Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

EX Delta Species___Memphis Prerelease!!!--Halloweenber 22nd

Poke_Dad said:
I am not doing a separate moms pod for this one. There are not many 15+ folks to separate them out. Sorry Lucy

that was me asking for my mom and my dad may not play :eek: :nonono:
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Everyone please remember me when you play in this prerelease. I was planning on attending but I just found out today I'm going to be recovering from surgery that day. So, yeah.
PokePlayer03 said:
Everyone please remember me when you play in this prerelease. I was planning on attending but I just found out today I'm going to be recovering from surgery that day. So, yeah.

why do so many ppl miss out on our pres
PokePlayer03 said:
Everyone please remember me when you play in this prerelease. I was planning on attending but I just found out today I'm going to be recovering from surgery that day. So, yeah.

oh man what happened???

and yeah it sucks... I LUV THE MOMS POD
My spleen's just gotten way to big. I'm losing a lot of weight because it's so big I can't eat much, plus it's trapping all of my white blood cells and platelets, which means I have a very weak immune system and I bleed EXTREMELY easy.

That said, you've probably guessed that the surgery is to remove my spleen :tongue:
Dragon Lady said:

Ok Ok...IF I have at least 8 players in the 15+ division and at least 8 moms, I will do the mom pod.

Spread the word...beg your mom and dad to play....clean the house...rake the leaves, do the dishes...whatever it takes to get them to come.


Looks like I will be giving away Japanese Half decks as Random Give-Aways

See YOU then!!!
PokePlayer03 said:
My spleen's just gotten way to big. I'm losing a lot of weight because it's so big I can't eat much, plus it's trapping all of my white blood cells and platelets, which means I have a very weak immune system and I bleed EXTREMELY easy.

That said, you've probably guessed that the surgery is to remove my spleen :tongue:

Good Luck Jeffrey....We will save you some cards....but you have to come and get them when you feel better. Hope all comes out ok :wink: . We will miss you on tournament day
Poke_Dad said:
Looks like I will be giving away Japanese Half decks as Random Give-Aways
Awesome! the researching tower of horon ones
10 days away!!

I hate that for you Jeffery. I hope all goes well and you have a quick recovery. There is a prerelease in Mississippi if your intrested.
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Uh, I pwn pres guys, you just never have seen me in action. ^_^

I'll come down if you drive up, pick me up, drive me back down, pay for my entry, and then return me home. But I doubt any of you'll do that, lol. Why don't you come up here the following week, and then we'll see who ownz who. :rolleyes:
But not for the Pre's. -_-

BTW, I have an awesome deck in the makings for citys, that no one would ever believe I would play. If all goes well, that is.

*Contines to plot evil scheme*
wooper trainer said:
wow 4 pages amazing and yes jeffrey and make sure you bring a good deck i want to face you first

just 23 more to have 100 posts and 1 week before the tourney. this is gonna be great. i might let my brother play.
Metal Master said:
Meh, we all know that the winner will be someone who doesn't post on the Gym often. Duh. lol.

well i post often and i win every other pre and now its 19 post louis, too bad you might not make it
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