Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Kids Who Can't Drive

One of the reasons why I dislike driving around very much is because very few people know how to drive properly. It annoys me when people do things like:

1. Brake all the way, like every ten seconds, the guy in front of me would press on the brake. What the heck are you braking for? If there's something bad up ahead like a really bad pothole or something, besides the body language of the car (Like a bend here or there), I don't know!

2. People who accelerate when they see the light is turning yellow, they go anyways. That really ticks me off. Why? Well because sometimes I'm the one that's about to make the left turn on red, and this idiot comes and he doesn't stop. OR, they see that they're in the middle or near middle of the road and the light is yellow or red, and they don't even make an effort to get out of the way.

3. Merge into my lane (in front of me) without a turn signal.

4. At stop signs, undecided drivers, who don't know wether or not to accelerate or to stay stopped. And then the other guy decides to accelerate, and so does he, and then they both brake, and then they both accelerate...

Another thing that annoys me is road construction. It's okay when I know the road or interstate was horrible and needs the work, but like right now, they're doing road construction which stretches for about 4 miles, and it creates HUGE traffic delays. Not to mention that public transportation buses go through there as well.

Lets see...

5. People that refuse to let the bus merge back into the lane by tagging along the bus' side. That's just stupid and dangerous. Let the bus go, it'll make a stop, accelerate and let it eat your dust then, don't risk getting your car scratched or anything like that..

Theres more, but thats all i can think for now..

Do you drive? What really ticks you off when you're on the road? And if you don't drive, well, what do you see done that shouldn't be?
I have a lot of patience for idiots on the road.
I never get mad at anyone.

Except for this one stupid woman, who decided to cross the street very slowly with two kids @9 at night.
The guy turning slammed his brakes so hard I thought out car would fly over his.
Then the stupid women kept on walking slowly and helf up traffic for a block or two.
Venusaur said:
When can ya ever make a left turn on red? sry for going off topic.
Maybe he's to say at Red light, where there is a Left green arrow

("left turn only lane"-only thing)
You have no right to talk about bad drivers until you've tried a Creative sound card.

AHAHAHAHA, you see what I did there?

But seriously, you have no right to talk about bad drivers until you've lived in South Florida for a month or two. =/
How bad is it over there?


6. Taxi drivers!!! God darn it they're the worst. Sure they got to get whoever they've got on their car to their destination fast, but still, they're a danger on the road, they pop in out of no where, merge in and out whenever they want, speed, and sometimes even pass a red light or blow a stop sign.

ninetales, I'm from Chicago, IL.

Venusaur, I guess I did a bad job wording it, since you could never make a left turn on a red light unless you want to get your car wrecked, but here's what I meant:

You get on the left turn lane, get to the middle of the road, wait for an opening, opening doesn't come. The light turns yellow, the light turns red, you should have made your turn already.

Except where posted ofcourse.
The only thing that really makes me mad is when people just turn into my lane with no turning signal, especially when I am someone who does not like to slow down while I am driving. Everytime they slow me down. It just annoys me.

Other then that, maybe trying to pass me when I have my turn signal on, like many try to do.
Thats right! None curtious drivers, I let people merge and stuff.
I think it's funny when people are going fast as hell, but they're going to have to stop at the upcoming red light. Fools.
Tagrineth said:
You have no right to talk about bad drivers until you've tried a Creative sound card.

AHAHAHAHA, you see what I did there?

But seriously, you have no right to talk about bad drivers until you've lived in South Florida for a month or two. =/

EXACTLY. I can't drive and I can tell you it is a MESS.
NJ is the WORST for driving, but you get used to it. Lately I've been getting stuck behind people who are extremely slow. Also, people don't understand the meaning of the word YIELD. And people don't understand the concept of who has the right of way either. Saying all younger drivers can't drive is a stereotype, while they lack experience, I've seen plenty of older drivers who are far worse.
"You ever notice how, no matter where you go in the world, the world's worst drivers always follow you there?"
I do street racing, All right. Got my Acura all fixed up. Almost wrecked once because I went to fast on a country road, it was gravel. Street racing is the best.
I don't like people who merge without turning signals.

Or people who do this: Begin moving over to next lane. Then flip on their turn signal *blinka* *blinka*. Then shut off their turn signal before finishing the merge.

NJ apparently has the worst road rage in the US.
Vegeta ss4 said:
I do street racing, All right. Got my Acura all fixed up. Almost wrecked once because I went to fast on a country road, it was gravel. Street racing is the best.

This is a perfect example of someone who shouldn't be driving.
BrollyTheLegendary said:
Venusaur, I guess I did a bad job wording it, since you could never make a left turn on a red light unless you want to get your car wrecked, but here's what I meant:

You get on the left turn lane, get to the middle of the road, wait for an opening, opening doesn't come. The light turns yellow, the light turns red, you should have made your turn already.

Except you CAN make a left turn on red here in the good ol' U.S.

It just has to be onto a one-way street.
