Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

How long will YOU keep playing Pokemon?

eh, that isn't exactly what I meant Woop
sorry for the weird wording there

I meant that I playing pokemon finally gave me a way to make friends, as I was never that social of a person
well, playing pokemon can take away the stress that i have from school and ppl.
I truely believe that u can balance ur life with ur hobbe. There is more to life than doing serious things.
Lighten up. Relax.

There is this image that pokemon sounds lame and childish to ppl. But what if is not call pokemon, do u think more ppl will play?
Leave the game? NEVER! I've invested too much time and money in this game to drop it cold turkey. :D Now I've been playing it since it came out in 1999, and since then I've had.... at least two real girlfriends, graduated high school, started and dedicated myself to college (just started my third year at San Francisco State University), made several short films and worked on my own public access TV show, worked on several serious artists ventures, got and kept a good paying job at Longs Drugs (can't beat $9/hour at my age), traveled around the US several times and visited Europe, turned the legal age to both smoke AND drink (not that I do)... and other things that most "normal" people my age seem to do. :p ... I'm almost 22 now and I have no interest in leaving the game. Plus a lot of my real life friends have come from Pokémon... in fact a large CHUNK of them are Pokémon players (as opposed to people I've met from work, school, or elsewhere).

But think of it this way... everyone has a non-career hobby they do on their off times. They're not insane about it, but it keeps them busy. And lots of times it could be as goofy or dull as the next thing. Say... Bird watching, insect collecting, Civil War recreation, model trains, or Barbie doll collectors. For me, I'm just a regular guy who's hobby just happens to be playing the Pokémon TCG. It could have easily been knitting or golf. And nothing says your hobby can't be Pokémon as well. ;)

But I do want to touch on when you said this:
Some people are waaay dedicated to the game, and that just scares me. I don't want to become one of those people.

If you're talking about becoming one of those weird creapy gamer types who take their interests a bit TOO seriously... then I doubt you will with Pokémon. Thing is, playing games doesn't turn you into that type of person. If you don't have that mentality, then it just won't happen. Most people around the 'Gym is living proof of that.

But the beauty of this game is its nature... you play it just to have fun, and I think most Pokémon players understand that. I feel that BECAUSE Pokémon is a notorious kids game that players don't take themselves seriously when playing it. Therefore, you don't see a whole lot of those weird players in Pokémon as you would in Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh. Particularlly if players are JUST Pokémon players and not Magic/Yu-Gi-OH AND Pokémon players (and even then, those folk are the more easier going out of their other Magic/Yu-Gi-Oh friends).

I doubt you have ANYTHING to fear by playing Pokémon. :) And there are plenty of older players who'll give you support if you need it (heck, sometimes we need it outselves!).
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I'm now 26 years old and as my sig dictates I teach in College. The hobby that I always wish to play to have has become an inspiration to help grow in my career (financially for the cards, to teach even kids to be good people and some Math and English, and to finish my Masters to continue to teach at the same school).

Like others said it is a stress reliever. It relaxes me and become more sociable. There was a Gymleader before who met her husband in a Pokemon League years back, watch the game fall and rise and there they are being gym leaders in the store. Also, some of us have ways to keep the game a productive one and we wish to pass it to a next generation of players. Hopefully as the league comes this September we could do this easily. Our distributor has always been replying to my E-mails now and then and they want it to grow. But, we here must do I share.

When I will play? One definite answer when it really "goes away". But it may not be seen now and even when I get married and Nintendo did something extravagant on the game me and my kids will play and will meet with old friends and players, I will still continue. Together witha new genaration of players.
$DuckMan$ said:
ok well thats like asking wat came first chicken or the egg?

Umm...nope. Sorry, it really isn't.

Hey Nick, just to let you know, creepy has two "e"s. And thanx for the reply. Two girlfriends? You beat me, I've only had one, and it didn't last so long. Two girlfriends and a pokemon player? Life is good to you, my friend. Hehe, what I meant by what I said is somebody who goes to every tournament in their area and in surrounding states for a loong way. There are loads of people like this on this board actually. These are the guys that win it all. No offense, but I don't want to be like you guys.

On the whole money investment, I borrow cards from friends. Seriously, I've spent maybe hundred dollars tops on tournaments and cards this year. I can just trade and borrow cards with/from friends, no problem. I actually get what you're saying about how "because Pokemon is a notorious game" players don't take themselves seriously. But I am definitely not questioning my playing it right now. Just in the future. I just tend to worry about everything waaay too much I suppose.

Raymond - Hey, thanks for the reply, man. 26 and still playing? I don't think I could juggle teaching and Pokemon, since college is a more full-time job than high school teacher. When you're a teacher, you can play Pokemon in the summer. That would be a cool career choice for a Pokemon player, now that I think about it.

Zell- If it wasn't called Pokemon and had a different title, it would still have the same concept and people would still think it was childish. =/ The name isn't a factor, really.

Whicker - Well, it's all about personality. If Pokemon is what helped you make friends, that's excellent. You really do have to be social to survive in this world.

Thanks again everybody.
I must admit that I've been asking myself this question also.

I'm coming up on my 42nd birthday. :eek:

Wow... pretty soon I'll be an ADULT!

My son got me into this game when he was 8 years old. He just turned 15.

My son bailed out last year when he moved into high school. He had always said "I'll never quit, no matter what ANYONE says."

But, you guessed it, as soon as his friends put any kind of pressure on, he dropped the game like it was a live handgrenade. He now plays M:tG, because it's still cool enough.

My duaghter, who is 11, has never been into it. My youngest (son), now 9 refused the chance to play in the grinder at Worlds because he wanted to play is Sapphire gameboy game instead. He really isn't into the TCG either.

For a long time I was RABID about the game. I ran 2 leagues and many tournaments, and I owned at least 4 of every card. I spent most of my spare time on the game. I loved it.

But, now it's getting harder. I'm still in for the forseeable future, but there's no going back to the "good old days" unless we get more players into this game...
But, now it's getting harder. I'm still in for the forseeable future, but there's no going back to the "good old days" unless we get more players into this game...

Our league is only made of of veteran players, isn't it Jared?

Well, I'm 14 now (will be 15 next April). I've been playing since I was 7. My Grandma used to take me to the Toys R' Us league in Brookfield, WI every Saturday morning (a 1/2 hr drive). Ever since then, I've been into OP.

Now, tournaments and leagues are harder to come by. The only league in Southern Wisconsin is our little league in Brookfield. We are a pretty good group of people though. Its sad that all these places that ran leagues just stopped. I mean, there used to be 4 league locations in SE Wisconsin alone. Now there is 1. (For Referance, those 4 were Brookfield Toys R' Us, Brookfield Zany Brainy, Brookfield Hobbytown, and Delifield Hobbytown). It is sad, but sometimes you have to face the facts. The game was starting to die, and Nintendo revitalized it in the past year. However, the future of this game (ages 6-12) are far and few between at tournaments lately. Most tournaments are getting only 1 or 2 10- players. We need those players. They are the future of the game. The only people who can keep the game running for now are the veteran players who know absolutely everything about the game.

As for me, I've never thought about leaving the game ever. I'm starting highschool this year. I don't care who makes fun of me for it, or what they do it for. I will keep playing the game no matter what! I don't break promises at all, so...

Unfortunatly, I do have a "Wednesday night only" CCD class starting this year, which means I'll only be able to go to league when I don't have class. However, I still will go to ALL tournaments (Brookfield, Manitowoc, Niles.... wherever our league scatters to). I have invested WAY over $100 this year. All of that was spent on tournaments. I haven't bought a single card since Ruby/Sapphire came out.

If Nintendo thinks that the Video Games will keep the younger players in the game, they are wrong. The need to do demos and mini tournaments to get 10- players. No, that doesn't mean Toys R' Us "Play Days" either. That means veteran players and qualified judges and TOs running the events so they are organized and make sense. Whether that is a tournament or deck building seminar, the game needs that right now.

The game is starting to die out again. We need a way to recrute players...
And like above, that doesn't mean Toys R' Us...
~Hyp~ ;)