At first, it seems like it was real.. but then more information is given and there were so many flaws in the stories, that's why I think you could have been lying. I didn't say you were... I said it was a possibility.
C'mon guys don't accuse him of lying. Seriously....
Point is, don't trade with someone who has a negative rep. Always track and for goodness sake buy insurance for anything over $100. I don't understand why you would try to trade again with this person after such a big problem. Put this persons name out there so nobody makes the same mistake. Also, don't just take their cards and tell them they already got your end because as far as you know, they didn't. Oh, and call your post office! They might have it!!!
At first, it seems like it was real.. but then more information is given and there were so many flaws in the stories, that's why I think you could have been lying. I didn't say you were... I said it was a possibility.

Can you let me know which flaws please? I'll clarify whichever parts you believe are flawed.

---------- Post added 04/18/2013 at 01:51 AM ----------

C'mon guys don't accuse him of lying. Seriously....
Point is, don't trade with someone who has a negative rep. Always track and for goodness sake buy insurance for anything over $100. I don't understand why you would try to trade again with this person after such a big problem. Put this persons name out there so nobody makes the same mistake. Also, don't just take their cards and tell them they already got your end because as far as you know, they didn't. Oh, and call your post office! They might have it!!!

I did, and the sorting office.

By the way guys, if you want to see the proof of postages he sent me, please PM me and I'll link you to them. I don't want to upload them as I don't want everyone on the site to know my address.

If you believe you could let me know if they're fake or now, please PM me to have a look at them.
Has my house # and postcode on it.

Look, I'm sorry, but if someone wanted to, they could easily fake that, whether that meant altering the physical one and then taking a picture of it, or digitally manipulating the picture. Unless you have the physical receipt in-hand and can inspect it to confirm that it is legitimate, then there is no way to be 100% sure that it is legitimate. While someone isn't likely to go through all the trouble of creating a fake one for $10 worth of cards, for $1500 worth of cards, I wouldn't put it past a very determined person.

Your blind acceptance of the legitimacy of a picture and your demonstrated lack of common sense in this whole transaction makes me really think that you shouldn't be dealing in items with this high of value, and it makes it hard for me and probably many others here to be overly sympathetic here. I hope I don't come across as rude here, as I don't intend to be rude... but I think you tried to run with the big dogs before you could even crawl.
Look, I'm sorry, but if someone wanted to, they could easily fake that, whether that meant altering the physical one and then taking a picture of it, or digitally manipulating the picture. Unless you have the physical receipt in-hand and can inspect it to confirm that it is legitimate, then there is no way to be 100% sure that it is legitimate. While someone isn't likely to go through all the trouble of creating a fake one for $10 worth of cards, for $1500 worth of cards, I wouldn't put it past a very determined person.

Your blind acceptance of the legitimacy of a picture and your demonstrated lack of common sense in this whole transaction makes me really think that you shouldn't be dealing in items with this high of value, and it makes it hard for me and probably many others here to be overly sympathetic here. I hope I don't come across as rude here, as I don't intend to be rude... but I think you tried to run with the big dogs before you could even crawl.

Okay, I'm just going to to ahead and assume you're mentally challenged. You talk about my lack of common sense yet seem incapable of reading and understanding simple sentences. At which point did I ask for sympathy? I'm sure the whole point of this thread was to discuss how to avoid being scammed, but you clearly haven't read enough to realise that. If you did read the full thread there's a cance you might not have posted a load of senseless assumptions. I also wasn't aware that you're a master detective and have decided that the photos are fake without even seeing them.

Anyone who wants to see the photos, like I've said, PM me.
For future reference if you do the transaction through PayPal and you get tracking on the package you should be fine for the most part. If the other party says they didn't receive and you check the tracking and see it was delivered to said address you can contact the PayPal support team and provide them with this information and they should be able to help you. However, I would definitely create a bill of sale on PayPal with all of the information recorded so there's some kind of proof.
Okay, I'm just going to to ahead and assume you're mentally challenged.

So says the guy who did a $1500 transaction without insisting on tracking. :lol:

You talk about my lack of common sense yet seem incapable of reading and understanding simple sentences. At which point did I ask for sympathy? I'm sure the whole point of this thread was to discuss how to avoid being scammed, but you clearly haven't read enough to realise that. If you did read the full thread there's a cance you might not have posted a load of senseless assumptions. I also wasn't aware that you're a master detective and have decided that the photos are fake without even seeing them.

Anyone who wants to see the photos, like I've said, PM me.

Again, you're missing the point. I don't need to see the photos. Looking at the photos won't prove anything. Photos can be altered. Photos can be altered so well that you can't tell they were altered. You cannot tell that a photo was not altered just by looking at it. Let me repeat that: You cannot tell that a photo was not altered just by looking at it. A photograph does not prove anything. Seeing a photo of something isn't going to make me question the legitimacy of an object in the photo any less. We've had that wonderful program for years... it's called Photoshop. Maybe you've heard of it?

Note: If you had actually read my post instead of just rage-writing your response, you would have noticed that I never claimed that the photo was fake. I only said that it is physically impossible for you to prove that the photo is legitimate or not, and therefore you should not operate under the assumption that it is real. There is a difference.
How do I go about posting the persons name and address to let every single person that trades Pokemon stuff that they should avoid him?
But everybody you trade with WILL BE IN REAL LIFE Because they are real! except me... I'm pixelated.

Just make sure you trade on pokegym with the higher refs OR just sell on ebay AND always use tracking

---------- Post added 04/19/2013 at 06:36 PM ----------

Oh I just realized one more thing... If you want to make sure you get the cards you want and super fast delivery...

Trade on PTCGO ... Can't scam on that!
while it sucks you got scammed you also werent think 100% straight trading over $1500 for cards while not adding tracking.mistake 2 is thinking oh hey a guy on ebay has this I trust him fully thats plain stupid never trust people online unless you know them in person or they have very high could find a middleman who would be willing to help with the trade/deal I know there are people out there that help others do it.if you used paypal to pay him you can get your money back but its very slim if you dont have enough proof to show you never got the item or something others have said use the gym or sometimes also let your instint kick in and decide yourself.
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