Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Gyarados deck: registeel or regice

Warp > Cyclone. I don't know why people are playing Cyclone instead. Gyarados almost always has a Crobat G (which ahs free retreat) on the bench so warp is a cylone energy at worst, but also serves as a way of switching (e.g. out of sandtomb lock or if you have a regi trapped active).

I'm still noob, but imho warp energy is not doing anything to defending pokemon, while cyclone moves your active. So if you have wrong pokemon locked you need warp energy and if you need move your opponent's pokemon you need either cyclone or regice, byt regice can be power sprayed/locked. IMHO it is hard to say which one is better. If you are facing flygon/luxray combo I assume you need more warp energy/SSUs. If you are facing opponent who can power lock then you need more cyclone energy. Am I right in my assumptions?

And do you combine your cyclone energy with warp points or switches?

Back to regice/registeel. So unless you are facing abomasnow/tyranitar/snipers/spread dmg regice looks a little bit better as it provides the effect of cyclone energy.
Then it makes more sense to me. So when i play gyarados with just 2 warp points it might be good idea to increase that number and decrease number of energies (i have 8 atm).
CYCLONE. warp is terrible you never wanna retreat your gyarados anyway. And hey if you're regi or whatever you play gets locked then SSU. Cyclone is tremendously better. Get rid of mr.mime, or night spin dusknoir. massive disruption, you can drag up claydols and things if you time it right.

This post makes no sense! Warp point gets rid of night spin d-noir and mime just as well as cyclone!

unless you thought i was talkin bout warp energy haha.
Regice is better because it lets you discard to cards and switch the opponents basic pokemon with a bench. Which is helpful for discarding Magikarp and against SP decks.
This post makes no sense! Warp point gets rid of night spin d-noir and mime just as well as cyclone!

unless you thought i was talkin bout warp energy haha.

You don't make any sense, we're talking about energy and you say Warp so we all assume warp energy. You clarify with warp point. My post was bashing warp energy. Next time make it clearer the first time so we don't have to do this lame dance.
You don't make any sense, we're talking about energy and you say Warp so we all assume warp energy. You clarify with warp point. My post was bashing warp energy. Next time make it clearer the first time so we don't have to do this lame dance.

Can't we all just get along? lol

"warp" almost always refers to warp point but i am sorry for the confusion.

Also what is it with people saying Regice helps against SP decks? Moving an attacker out of the way and hitting some useless sacrifice doesn't help at all! I would pick it over Registeel still because of it's ability to switch out a Mr.Mime (and the upcoming Spiritomb), though.
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A few very possible SP/Regice scenarios:

1. Gyarados has a Sableye start and got a Roseanne's with Impersonate, taking out 2 Magikarp. The SP player opens with something like Chatot and Calls for Baltoy and Luxray GL. Then, the Gyarados player drops another Roseanne's, grabs a 3rd Magikarp and Regice, drops BTS, plays one of those Magikarp, evolves into Gyarados, and Regi Moves the other two Magikarp, forcing the SP player to either lose their Baltoy or risk having Luxray GL take 80 via PlusPower/Crobat G, or just take 60 and then die if they level up or be unable to level up if they Poketurn (putting them a turn behind on their Flash Impacting).

2. It is the end of the game and the Gyarados player only needs to grab one prize. The SP player has a weak bench with everything in OHKO range from Tail Revenge, but their active is Luxray GL lv. X, undamaged, and all of the Crobat Gs, Poketurns, and PlusPowers have been depleted by the Gyarados player, as well as all the Power Sprays for the SP player. Regi Move wins the game.

3. The SP player has a bad start or gets overwhelmed by OHKOs even with a good start and DOES try to sacrifice in order to buy time to get going. Regi Move doesn't let them.

4. Regi Move can bait Power Sprays, letting more valuable Crobat G drops go through.
I have one more question about regice. Is it necessary to discard 2 cards and move opponent's active pokemon. Or is move optional? And what does "1 of you opponent's active pokemon" mean?

Thank you.
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If you choose to use Regi Move, your opponent has to switch-- if their active is a basic. If it isn't a basic, then no switch happens. (You can use this Power even when they have an evolution in the active position, just to get the discard.)

The '1 of the opponent's active Pokemon' phrase is for when you use this card in a 2 v 2 battle.
So regice is not easily better then registeel as switching your opponent's basic/lv.X basic might not be always the best thing. On the other hand registeel is weak to fire while regice to metal. Both don't like blaziken, but regice survives blaziken's Vapor Kick while registeel doesn't. It is hard to tell.
^people often say that, but sometimes you NEED a discard basic. and if the only one you have is Regice and you're playing against SP then, well... that's too bad!^
^ This is EXACTLY what I'm saying. I so often need to Regimove to discard, in the rare case that I MUST discard via a Regi and I don't want to switch them out... I'd like to have the option of using Registeel. It's only 1 spot, and you can still use it to discard stuff for Claydol/Uxie against SP. I'd also like to point out that in the case that you DRAW into a Regi, it helps speed you up without having to dedicate a supporter to search it out (Roseanne's for 2 Karp, for example, instead of 1 Karp 1 Regi). And I'm very sure many wouldn't argue more than 1 Regice is necessary, so prize issues are also avoided.

So why not run both?