Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Learn from the Pros: Tips for beating LBS

*NOTE: Before reading this, let me just say that I believe BSP is the best deck in the format right now, and while some of these ideas may seem amazing, sometimes the deck is just too fast or the player is too good for them to work out. Nothing is 100% fullproof in Pokemon, but still, this should help you play against the deck a bit better*

I noticed that most of this forum is simply people complaining about LBS, so I guess I'll take some time out of my BUSY scheduel and give some pointers on how to beat the big bad Blastoise.

The thing that I notice most when playing against BSP is that they almost always take the first few prizes, so naturally, the cards that work best when you're losing are going to be your best option against it. Let's take a look at a few different weapons:

1. POW/Scramble:

Scramble Energy and a fighting/fire Pokemon will let you knock out that Steelix when it Mudslides your Pidgeot, or Scramble the 100 HP Lugia that probably already has Energy Rain damage, and KO it or at least get enough damage on it so it can't get Energy Rained on anymore. If you play POW with Scramble, you can POW up the Blastoise and maybe hit it with a big lightning pokemon like Amphy, Metagross, or Trode EX. ***WHEN BSP DOESNT HAVE A STOISE IN PLAY, IT LOSES*** POW also gives you the option of POWing weak Lugias for 2 free prizes.

2. POW/Admin

Blastoise has a big hefty retreat cost, so if you POW it lategame and Admin the person for 2-3, the Blastoise is usually going to be up there for a few turns, which is enough time to knock it out. Most BSP decks only play 1 switch, so you might have to POW it twice, but that's fine. As soon as Blastoise is dead, you should be good to go.

3. Frontier/Admin

BSP relies heavily on it's quicksearches to get it's Holon's Pokemon, so a Frontier and admin to 2-3 lategame usually results in your opponent passing for a few turns, giving you enough time to do your thing.

4. Frontier/Admin/Roselia LM

A few decks can play this little trick. The idea is to shut off Pidgeot and get them to 2-3 cards, then use Roselia's attack on Blastoise which brings it up and poisions it, shutting off it's energy rain. With no QS and no Energy Rain, the Stoise should hang.

The other obvious thing about BSP is that it plays all EX Pokemon, so here are some more things you could do:

1. Weezing/Ruins

Liability with a desert ruins in play will OHKO the Lugia, Steelix, and Blastoise, which is huge. Don't evolve koffing untill the turn you're going to use it, or else Weezing will just get Mudslided for free.

2. Desert Ruins/Cursed Stone

If you play 4 Ruins and 1 Cursed Stone, drop the stone as early as possible and make them take it out to save their Pidgeot/Stoise/Jirachi. At this point, you can now eventually stick one of your 4 remaining Desert Ruins, putting them on a short clock before all of their Pokemon are KOed.

Here are some anti EX things that DONT work:


Ninetails - Wartortle and Pidgeot both take care of this guy.

Dustox EX - Most BSP are now playing the Ditto/Mime, which conveniently is not an EX Pokemon, and CONVENIENTLY does 140 for 3 energy due to Dustox's weakness. You can also get Jirachi swarmed as well.

Dewgong - Say it to my face!

Here's what I would try to do with individual decks against BSP:

BSP vs Rock-Lock - 50/50: I think this is one of the most even matchups out there right now, besides Rock-Lock vs Queen. If BSP can get a Pidgeot via Pidgeotto or a Stoise via Wartortle before you can rock, you're in trouble. Otherwise, high Scramble, high Ruins, Fighting/Lightning, and Sand Damage gives them a hard match. Make sure you have the Scramble/Ttar ready when Steelix comes to get your Pidgeot, and just try to stick a ruins and get enough damage on the Lugias so that they cant get more than 1 KO each.

BSP vs Machamp - 70/30: Machamp relies on it's multiple briney's and Miltoic to stay alive while you OHKO all of their stuff with speed blow. Unfortunately, that doesnt work against the 200 damage Lugia dishes out. HL Machamp helps, but just ends up getting Lugiaed itself. Your best bet is to try to set up fast and swarm with Machamps before they get too set up. Obv stickign a ruins helps too.

BSP vs Cham - 50/50: Close matchup that depends on who gets what. The key is to go right after the Squirtles with pure power and Pow. If they don't have stoise, they lose. If they candy to stoise, you have 2 options. A - Pow it and Admin, then start Pure Powering the bench or attacking Stoise. B - Espeon the Stoise as much as possible to keep it out of play. Again, if they don't have stoise, they lose.

BSP vs Nidoqueen - 70/30: Ends up being the same thing as Machamp. Nidoqueen just get's Elemntal Blasted over and over. Hope they play the gym first, and try to stick a Ruins on them. Use your Pidgeots offensively vs the Lugias since you have 3 of them to work with.

BSP vs Ludi - 70/30: Steelix being able to OHKO everything in your deck makes it very hard to function. You have to surprise them big time with a swoop/scramble/Cargo KO, but even after that, Steelix #2 is still there to clean up. If anything, try to Frontier lock them, and then hit them with a crutial admin at the end.

Let me know if you want me to add anything else :-D.
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Knockout Gas - If Koffing is your Active Pokemon and is Knocked Out by an opponent's attack, the Attacking Pokemon is now Confused and Poisoned. (Poke-BODY)

Koffing has to be active to confuse/poison the opponent, so leaving it on the bench will do nothing if a Steelix ex slides it while it is benched.

Best bet is to swoop, or play+candy into weezing, so that it can't be sniped.

Playing a few swoop in your liability can help surprise unsuspecting LBS players. Swoop your benched jirachi DX into a koffing, evolve, and take a convenient prize that they weren't expecting.
Oops, my bad. Someone mentioned to me before that confusion works off the bench. I never read the card myself :-D. Thanks.
Hariyama also has about a 50/50 chance of winning (as long as it runs the lunalock) against BLS my record is 4/3, not that great but not bad either. Manectric simply shuts BLS down so badly.
Yamazaru said:
Manectric simply shuts BLS down so badly.
and could you please tell me how it fairs against cham, machamp, queendom, and most of the other competitive decks out there?
whether you were being sarcastic or not doesnt matter. the fact is that what you said is true. it is absolutely destroyed. manectric was at its best when aqua's lanturn and manectric were still around and even then it wasnt that good.
Yeah Manectric is great when it's doing NOTHING to an L-resisting Steelix ex. OOPS!

Chuck: I think you misplaced the order of your numbers in BSP vs. Machamp, its 70/30 in favor of Blastoise, and I think you're being generous on your Machamp and Nidoqueen matchups. I think its more like 80/20 in favor of Blastoise (especially with LBS decks playing Mime Ditto, Mew ex, and the like). Its really, really bad for Machamp.

Note that the best matchup against LBS is still a 50/50. IMHO there is no deck out there that has an edge against LBS. Good luck at Regionals.

Nice article, Chuck.
Both depend on what stadiums each run, and how many switches/warps LBS runs.

If Jynx runs BF, for example, it's quite a different matchup than if they run Cursed Stone.

It also has a lot to do with LBS running 1 or 2 switching cards.

Vs Jynx:
Get a steelix up. All you need is three energy. They can't do much of anything to you. They need to do 80 then rock you, otherwise your 150hp will overwhelm too quickly. I've played the matchup a lot, and this was before Jynx was known whatsoever, and it depends on many, many things. I think it's in favor of LBS though. All you need is a steelix. If they pepper the bench with damage, you'll mow through jynx's too quickly. If they attack your active steelix for petty damage, you can use stoise instead. Of course, if they land their er2s and reversals well, it can hurt a lot. If they get a BF lock in, it can hurt too, but that's all iffy. LBS just needs a strong steelix up, or a non-candied Stoise up to walk through. LBS plays smart, doesn't bench dumb stuff, and bides a bit of time and it can win.

Vs Gengar:
Bomb the pidgeot. Admin. Mow through the Gengars after that. Doing 40 to anything isn't enough to stop an active Steelix. Steelix can just continually drop your bench down, and once you have no back-up gengar/haunter, ohko the active. It's in favor of LBS.
Nice article, Alex.

I like your tech paragraphs; good read. We've been around the block with the Machamp/LBS matchup, so no need to mention it here. Just a few things about Medicham, Lunarock, etc...

Many LBS fans underestimate just how bad the deck is hurt by the loss of its three key powers: Quick Search, Wishing Star, and of course, Energy Rain. Quick Search and Star are victims to Girafarig, Lunatone/Solrock, Mt. Moon, Battle Frontier, Hariyama ex, Medicham ex, and several other cardss along those lines. Due to the engine of this deck, it is extremely brittle, and if you can crack its engine, then they have no steam left.

Blastoise and Blastoise ex are, by far, the best energy manipulators in the game's history. However, this deck falls apart without its Blastoise, and I can think of at least five decks (Metagross D variants, Tyranibomb, Dragtrode, Medicham, and Rock-Lock) that can directly or indirectly target the Blastoise, and effectively eliminate its threat. Will eliminating Blastoise always help? No, because they can simply retriever the line back sometimes, but other times, you will either set them back a couple turns (which is bad if your deck is 50/50 with Blastoise), or completely destroy them.
I don't think Yama is being clear. Do you mean Manetric ex?

Edit: now that that's clarified, yeah. Maybe that confusion is why Moss doesn't get the idea of a Manetric ex deck.