Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

I hate almost all the music on Pokemon X!


Active Member
Mind you, I have to be honest, I didn't have the sound turned up for absolutely all of the game However, so far, the only music I like is when you get on your bike. It's a bit more .... snappy .... if that's what you could call it. That's actually a good thing, really, since I get on and off the bike a number of times when breeding pokemon for my team.

I might have missed some nice music elsewhere though. Can anyone comment on which other music in the game you liked, .... and possibly why?
Honestly, I don't even listen to 90% of the in-game music, just the battle/gym/e4/champion ones. That being said, I love most of the music from the older games, nothing like retro.
I had my game sounds off but I dont like most of the music as well. There are a handful of tracks I like must most seem to dont fit the game.
Okay! Wow! I thought I was alone in that. Maybe that wasn't such a crazy topic as I first expected it to be! :)

I barely know any of the music in all of the games since Red/Blue. I do know the most common tunes that have stuck since the beginning.

I just do not have the volume up at all- ever. The most recent game that I have actually played the game with the volume up is the new Legend of Zelda: A link between worlds.

For me, it is a different "feel" and a better gaming experience to listen to the game music on a home counsel.

I find it out-of-place most of the time since not many games have a great sound track that accompanies the game style. Even a few games on the game counsel have pointless or off style tunes to them.

A game like Zelda- now- those games have an awesome soundtrack. Pokémon has a few select tunes to them- but other then that I do find the soundtrack to X/Y version a bit out of sorts this time round.
I like the music from the city with the Mega guru or whatever he is called. Although, I think it would be more fitting for Ecruteak city in Johto.
The soundtrack for this game is hit and miss for me. Few tracks like the "Battle (Xerneas/Yveltal)" track really stand out an are awesome IMO. Many towns and city's have fairly bland themes.

I gotta say, I am glad they gave us the option to change the background music while doing a wireless battle. I find myself setting it to the Gym Leader, Champion, and Legendary themes most often.
The soundtrack for this game is hit and miss for me. Few tracks like the "Battle (Xerneas/Yveltal)" track really stand out an are awesome IMO. Many towns and city's have fairly bland themes.

I gotta say, I am glad they gave us the option to change the background music while doing a wireless battle. I find myself setting it to the Gym Leader, Champion, and Legendary themes most often.

Hmmm, must have missed that one when I was catching Xerneas. Either that, or I just didn't think about it at the time. Soooo.... how do you change the background music for when you have a wireless battle? Looks like I missed that option.
Hmmm, must have missed that one when I was catching Xerneas. Either that, or I just didn't think about it at the time. Soooo.... how do you change the background music for when you have a wireless battle? Looks like I missed that option.

At the player search screen, there is something called Music 1. You just click on Music 1 and it goes to Music 2 and so on. It goes all the way up to Music 11 then goes back to Music 1
I personally really like a lot of the music. :/ I really like Snowbelle's theme and the route themes for example. Different tastes I guess.