Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Befriend a Pokemon! Play for an special Eeveelution!


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When the Global link is up this spring, you can obtain an Eevee evolution via the dream world by playing a mini game.

Here is the info: said:
Head to the Pokémon Fun Zone to befriend a Pokémon that you can meet via the Pokémon Global Link!

Play this game on, and you'll be able to meet one of Eevee's seven evolutions in the Pokémon Dream World when the Pokémon Global Link website launches this spring! The Pokémon Global Link is an awesome new website connected to the Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version games for the Nintendo DS™. To get ready for the launch of the Pokémon Global Link, head to the Pokémon Fun Zone to play a fun new minigame, where you can befriend one of Eevee's evolutions! The Pokémon you befriend will appear when you visit the Pokémon Dream World, one of the amazing new features of the Pokémon Global Link. From there, you can receive that Pokémon in your copy of the Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version game!

Before playing this game, be sure to sign into your Pokémon Trainer Club account. After you complete the game, the Pokémon you befriend will be transferred to your account. When the Pokémon Global Link website launches this spring, the Pokémon you befriend will be waiting for you when you visit the Pokémon Dream World!

Sign in to your Pokémon Trainer Club account and befriend one of Eevee's evolutions now!

So, which evolution will you befriend and why?

I'll choose an Umbreon, because it does not require a stone and it will save me the time to get Eevee to evolve into Umbreon in the first place.
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Maybe I'm just terrible at this game but how many levels/stages are there? I want Flareon but I keep dying :( I got to like 60,000 points.
Only 4 stages, the evo you can get is based on which tpe of orbs you collect the most of.

Also, the eeveeeloutions (at least in Japan) only came as male, so the dream world ability couldn't be passed.
Is this game ridiculously laggy for anyone else? I can barely get TO Level 2, and I'm a good Breakout player.

....So in order to get the Eeveelution, you have to beat 4 stages? Or get a certain point amount? Anyone know?
Yeah, its laggy for me too, and you have to beat all 4 stages, doesn't matter what your score is. I got who I wanted finally (Flareon) and I scored less points than one of the times I didn't clear the 4th stage, so I'm positive it's based on clearing the stages.
Laggy for me, too. And it doesn't save my high score. Well, I got Jolteon but I don't want this one, so I think I need to try again later.
They just launched it, its expected to be laggy lol.

Does it work for europe as well? I finally wanna try all the tricks that b/w has :D
just got an espeon for me which is the one i want cause i think it has the best of the possible dream world abilities
serebii has a nice list of what the dream world version stats are
Why, oh WHY did it have to be a block-break style game? >_< I hate those so much.

I played it, and got the Vaporeon I wanted. I aimed for Vaporeon because of the Hydration ability. I was gonna get either Leafeon or Jolteon, but I don't like their abilities as much. IMO, it's worth the high amount of frustration this put me through.

I noticed it was a bit laggy myself, but closing out everything else fixed most of that for me. That's just me, though.

Umbreon is definitely the one for me.

Inner Focus + my hate for Fake Out = Happy Charles.

Vaporeon gets Hydration, Jolteon gets Quick Feet, Flareon gets Guts, Espeon gets Magic Bounce, Umbreon gets Inner Focus, Leafeon gets Chlorophyll, and Glaceon gets Ice Body.
It's a weird mechanics version of Arkanoid and Breakout.

I didn't like the mechanics. Took a Flareon, hope I get a female.

Just wondering, how do you check which eeveelution you get?? I've played the game a couple times though they never tell me which one I'm getting...