Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Anyone owns an NDS?

Kyfogre22 said:
APT - Both of the DS' screens are backlit, and DASH will never be a packin title as long as pictochat remains part of the hardware and MP comes with it too. When was the last time a portable console had a pack-in title? To my recollection, only one portable console (Nintendo fanboys eat your heart out) that has ever had a pack-in title, and that's the select-a-game of 1981. If it does, that'd be nice, but I doubt it.

Geeze, calm down there.
First off the original Game Boy came with Tetris packed in.

Aside from that, there have been a few pack-in offers through the ages with the GameBoys and various games... I clearly remember a Game Boy (either Pocket or Color... okay, so I don't remember quite so clearly) that came with Link's Awakening packed in.

Anywhoo, as time goes on I can imangine that the Metroid Prime: Hunters demo will be replaced ore removed entierly. However, I doubt you'll see it replaced with a full game, let alone a high-profile game such as a Pokémon title (even if it is a side game)...

I only hope there's some way for us early buyers to get later demos as well... Metroid Prime is *not* my kind of game...
Kyfogre22 said:
When was the last time a portable console had a pack-in title? To my recollection, only one portable console (Nintendo fanboys eat your heart out) that has ever had a pack-in title, and that's the select-a-game of 1981. If it does, that'd be nice, but I doubt it.
And we're skipping GameCube why? It came with Super Mario Sunshine at one point and now they want to sell more of them so they put in Double Dash.
Metal Master said:
And we're skipping GameCube why? It came with Super Mario Sunshine at one point and now they want to sell more of them so they put in Double Dash.

Actually, the GameCube has came with quite a few different titles over it's lifespan.

However, to be fair, Kyfogre22 did specify "portable"...
The GBA came with Crystal version after a while.And when GBA just came out they released it with a Mario game.But it may have been 100 bucks...But I know Crystal Version with GBA is the price that the GBA alone is now.Dark Legendary Master then why did I watch you play Super Smash Bros. Meelee?!HAHA caught red handed!

DS is much better. Price wise, it's pretty much scandelous. The PSP is $300 bucks, just for some extra stuff.

Sale Price: $150
Mic- Though it has little use now, I'm sure more games will come out utalizing this feature.
Light-Back Screens
Touch-Screen-More interactiveness.
Inhanced Graphics- From 64 graphics, to just below GC graphics.
Surround sound

The PSP is ok for Sony's first try. It does have "descent" graphics. The battery life is terrible. It's possibly too small, making it easy to lose, or even break. I've seen many reviews stating that Sony just threw this system out to keep their spot in the market against the DS and Halo 2. Sony made another mistake, making 2, possibly 3 if you count PS3(If it's in production), systems at once. This is a problen because they could not give the full attention to the PSP. If you really wanted a PSP, get an N-Gauge. Even though I hate it, it's still cheaper than the PSP.
Okay, if we're going to bash a system, let's make sure we have the correct infomation on it.

The PSP has better graphics than the DS. The battery life is - supposedly - not quite that horrible (6 hours or so). Size wise, if I'm correct, it's about the same size as the GBA. Sony did not make this to compete against Halo 2... The idea of making an entire system and releasing it half a year later to compete against one game isn't very wise. Nintendo is (supposedly) working on the next GameBoy and the next home console... all while they worked on the DS. That's three systems at once. Oh, and we don't know the offical US price of the PSP yet.

You cannot compare systems based on system performance or technical specs. This means nothing! The GameCube and XBox are both more powerful than the PS2, but who's winning? And the Dreamcast kicked some serious but in the specs department... It's all about the hype and the games.

By the way, I already own a DS and have no plans to get a PSP... But this kind of misinformation needs to be corrected...
The "N5" has actually been halted. Nintendo said it would not make it's schedulded release of 2005(Which renders the nickname pointless, actually). I didn't know they had started on the next Game Boy, this should be interesting. That being said, they both have been working upon to many systems. Nintendo is much more experienced in video games than the other companies, Sega possibly tying with it. Sony has a broad franchise, they manufacture pretty much any kind of electronic you can think. Nintendo has more focus on videogames, as that's all they do(Unless you count the Pokemon TCG, and the rumors going around of them making motion picture films staring their characters), while Sony has a hand in many things. The PSP could have been much better, if Sony had put forth more money into. Of course, we know Nintendo: "We're not going to put forth a penny more than we have to." They could of done more, themselves. I really wish they would have put in a little bit more effort so that we could play our Game Boy/Color games on the DS, or allow the wireless connection to go much further than it does, now.
I guess the only way to actually settle this dispute is to wait for the release of the PSP. However, I'm still for DS.
As far as the next Nintendo console, they're probably delaying because they're actually looking at two different hardware specs for the final one, both of which are really exciting.

The next Gameboy should be out sometime late 2005.
UncleBob - IGN found that PSP got about 4 hours playing Ridge Racer.

Silver - N5 does not relate at all to 2005, it refers to it being Nintendo's fifth generation console (NES-SNES-N64-GCN-N5). And it has not been halted by any means, just pushed back a little.
Lol you are all such Nintendo fanboys. DS in my opinion doesn't seem that great. The dual screen idea is dumb IMO, all it does it make two smaller screens rather than one big screen. The touch screen is a lame attempt at making a right analog stick, IMO. Plus none of the games for it are getting good reviews. Mario is getting the best reviews at around 88.6%, which isn't the kind of score you'd buy a system for. Maybe games in the future will be better, I don't know.

The PSP can do more than the DS. It has MP3 and video capability. I know the battery life is lame but they will most def make a charger for the car. I've also definately seen some games that look really good for PSP. Most of them are more teen and up oriented, unlike DS which are mostly kiddie games, so maybe that's why I favor PSP. Plus the online stuff for PSP looks sweet.

I do own the Sony systems so I may be somewhat biased, but I do look at Nintendo systems realistically, and I don't see many games on them that appeal to me. Maybe you guys are younger than me so you like those types or games, I dunno.
plaidlesspez said:
Lol you are all such Nintendo fanboys. DS in my opinion doesn't seem that great. The dual screen idea is dumb IMO, all it does it make two smaller screens rather than one big screen. The touch screen is a lame attempt at making a right analog stick, IMO. Plus none of the games for it are getting good reviews. Mario is getting the best reviews at around 88.6%, which isn't the kind of score you'd buy a system for. Maybe games in the future will be better, I don't know.

The PSP can do more than the DS. It has MP3 and video capability. I know the battery life is lame but they will most def make a charger for the car. I've also definately seen some games that look really good for PSP. Most of them are more teen and up oriented, unlike DS which are mostly kiddie games, so maybe that's why I favor PSP. Plus the online stuff for PSP looks sweet.

I do own the Sony systems so I may be somewhat biased, but I do look at Nintendo systems realistically, and I don't see many games on them that appeal to me. Maybe you guys are younger than me so you like those types or games, I dunno.

Well I look at things from a software development point of view. First of all the touchscreen idea is really cool, there's a lot of nifty things you can do with touchscreens that I've wanted to program fory my PDA (but haven't had time to do), As far as games yeah I bought a DS (two of them actually), and its fun to play Mario 64 again (is it just me or does the N64 analog stick break WAY to easily? that doesnt make it easy to play those games), but I've actually had a lot of fun playing Feel The Magic XX/XY. That one's truly innovative. The DS is designed to change the way people think of games, and try to capture the markets of two categories of people that generally don't play games: women (no offence), and old people. In contrary to popular belief, DS stands for Developers System, not Dual Screen (that's just an alternate moniker made up by the industry). Games I'm waiting on are Final Fantasy 3 DS and Xenosaga DS (I love Xenosaga, and FF3, which was never released except for on the original Nintendo only in Japan, is my favorite out of all the FF games). Also SquareEnix has been looking at porting PlayOnline to the DS, which could make for some exciting online-based play from square (FFXIDS!!! :D )

PSP feature set is pretty cool, especially it's NURBS engine. For those who aren't familiar with that term (which I'd bet all of you), essentially a NURBS engine allows you to take blocky models (like all the 3D on the PSX) and make it realistically rounded. NURBS engines are used in a LOT of 3D applications that have natural looking objects or animals. One thing I don't like though is the tested loading times for a few of the games that are released, they seem to hurt a lot compared to the quick loading times I'm used to on the PS2 and Gamecube (some tests were looking at some loading times up to 30 seconds! Apparently, because of this, Sony has been advising developers to try to keep loading from the disc at a mininmum to avoid escalating that issue). I'll be buying a PSP when it comes out, but I haven't yet seen any planned games that are particularly interesting to me.

Also, I really don't think the MP3 and video capabilities of the device are really going to be a good selling point for the device, and thats because of Windows Media Center Edition. With Media Center 2005 (latest version), it is almost available as a standalone operating system purchasable at a store (not quite, but you can still buy it if you know where to look), and with Media Center 2005 Microsoft started pushing Portable Media Centers, which are essentially portable MP3, Video and so on, essentially as an extension of the desktop, making it easy to transfer shows you've recorded from the computer onto a Portable device and bring it with you wherever you want to go. These devices have a lot more storage than the flash cards you can use in the PSP, as well as I think longer battery life, and I think they will do much better on that purpose than the PSP. If they push the portable multimedia too much, in my opinion that could really hurt sales for Sony.
1, The DS appreviation stands for, officially, NOTHING. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!
2. When one says that one is a nintendo fanboy for picking one system over another, it is truely them that is the fanboy. Fanboyism is a disease. Stop the infection.
3. WMC devices aren't in the same class as PSP flash cards; the PSP is in the gaming devision, no matter how much it diffrentiates itself from being one.
4. IGN should NEVER be quoted. Simply... no.
5. DS is not online yet. It probably won't be online for awhile. And, seeing as it will run off your existing LAN (Don't got one? Too bad!), trying to support an MMORPG on such a handheld will probably require a very strong signal.
6. PSP has 2 hours of battery life running graphically intense applications and games that require a heaby processor and videocard payload.
7. You claim to not like the DS because it has "kiddie games". That's just a lame excuse for "You're tool cool for it", or something stupid like that. Games are about fun, regardless of the target age. You're at a pokémon forum. You like pokémon. The target area for pokémon is somewhere in the 4-6 range. You're baaad.
8. You say no offense, then you are sexist. Yeah. Surprise surprise, that's offensive. There goes 100 years of equal rights out the window, eh?
9. The tetris pack-in was retail specific. You didn't get that everywhere. The GBA never packed crystal. The GBP never packed LoZ, they would not give their star franchise away for free. The GBA never came with a mario game. The gamecube is not and will never be a portable console. The only GBC that ever came with a game was a limited-edition pokémon one sold at limited retailers, and, again, that was a retailer-specific deal.
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I play the Pokemon TCG, not the video games. If you were referring to the TCG, it totally different than a video game, and that is a totally irrelevant arguement. I like games that are fun, but most of the kiddie games are NOT fun, they take almost no skill and just make you angry because they are missing features or the controls and/or camera angles are bad, etc... The games made for older audiences are usually made better, because older gamers care more about the quality and features of a game. Younger kids don't care about that stuff at all, if they see a licesnsed character they will play the game regardless.
plaidlesspez said:
I play the Pokemon TCG, not the video games. If you were referring to the TCG, it totally different than a video game, and that is a totally irrelevant arguement. I like games that are fun, but most of the kiddie games are NOT fun, they take almost no skill and just make you angry because they are missing features or the controls and/or camera angles are bad, etc... The games made for older audiences are usually made better, because older gamers care more about the quality and features of a game. Younger kids don't care about that stuff at all, if they see a licesnsed character they will play the game regardless.

Have you ever even PLAYED any of Nintendo's games?

No, really. I mean that. Have you?

Nonono, I'm being serious here.

What was the last Nintendo game you actually played?

Also, the TCG is just as "immature" and "targeted at younger audiences" a the games are. Just because a game does in fact require a lot of thought and strategy, doesn't mean it can't be aimed at a young audience.

Look at Yu-Gi-Oh!, for example. It's very obviously aimed at a very young crowd, but compare a newbie deck to a tournament-ready or at least advanced-play deck - even if the more advanced deck uses nearly all commons, it will probably be a lot more cohesive and strategic... beyond the expected mental level of the "target market".
Yes I have played Nintendo games, I'm not just making things up. I like Super Smash Bros and Mario Cart for GC. They are both really good games. My friend says that Metroid Prime and the Zelda games are good and I believe him. But other than those few games, there aren't that many good games.

I was looking at a holiday video game flyers for EB or Gamestop, and it had a wishlist sort of thing, pointing out the top games to buy for each system this holiday year. For Xbox it had like Halo 2, Fable, Prince of Persia, and some other good games which I forget. PS2 had GTA San Andreas, Snake Eater, Ratchet and Clank 3, Jak 3, Prince of Persia, and some sports games I think. GC had Paper Mario, Prince of Persia, and Mario Tennis, and from there the games DRASTICALLY droppped off in quality. They had to list bad stuff like Spongebob, the Incredibles, Mario Party (I liked the old ones, but the new ones are horrible), and other platforming liscensed name games like those. My friend who loves Nintendo even admitted that the only good games on the list were Paper Mario and Prince of Persia. The other systems had a few good games.

I know this is the wrong place to argue, but at least try to listen to my side of the picture.

Also, the difference between the TCG and the kiddie video games is that the TCG lets more advanced players get into game and it is very complex. Kiddie games are usually pretty simple.
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Kyfogre22 said:
1, The DS appreviation stands for, officially, NOTHING. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!
2. When one says that one is a nintendo fanboy for picking one system over another, it is truely them that is the fanboy. Fanboyism is a disease. Stop the infection.
3. WMC devices aren't in the same class as PSP flash cards; the PSP is in the gaming devision, no matter how much it diffrentiates itself from being one.
4. IGN should NEVER be quoted. Simply... no.
5. DS is not online yet. It probably won't be online for awhile. And, seeing as it will run off your existing LAN (Don't got one? Too bad!), trying to support an MMORPG on such a handheld will probably require a very strong signal.
6. PSP has 2 hours of battery life running graphically intense applications and games that require a heaby processor and videocard payload.
7. You claim to not like the DS because it has "kiddie games". That's just a lame excuse for "You're tool cool for it", or something stupid like that. Games are about fun, regardless of the target age. You're at a pokémon forum. You like pokémon. The target area for pokémon is somewhere in the 4-6 range. You're baaad.
8. You say no offense, then you are sexist. Yeah. Surprise surprise, that's offensive. There goes 100 years of equal rights out the window, eh?
9. The tetris pack-in was retail specific. You didn't get that everywhere. The GBA never packed crystal. The GBP never packed LoZ, they would not give their star franchise away for free. The GBA never came with a mario game. The gamecube is not and will never be a portable console. The only GBC that ever came with a game was a limited-edition pokémon one sold at limited retailers, and, again, that was a retailer-specific deal.


1: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/ds/faq.jsp#ds

2: Agreed

3: That is true, but tell that to Sony marketing. They want to try to push it for other classes as well, and thats my gripe. If they were to advertise it simply as a bonus feature rahter than trying to gain a portable media market share from it.

4: And just why not?

5: How's that supposed to make sense? I know plenty of people who play their games on their wireless networks. The built-in wireless is 802.11B, meaning 11Mbps. As comparison, most highspeed internet connections don't go over 5Mbps (my Comcast cable internet is 3Mbps, most DSL companies offer anywhere from 256Kbps to 768Kbps (.25Mbps and .75Mbps) as their standard package). Rarely do you find any company offering over 5Mbps so there is already plenty of wasted wireless bandwidth on the DS. Besides, if there was to be a WLAN based game (like PlayOnline, which SquareEnix HAS stated they're looking at), you can play at ANY wireless network location (check http://www.wi-fihotspotlist.com/ for finding them), not just your own home.

6: 2 hours? I hadn't seen figures THAT low. Hmm...

7: True dat!

8: I didn't mean it to be offensive. That is pure market research, go read some market research on the types of people that do and don't play games.

9: I've got nothing to say on that one I never saw any bundled handhelds with games but I never really paid any attention either.
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plaidlesspez said:
Yes I have played Nintendo games, I'm not just making things up. I like Super Smash Bros and Mario Cart for GC. They are both really good games. My friend says that Metroid Prime and the Zelda games are good and I believe him. But other than those few games, there aren't that many good games.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Mario Kart is considered kiddy, is it not? At least, it is in SW Florida...

I was looking at a holiday video game flyers for EB or Gamestop, and it had a wishlist sort of thing, pointing out the top games to buy for each system this holiday year. For Xbox it had like Halo 2, Fable, Prince of Persia, and some other good games which I forget. PS2 had GTA San Andreas, Snake Eater, Ratchet and Clank 3, Jak 3, Prince of Persia, and some sports games I think. GC had Paper Mario, Prince of Persia, and Mario Tennis, and from there the games DRASTICALLY droppped off in quality. They had to list bad stuff like Spongebob, the Incredibles, Mario Party (I liked the old ones, but the new ones are horrible), and other platforming liscensed name games like those. My friend who loves Nintendo even admitted that the only good games on the list were Paper Mario and Prince of Persia. The other systems had a few good games.

If you "forgot" the Xbox's games, they must not have been that great, eh? Fable was an extreme disappointment and came out months ago.

From what I hear, the new PoP is very disappointing compared to the first.

And that flyer conveniently glossed over Pikmin 2 and Metroid Prime 2? Oh wait, so PM2, MT, Pikmin2, and MP2 is four games... if you dis-count PoP... same number as the games you NAMED for PS2, and twice as many as for Xbox!

Yes, GameCube has a 'kiddy' image and placement in many people's minds... that is why it is generally advertised alongside game such as 'The Incredibles' (which I hear tell isn't all that bad, but don't quote me, as I haven't played it myself)... it's a shame, really... Pikmin 2 and Prime 2 deserved those game slots much more.

Also, the difference between the TCG and the kiddie video games is that the TCG lets more advanced players get into game and it is very complex. Kiddie games are usually pretty simple.

With IV/EV training you can make your pokemon in the game boy games much stronger than they otherwise should be. Something most little kids in the "target audience" probably wouldn't even understand the math behind...
On number five: You're thinking too hard. The fact is, no one knows the roof of the DS' connection speed, and you need a fairly good speed to play an MMORPG anyway. Code simply won't be as strong on such a limited space, the MMORPG will have to comprimise quality in order to run at the same speed. And remember, unless they make a hard drive for the DS, you'd have to download all of the added features again each time you went to play the game, unless they left a reasonable amount of blank, readable space on the card itself.