Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Jason K writes more propaganda

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I liked Jason's article (mostly), and since Pojo's boards are so far from relevant I thought I'd post the link here to get people's opinion.

Why wasn't I on this list?

What countries do you feel Jason neglected?

Anyone want to call shenanigans on his list?

2 of those questions are very serious. I'll let you all sort out which 2 I mean.

Also, Jason clearly neglected himself not because it would be weird, but because he doesn't want to admit his true weakness. At 15000 views of this thread, I'll reveal it.
Croatia has a really strong player base and he simply neglected to give them the highlight they have consistently earned, perhaps out of jealousy? Did he lose to a Croat in Worlds Swiss one year?
Could you give us a bit of an introduction for those not as well read on pokehistory as far as tcg? I feel bad about this, but I have to admit I don't know half the people on that list or you either. I really hate that I only joined pokemon about a year ago, but I would still like to hear about the history more.

Also 15k? Wishful thinking much?
Well, the article is entitled _Today's_ top players, so how on Earth could Jason justify putting himself on the list? Granted, being a "has been" is better than being a "never-been" (I'm a never-been), but unless he grinds in and wins Worlds, there's no way he could justify putting himself on that list.
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Well, the article is entitled _Today's_ top players, so how on Earth could Jason justify putting himself on the list? Granted, being a "has been" is better than being a "never-been" (I'm a never-been), but unless he grinds in and wins Worlds, there's no way he could justify putting himself on that list.

In my heart you're an always been!

teehee :thumb:
What about that guy that won nats with torterra? That's gotta be the best player hands down. That's like winning worlds with magikarp and stuff.
He didn't really neglect anybody, there isn't many other players that you hear about more than those he mentioned, (there are some but not many). I think he fairly judged these player's and it's a great article.
1. Let's see... Jason picked only U.S. amd English players. And he visited England kinda recently.
Let's see, Germany, Finland, Norway come to mind first.
The best player really is the Ace! I fixed his T2 Kriketune deck for Nats. It's gotta be. But he's from the U.S. too. And what about the Canadians? Imakuni is second. And hey... what about Japan?
Nice article, but shouldn't Gino have been included? He is a past National Champion, and has top-cut many times.
You left out one player.

Australia's own Samuel Hendle.


HAHAHAHA......yeah no. I think he got it mostly right although I am sure there are some awesome Japanese players out there. Plus aren't the Finnish players meant to be really good as well.
no seriously sam hendle is an amazing player when he is fired up lately he hasent cared about pokemon because of getting good school grades but he is amazing
and shaun chaung is like a machine.
What about that guy that won nats with torterra? That's gotta be the best player hands down. That's like winning worlds with magikarp and stuff.

have you played torterra? its a solid deck, just because it doesnt run luxray doesnt mean its magikarp status.
have you played torterra? its a solid deck, just because it doesnt run luxray doesnt mean its magikarp status.
What tier would you put torterra in? 2? 3? Even with if you consider it tier 2, which is pretty exaggerated that's really ridiculous to accomplish. Seen any torterra's t8ing recently other than that?
What tier would you put torterra in? 2? 3? Even with if you consider it tier 2, which is pretty exaggerated that's really ridiculous to accomplish. Seen any torterra's t8ing recently other than that?

Really, tiers in this format are based, from what I see, by the greatest chance of your deck not getting cut in half on its way to set-up. That's why LuxChomp, Dialga Chomp and Sablock can be considered Tier 1. Their disruptive ability prevents the opposing deck from correctly setting up (sablelock doing so best, but being the weakest hitting deck of the 3).

So Torterra in no way can be considered anything above a tier 3 deck. That being said, once a single Torterra UL is set-up, bringing it down becomes an almost impossible task for disruptive low hitting decks, and with Torterra SF killing off Sableye and Luxray for a DCE, that's where the deck becomes a contendor. The reason you don't see it T8ing anywhere else is because the few people who played it either played less than stellar lists, or they run into too many situations where disruption wins out. Yoshi, the guy who won with it, simply ran into the fewest games decided by someone holding a key Power SPray or T1 Judging. Infact, if you look at his report, he didn't play against a single Sablock deck(or Dialga Chomp for that matter), because it isn't the German ideal deck.

Not to say anything bad about Yoshi, he deserved the win : D Just saying that without LuxChomp disrupting and Sablock...being Sablock, set-up is a lot easier. He had the best deck for his games, but in no way the best deck for our metagame.

A really good read. That guy who has been T2 at nats for 5 years = BOSS
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