Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

A lack of organisation is really restricting OP

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New Member
There’s been a lot of constructive threads made recently, about ways in which the Pokemon TCG could be improved, and I feel that they’re great to give everyone a choice for their voice to be heard in front of Pokemon Organised Play. I feel they definitely make a difference, and can promote some good discussion, so I wanted to talk about a problem in how Pokemon OP is run that I really don’t understand.

There are lots of decisions made by the guys at Pokemon OP that aren’t to everyone’s taste, but it’s difficult to slate them when they’re often in a position where they can only appease a part of the Pokemon playing community. In addition to this, there are lots of decisions out of their control, like changes to the game made in Japan or their financial budget preventing them from making ones they would perhaps want to normally.

However, the decision I want to talk about today would not only save them money, it would also help to get more players into the game, as well as increase attendances in general, and increase the playerbase’s morale.

There is a lot of disorganisation in the way that Pokemon is run. Tournaments are often made public with little notice before the actual event, prizes like medals or promo cards are often delayed, and general information is given out to the player base very late into the season.

Most casual players looking to get into the game won’t be aware of when tournaments happen, so it’s important to have events up as early as possible on the website, in order to make Pokemon OP seem more active. A lot of people won’t check back a second time, and I know that a lot of people will mention that new players should attend leagues anyway, but there are a lot of people who are much more attracted by the thought of playing in a tournament. It’s much better to have new players at any event than no event, and I’m definitely one person who wouldn’t be here if the tournament I went to for my first event wasn’t on the website. Finally, most new players lack the commitment to attend events that regular players have, and may not bother to check back regularly or attend an event in which they have had little notice of.

This also affects the existing player base. I think around half the player base is made up of Juniors and Seniors, so there’s a large majority of people there who rely on adults to take to them events. Parents with busy lives who don’t play Pokemon themselves often need a good amount of notice to plan days out in advance. There are also a lot of players in the adult division with jobs, who need to book days off in advance or move days around, and aren’t able to. Giving people more notice would help to give players the opportunity to attend more tournaments, and increase general attendances.

The lack of organisation also affects the amount of times that prizes aren’t available for tournaments, and have to be given to players at later dates. I don’t mind this happening occasionally, I understand the fact that some factors regarding this are outside POP’s control and sometimes delays can happen. However, when this happens in a high proportion of tournaments (I’m not sure how much this affects those in North America, I know there were problems with State Championship medals last year), it’s just really demoralising to win a tournament and have to wait to a later date for the prize.

Finally, information needs to be given out to the player base at a much earlier date. For the last few years, information on gaining Worlds Invites has been given out around the time of City Championships, which is too late. I’m aware Battle Roads have a small bearing on ratings, but there are some bigger tournaments like Regionals or the Prague Cup coming up that people need a lot of notice to book, considering the distances people have to travel. Even if the previous tournament structures were different, having the ranking information available before Cities is a must, considering the impact they have on rankings.

The lack of organisation really baffles me, because it’s something that is so easy to implement that would not cost anything, and would change the Organised Play scene for the better. We’d be able to get larger attendances, make it easier for those who rely on others to take them to tournaments, and help to encourage new players into the game. There’s also a possibility of larger attendances encouraging increased investment into the Organised Play system. Plus, having prizes available on time, and booking venues further in advance would save money!
Most casual players looking to get into the game won’t be aware of when tournaments happen, so it’s important to have events up as early as possible on the website, in order to make Pokemon OP seem more active. A lot of people won’t check back a second time, and I know that a lot of people will mention that new players should attend leagues anyway, but there are a lot of people who are much more attracted by the thought of playing in a tournament. It’s much better to have new players at any event than no event, and I’m definitely one person who wouldn’t be here if the tournament I went to for my first event wasn’t on the website. Finally, most new players lack the commitment to attend events that regular players have, and may not bother to check back regularly or attend an event in which they have had little notice of.

I can't agree more. I've had past experiences with trying to recruit new players end up in failure because the tournament schedule wasn't up yet. But I'll talk about this year. As recently as last week, (Sept. 4), I tried to get one of my coworkers to come to battle roads with me. His first response was, "When is it?" I told him it would be from mid-September to early-October. His next question was, "Where is it?"

I looked it up online, and all I could say was, "I don't know, there's should be one in Brooklyn...?" (I live in NY.)

I've heard dedicated players complain about the lack of information (and rightfully so). Not having a complete schedule of events out for battle roads 2 weeks before they start is detrimental to the game. Whether this significantly affects revenue is not something I can speak to, but what I do know is that it affects whether new players who want to get into competitive play will actually do so.
I can't agree more. I've had past experiences with trying to recruit new players end up in failure because the tournament schedule wasn't up yet. But I'll talk about this year. As recently as last week, (Sept. 4), I tried to get one of my coworkers to come to battle roads with me. His first response was, "When is it?" I told him it would be from mid-September to early-October. His next question was, "Where is it?"

I looked it up online, and all I could say was, "I don't know, there's should be one in Brooklyn...?" (I live in NY.)

I've heard dedicated players complain about the lack of information (and rightfully so). Not having a complete schedule of events out for battle roads 2 weeks before they start is detrimental to the game. Whether this significantly affects revenue is not something I can speak to, but what I do know is that it affects whether new players who want to get into competitive play will actually do so.

This is exactly what I'm talking about! Both POP and the people who run tounaments put so much time and effort into making sure they're a success, it seems such a shame to have low attendences and a lack of new players because it wasn't advertised online with enough notice. I often have a similar conversation with friends, but it's only down to the fact that I'm involved with Organised Play, and am motivated to check the main website reguarly or know where events were held previously.
One key thing to keep in mind here - the TO's and PTO's running these tournaments are "regular people" with full-time jobs to pay the bills so that they can volunteer their time to Pokemon tournaments. Not only do they have to work with venues to reserve dates and coordinate online postings, they have to recruit volunteer judges and other event staff as well.

I am confident that they do their best to schedule and post as soon as things are coordinated, but asking that everything be done months in advance is pretty impractical. Asking that P!P coordinate all these local and regional events from the National Level is even less practical - and probably impossible unless P!P were to begin charging for event entry to pay the salary of the folks they would need to coordinate all the events.

"Perfect world" - everyone would have plenty of time to post, schedule, coordinate events with plenty of advance notice.
"Real world" - not so much.
One key thing to keep in mind here - the TO's and PTO's running these tournaments are "regular people" with full-time jobs to pay the bills so that they can volunteer their time to Pokemon tournaments. Not only do they have to work with venues to reserve dates and coordinate online postings, they have to recruit volunteer judges and other event staff as well.

I am confident that they do their best to schedule and post as soon as things are coordinated, but asking that everything be done months in advance is pretty impractical. Asking that P!P coordinate all these local and regional events from the National Level is even less practical - and probably impossible unless P!P were to begin charging for event entry to pay the salary of the folks they would need to coordinate all the events.

"Perfect world" - everyone would have plenty of time to post, schedule, coordinate events with plenty of advance notice.
"Real world" - not so much.

I see this argument all the time on here. I understand that TOs and PTOs are regular people, but so are the players attending these events. I can say the same thing about just about everything you said as a player.

I am not one to spread rumors, either, but that September 1st "announcement" people were talking about obviously didn't happen and I didn't expect it to. The thing is, there are some Battle Roads starting as early as this Friday and there isn't even so much as a FAQ about them on POP's website. If Battle Roads are meant for newer players and introducing them to the tournament scene, there needs to be at least some decent advertising and communication. Additionally, experienced players need to be informed what the BRs are worth in terms of the grand scheme of things (i.e. Worlds invites) before they occur. Last season, there were only hints of posts by officials that ratings would be the same as the season before. There was no formal announcement until after City Championships.

I think it is a legitimate concern that no information will be announced before Fall Regionals, given the past. I am not asking for a year in advance, but at least let us know what is going on with Worlds invites, please.
Battle Roads already started here last week, when I asked our local distributor they didnt even know what I meant with victory cup and planned to add spare Victory Medals since they didnt get anything...

It seems stuff always gets send here too late / no one seems to remember that we need it in time =_=
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One key thing to keep in mind here - the TO's and PTO's running these tournaments are "regular people" with full-time jobs to pay the bills so that they can volunteer their time to Pokemon tournaments. Not only do they have to work with venues to reserve dates and coordinate online postings, they have to recruit volunteer judges and other event staff as well.

I am confident that they do their best to schedule and post as soon as things are coordinated, but asking that everything be done months in advance is pretty impractical. Asking that P!P coordinate all these local and regional events from the National Level is even less practical - and probably impossible unless P!P were to begin charging for event entry to pay the salary of the folks they would need to coordinate all the events.

"Perfect world" - everyone would have plenty of time to post, schedule, coordinate events with plenty of advance notice.
"Real world" - not so much.

I definately appreciate all the effort that people put into putting on great events for players, but the reason that I feel this problem is so clear cut is that it would require no more time or money to implement. I'm not asking for all the TO's to volunteer more time, just to do what they already do, but at an earlier date. Perhaps the problem lies with tournaments not being uploaded quick enough, I'm not sure. Are tournaments really organised at times 1-2 weeks before the start of Battle Roads?

I'm not asking that the majority of tounaments are put up months in advance, and certainly not lower level tournaments like Battle Roads or City Championships. I'd personally like to see all the tournaments that fall into this category being uploaded at least on month before that cycle starts, which both gives players enough time to organise themselves, as well as not being too far away for TO's to book. Any events which require long travel and staying in a hotel, such as Regional or National Championships, would obviously require a longer period but are being run by experienced TO's who should be able to organise it within that time span.

Out of everyone, the people who give up their time to run tournaments in my mind are some of the most committed to increasing their tournament attendences and getting new players into the game. If this can all be achieved without any additional effort, then surely it's a no brainer?
I see this argument all the time on here. I understand that TOs and PTOs are regular people, but so are the players attending these events. I can say the same thing about just about everything you said as a player.

If you truly believe that, you have no clue how much work goes into these events, especially the bigger ones.
How many players have to coordinate with venues in order to go to a tournament? None. You guys just get told when and where to go.
How many players have to recruit staff who are not only willing to give up their chance to play, but who know the game well enough to do their jobs effectively? None. You guys just show up, and the staff is there.
Do you realize how big some TCG regionals are? Some have approached 400 players in the past. I can't think of any player (and don't just turn that around and say PTO's play too, that's not the point here) that has to find a venue that fits 400 players+spectators, staff, etc. And with the rumors of the VG being involved too, those numbers could double, or more! The venues that can hold tournaments of that size are often booked for events a year or more in advance, and they don't just do Pokemon events! Anyone who was in Indianapolis saw what it was like to have another convention going on beside our event, and that was a HUGE convention center! Not everywhere is so lucky to have that kind of space. Coordinating a 400 (or MORE!) player tournament around a venues schedule is no easy task, and to say that players have to do the same thing is, in my mind, an insult to the people who work very hard, obviously harder than you understand, to make these events work, FOR YOU.
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I find the title of this thread a little ironic. I don't think the point of this thread is how is organized the event is run, but that a week more in advance let players know when and where the tournament is going to be (it's not like all tournament locations are constantly changing). I thought that the Battle Road Tournament threads were organized (on the Pokegym anyway) in that all tournaments were posted at the same time.
So the impression I get as a player is that the tournament threads aren't posted until every single battle road tournament is posted, so if someone posts at the last minute it slows everyone else down. That's the impression I get, but I could be waaaaay off.
I knew I would get attacked by someone on here that doesn't know me. I just don't understand why this game has to be so much about PTO/TOs versus the players. I am saying we just have a right to know what is going on. Players are kept in the dark so often. Instead of trying to come up with some solutions and giving suggestions, all we ever get on here is organizers arguing with players about how difficult it is to organize events. Newsflash: we get it. Now, try to see it from our side.

We spend a lot of time testing for events as players. We spend money to get to them. We take off time from work and other things for them. We also prepare for a long day. So, we don't organize an event for 400 players. We are the players. Just because we may not be calling and looking for places to hold events and putting them together doesn't mean we aren't spending a lot of time and energy.

I'm sorry if this is off topic, but it has to be said. We should be working together to make this game better, not arguing and taking portions of someone's post and adding nothing to the topic. My bad if organizers think they always work harder than players and are better than us? I certainly don't think the other way. That is the impression I and many other long-time players have gotten on this board for basically ever.

I have given several suggestions in the past on how to improve the organization and communication with everyone (not just the players). I am saying here that there is a lack of organization and communication with everyone. That is fact. It isn't the organizer's and it isn't the player's fault.
I don't think this is on the TOs/PTOs, as they have limited resources to advertise. They do their best with those limited resources, for example making Facebook events to promote/remind people of their events. This is irrelevant though, as the Pokemon main website should be where any player can search for events in their area. They have both the resources and the ability to reach a wide "net" of people.

For events/information not being announced in a timely fashion, I'm not sure if they're underfunded, understaffed, or just dropping the ball, regardless it's not acceptable. In delaying this information POP not only angers their best customers but also discourages new players from playing due to a lack of information, hurting their brand reputation and possibly stunting growth in sales.
I don't think this is on the TOs/PTOs, as they have limited resources to advertise. They do their best with those limited resources, for example making Facebook events to promote/remind people of their events. This is irrelevant though, as the Pokemon main website should be where any player can search for events in their area. They have both the resources and the ability to reach a wide "net" of people.

For events/information not being announced in a timely fashion, I'm not sure if they're underfunded, understaffed, or just dropping the ball, regardless it's not acceptable. In delaying this information POP not only angers their best customers but also discourages new players from playing due to a lack of information, hurting their brand reputation and possibly stunting growth in sales.

Yeah, I pretty much agree with all this. I was just pointing out that it seems like every thread that is posted on here having anything to do with OP turns into an organizer versus player argument.

I am not blaming anything on the organizers.
The TOs/PTOs do everything in their power to advertise an event (or events) they may be having, so I, myself, don't blame any of them at all when it comes to communication issues. They seem to do a better job than TPCi, just from what I've seen. Concerning TPCi's communication issues, as Mondak said, the delay of information on TPCi's part is simply unacceptable. I can understand if it's a new string of events entirely, considering those would fall under something they have yet to do; however, what I can't understand is how, year after year, the players never seem to get any information regarding Battle Roads for the Fall, which they have been doing for 4 years now, on time. Heck, and this may just be me, but we have yet to see anything on the upcoming Fall Regionals, which is information that needs to get put out in a timely manner, the biggest thing being if the next set is going to be legal or not (I don't know if TPCi has put it out there anywhere, I haven't heard anything, and if they have, then I apologize in advance), which is huge!

I realize TPCi has a lot to manage, but, they've also had plenty of time to improve their processes. They've been managing this game for about eight years now, and we've seen great improvements over the years; but, the one thing that hasn't seemed to improve at all is communication. I sincerely hope that they get better at communication soon, for the sake of everyone.
Forget the long walls of text...


End of story. There is nothing else that needs to be said in this entire thread. These events are all scheduled and sanctioned.

Bring back Mike Liesik!
Although I understand the frustration with lack of information during the beginning of a new year, I have to beg to differ that it is really restricting OP. Look at NATS every year it is getting bigger and better, that I hardly call restricting.

Although it would be nice to have a specific set schedule, instead of Autumn BR during Sept-Oct general timeframe for example. Logistically it is just a nightmare to get specific dates way ahead of time for Battle Roads since these are usually on a way smaller scale than Regionals or NATS. As soon as you find out spread the word to all your friends and league and word of mouth does wonders sometimes for advertising.
Although I understand the frustration with lack of information during the beginning of a new year, I have to beg to differ that it is really restricting OP. Look at NATS every year it is getting bigger and better, that I hardly call restricting.

Although it would be nice to have a specific set schedule, instead of Autumn BR during Sept-Oct general timeframe for example. Logistically it is just a nightmare to get specific dates way ahead of time for Battle Roads since these are usually on a way smaller scale than Regionals or NATS. As soon as you find out spread the word to all your friends and league and word of mouth does wonders sometimes for advertising.

We have the Pokemon Organization, which trickles down to PTO's, which trickles down to TO's, and you're saying it's a "logistical nightmare?" Also, don't PTO's get paid/compensated nicely by Pokemon to keep everything running in their areas? The "there's a lot of Battle Roads so just assume everything is going to be delayed" idea doesn't fly. I shouldn't have to find Joe who talked to Susie who found out from Johnny that a Battle Road is in 3 days.
Although I understand the frustration with lack of information during the beginning of a new year, I have to beg to differ that it is really restricting OP. Look at NATS every year it is getting bigger and better, that I hardly call restricting.

Although it would be nice to have a specific set schedule, instead of Autumn BR during Sept-Oct general timeframe for example. Logistically it is just a nightmare to get specific dates way ahead of time for Battle Roads since these are usually on a way smaller scale than Regionals or NATS. As soon as you find out spread the word to all your friends and league and word of mouth does wonders sometimes for advertising.

A venue has to be reserved usually what? At least a month or so in advance for the smaller tournaments? Would it really be that hard for Pokemon to list events a month in advance? I have 2 new players who would love to attend a tournament but they can't since they didn't know about it until last weekend and they need a couple weeks notice to take off of work. If Pokemon thinks that's the best way to get new players they are mistaken. I mean, BRs are 4 days away and there's nothing on the front page of the main Pokemon site even saying that BRs are happening.

We should also have the yearly points structure set up and relayed to the players well before the season starts. There should be an announcement either at the end of Nationals or Worlds telling us what next season's points system is going to be. Keeping us in the dark until after the first tournaments mean that we don't know how our performance will affect our yearly standings.

If the number of players is so high right now, imagine what they could be if players actually had the time to plan for events instead of hearing about them in the last week.
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