Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

League attendance Droping


New Member
I was wondering if anyone else was having this problem. Most of the people in the League Im in are currently testing decks for the regionals and are not trying to get stamps for there books. Others are what I call "old school" in that they play the older, beyond R/S, cards. Whats it like in yall's league?
Actually I've noticed a drop off as well. I still see new people show up and sign up, but attendance is down from a high of 50 to somewhere around an average of 30-ish. Part of that I believe is due to the fact that fewer and fewer kids care about the POP promos. Many think the promos are getting pretty old, and either have a full set already, or never thought they were good enough in the first place to collect. We've had a few ideas to combat this, like introducing a newsletter, announcing some contests, but I think we may end up having to do a specific contest that will be based upon attendance.
I think most leagues 'cycle', myself....attendance ebbs and flows, and you don't always know why. It could be the time of year: school activities, sports, vacations, etc. cutting into league time, too. If you've got a number of kids in one certain age group and something (band concert(s), SAT, school play/musical rehearsals for example) affects that group's ability to attend your league time, that whole group will be MIA...

Actually, our league attendance is up a bit lately. Good thing, too--from Chrono Island onward those badges are going to be tough to get!!
Yes, attendance is unpredictable.... Fortunately, we've been getting good attendance, but every once in a while, we get really surprised when everyone decides to attend at the same time.
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My attendance is actually up too. New players are coming into the league.
My league is relatively small though. We're just breaking 10 members. The thing is, it's not like we only get 2-4 in each week. There's usually around 8 people each week now.
The majority of my players are 11-14 who have not competed in a non-local league though. The upcoming prereleases will be their first taste of what it is like.
I honestly think the badges are the best incentives in the league. If your players are not actually interested in the points, MetaMetaGross, maybe you could offer booster packs to keep them returing? I mean, if my players didn't want points, that's their decision. As long as they keep returning, no matter for what prize (if any), I'm fine. Booster packs may be a bit extreme though. Leagues have always been kind of limited by what promos they offer and how old those promos are.

I find league attendance drops during vacations. Spring Vacation and Summer Vacation have always had the worst league attendance in my experience.
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My Attandance Is Up Also, But It Always Goes Up, Due To Me Running At A Toys'R'Us.

Up-sides to a retail store league:
High Attandance
Starting The Spark To Love The Game

Down Sides-
Not To Knowlageable/No Challange

Hobby ups:
Lots Of Talent
Packs/Card Are Mostly Less Expencive

Hobby Downs:
No New Talent/Attande # Go Down.

My 2 Cents,

-Professor ultimatedra

My league is down heaps !!

These are the stats from my league reports ...

Knot Island ... 47
Boon Island ... 45
Kin Island ... 41 ... didn't get any kits until after we completed it.
Floe Island ... 24 ... didn't have the kits.
Chrono Island ... 13 ... still don't have these kits yet.

We wonder why the kids are leaving ... mine are leaving because they don't get their rewards when they earn them.

As for the POP series 1 promos ... time to have series 2 released ... my kids have started to refuse them when i try to give them away ... they've got sick & tired of getting Minun & Plusle.
League is all about the promos being wanted, consistancy of supply and making sure it's fun to attend.

Now my league is still growing and the consistancy of supply has helped but now the Promos are feeling pretty LAME and OLD, their not playable and they are just too samey..

I am sorry to hear you're still awaiting kits Juggie :( The real success here in the UK has been that since we had a change of contact at our OP Provider the delivery and consistancy of league kits has been brilliant! It is a shame this consistancy still cannot be delivered Worldwide and is I am afraid a natural result of the current system of using LDs to deliver OP Internationally.. SO if your LD is not up to the job or commited you get sporadic or no support :(
Our attendance is down because we have NO LEAGUE SUPPORT! We never got the stuff for the third island. Our leader has called/emailed POP multiple times but has never even gotten a reply. We feel forgotten. And if we did have the stuff, the POP packs got old a while ago. Almost none of those cards were usable and some were far too rare. Plus you could only earn 2 packs a month! The league kits and support needs some changes. And they should send out the things to the leauges!
Our league attendance has dropped a little bit from a peak on about 40 ppl, but my biggerst worry is (always) summer vacation... It's sometimes hard to bring back old players who might have forgotten how fun the game is during the break. Our remedy this year will be to announce one or two big store tournaments right before school's out, and hold them pretty early in august. Hopefully that will keep some players minds tuned into Pokemon.
The league where I go to basically balances out the number of people, at least 50 or more. I rarely see very few people in the league. My friends usually go because they want to have fun playing the card game. Not only some of the people are practicing for regionals, there are also little kids who want experience playing the game too. The League Leader always makes mini tournaments so people can try to enter always after lunch break. They either do 8 or 16 people and to tell how they will be in it is when the leader gets a stack of cards and puts in a very few cards required to be in the mini tournament(for example, you need to get the Brock's Vulpix W Promo to get into the tournament). My league is awesome, but there is one problem, Thievery. I usually see people come in one day, then I hear the League Leader say for example "anyone find a missing deck, or anyone found a missing binder?", and then I never see the suspicious kids again. It's kinda stupid when people just come ini to steal and then never return after. Otherwise, the league is a great place to go.
my league attendence isn't really dropping, but we are facing other problems.
1. i am the oldest person there. this isn't REALLY a problem (i have no problem with this, even though i am 16). i am, however, mad at the league owner because i am the only professor there. thats right--he won't take the professor test because he believes it to be a "waste of time."

2. he doesn't follow the read me first that says to stamp previous seasons for people who haven't gotten the previous badge. he thinks that if we enforced that policy, then people would only show up for the final season. however, we stamp the current season and the season before it--thats it. what do people who havent earned the badge do? well, we have "make up weeks", a stupid idea created by the league owner that basically means that after each season, there will be a week that we go back to previous seasons. then, the next week, we start the next season.
current season: 5
amount of times we had make up weeks: 1 -_-...shows how well he is following through with this plan of his. at this rate, nobody will get their badges.

now, although you can only earn 2 packs a season, at our league (and people should adopt this idea), we additionally give out a pack for beating the island challenge and becoming premier trainer. so, you can earn 4 packs a season.

however, i am league leader at two leagues. my other league is da bomb.
I've noticed a lot of people at the league I go to(PJ's) are getting younger and younger, there are more n00b 8 year olds than seasoned 17+. I think it's great that more people are coming.
Benlugia said:
2. he doesn't follow the read me first that says to stamp previous seasons for people who haven't gotten the previous badge. he thinks that if we enforced that policy, then people would only show up for the final season.
I too at first thought that making the retro-effect for the points was not too bright since it would only encourage players to attend the last season only. Before it was too late though, I quickly changed my mind after observing that the points to get a badge are a lot harder than the previous Jhoto book. The last season in the Jhoto book called for 110 points for the Rising badge (8th season). The Sevii Island requires about that amount at the Chrono Season (5th season). The attendance points, trading, bringing a friend, and the extra points one gets for battling a premier trainer are helpful points.

The biggest thing against abusing the point system is that prizes, specifically badges, are first come first serve. If your league is like mine, you only received (or still receive) 10 badges (1 league kit) in your first league kits. If your league has expanded to even 15 members by the next season, 5 of those members won't get the previous season's badge. Those who wait for the last season are the most likely to have prize support run out on them.
Good discussion guys.

Let me assure you that most of the issues I see in this thread are being addressed, though it will be difficult for us to do much about many of them until the new cycle starts.

As for lack of response from [email protected], if you aren't getting a response, please feel free to email me directly at [email protected], and I'll look into the response time issue, and make sure you recieve a resolution.

The response you will get from me is "I have recieved your message, and will take care of it" or something to that degree. This is simply so that you know that your message was recieved. I do not deal with the problems directly, but will make sure that it is taken care of. If you do not recieve a resolution within a reasonable time, feel free to contact me again.

Prof. Dav
My league attendance has been increasing slightly. Not to much, but most of the people are little kids (10-). They meet there friends for about an hour get some stamps then leave. I have had some problems with kids making there own rules tho, while the others were playing the regular way. They were told about it and I think it's settled now (havent done it sense).

My league seems to be lacking in the 11-14 group. I tell people to bring kids from school and if they do the people they bring and them get a pop pack (we have like an overstock of them).

~Mr. t~
Tormentedsoul14 said:
but most of the people are little kids (10-). ~Mr. t~
Same thing here in Richmond, TS, but isn't that what league is mostly about? I, for one am thrilled at how our 10- attendance has absolutely skyrocketed in the last 4 weeks. This is where PUI's advertising has been, for the most part, directed anyway. (Saturday morning Fox, etc.) While those little ones certainly do require more supervision than older folks, they are the player base of the future! I make it a rule to speak with their parents and discuss how if they learn the game as well, it can serve as a family bonding experience. Then, older brother/sister gets involved too, and before you know it, the whole family is playing at your league.
I've got a little different take on league attendance.

Most of us who read and participate on these boards are pretty serious players. We may go to league, but we certainly make all the major tournaments.

Bear in mind that there are a LOT of players who go to league who don't (can't) attend these tournaments.

Nintendo has done a GREAT job of providing us with many, many sponsored tournaments. And we want to go to them.

And so do the league leaders.

As a results, if you have a league that meets every Saturday morning and there is a tournament an hour or two away, chances are that the league leader is going to be at that tournament.

What happens to the league? On those tournament days, there's no leader.

So the kids who show up for league may or may NOT have a league to attend, depending on if there is a tournament nearby.

What happens? If there are enough weekends where they go to league only to find it empty, they'll quit coming.

I suggest that anyone who is a league leader and is going to be attending a tournament (i.e., not there to run their league) get an alternate.

(If you assume most leagues are on Friday nights or Saturdays, then scheduling tournaments on Sundays would help also - but that has problems of its own.)

Just my 2 cents...
Yes, I agree, the Gorn. We have always found alternates for times when Adam or I can't make it. At least everyone knows that there will be a league every week, except on very, very odd occasions when Christmas falls on our league day. Mind you, I think Canadian Nationals might cause a lack this time. But then again, most of our players will be at Nationals.