Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Lugia LEGEND in a EX-heavy metagame


New Member
A Lugia LEGEND rogue deck (no idea what the engine is) recently went 5-1 in swiss in a certain State Championship out of the US and got beaten in top 16. From what I know, the deck focuses on one-shotting EXs, with or without Eviolite, with Lugia LEGEND's 200-damage attack.

I would just like to know what kind of engine could this deck have run to be so successful? Any ideas anyone? Thanks.
Probably Electrode for early attachments, and then Super Rod + Legend Box to re-bench fresh Lugia LEGENDs once the deck is thin enough.
A high Switch count, Eelektrik and Typhlosion Prime for support and a heavy-ish line of Twins?

I'm struggling to figure out how you'd build a deck to consistently get out a Lugia Legend and supporters be able to sustain Elemental Blast with it's odd energy requirement. There is the problem of the deck being weak to lightning which doesn't help it at all. It must of ran some sort of back-up attacker.

Where did you get this info from by the way?
The deck in question also played Kyurem. I suspect that it runs a lot like CaKE... blow up Trodes, spread early to kill Eels and Celebis, and then sweep with Lugia.
i built the deck before states. i don't know how this guy plays his version, but mine just runs cleffas, eels, lugia legend, RDL, a couple zekrom bw, and shaymin. also 4 legend box 4 junk arm.
Sounds really terrible, borderline unplayable, since here in the U.S., most players are good enough to just not bench EXs against it!
Sounds really terrible, borderline unplayable, since here in the U.S., most players are good enough to just not bench EXs against it!

I have toyed around with Lugia Legend since the return of EXs were confirmed. The sole factor that makes it playable, is its element of surprise. You can easily search out a Lugia Legend with Twins; use its own Power and/or blow up an Electrode and strike for 200 out of nowhere. The deck itself is best played as a variant of CoKE or Sixcorners.
I tried him in my truth varient when the EX Pokemon came out. He didn't seem to work too well. But he could easily work in eel/typhlosion deck
I totally forgot that Lugia LEGEND had a self-Energymite Poke-power lol. In that case I'd have to agree with Pajamas that the deck would run like CoKE, except it doesn't need to blow up Electrodes. Maybe Good Rod / Recycle / SSU for consecutive Lugia sweeps?
I know this is dreaming, but imagine Lugia Legend plus Ho-oh EX and Shaymin UL.

You could consistently hit for his attack while refreshing with Ho-oh EX
Having played Lugia variants before, I can tell you that Research Record is an awesome card. Check the top four, move to the bottom anything that's not energy. :)

One of the best factors going for Lugia is that it only gives up a single prize. Unlike EX pokemon, you can actually not just trade prizes directly. Even if you're facing a Zekrom deck, trading your Lugia Legend for their Zekrom EX is a good deal.
That guy would be from my country, a new player. Only saw the deck at a glance, but no, there was no electrode as everyone here believed.

He plays a 2-2 line of lugia, 4 legend box, several copies of super rods and FSL to retrieve the discarded energies and/or lugias, SSUs and seekers to return Lugia to hand in order to reuse the power, and shaymin to move energy around, hence the inclusion of kyurem as an anti-tynamo tech.

Oh, and rotom to retrieve prized lugia pieces, I believe.

How it actually ran though, is still beyond me. The user refuses to tell me, and the few who do know the deck build and/or how it ran either refuse to tell anyone else. Not to mention that the players who saw the deck STILL have no idea how the deck ran consistently.

So... still a mystery.

Sounds really terrible, borderline unplayable, since here in the U.S., most players are good enough to just not bench EXs against it!

Elitist much? Most people don't even know what Lugia Legend does, nor will they ever see the lugia before it attacks. You can't just not bench your EXs and expect to win outright. That's the whole point of rogue; the surprise factor.
Sounds really terrible, borderline unplayable, since here in the U.S., most players are good enough to just not bench EXs against it!

First, don't you have to know what you're facing, and the deck as we have heard it described is theorized to be about "surprise"? Plus Lugia can still OHKO non-Pokemon EX. Well, barring a few oddballs that have protective effects. Plus at the time you posted, we were aware that the deck probably was running Kyruem for damage spread (and I'd assume Outrage helps as well). If you don't drop your Pokemon EX, the combination, in theory, could match your average deck.

I am more skeptical about getting it up and running, and surviving the unfortunate Weakness. Knowing so little, I am neither going to call it unplayable or christen it a new killer deck. I am going to wonder if, once again, our format imbalance issues are being caused in part by our own stubborn refusal to innovate at the higher levels of play.
Oh Lugia Legend... I had a bomb deck that used Lugia Legend, with Rayquaza LA, Typhlosion Prime, Starmie RR, and energy switches (never pulled a celebration wind Shaymin). Also used Raichu Prime as main attackers (Mega Thunderbolt, then next turn Speed Boost on Rayquaza, then Volatage Increase on Raichu Prime, to keep doing it every turn [if lucky with the coin flips for Speed Boost]). Then the format rotated... Oh well, I play for fun anyway.

As for now, due to those pesky high damage output basics, Lugia Legend just doesn't have enough HP to keep it out more than 1-2 turns before it gets KO'ed, even with Indigo Plateau in play...

Sounds like whoever used this deck loaded it with the appropriate energy types, would attempt to use/draw most of the other cards in the deck while spreading with Kyurem, thus maximizing the potential for the Legend Boxes and Lugia's Poke-Power, once said player was ready to play it (most likely followed by their opponent exclaiming, "Why would you EVER use THAT [pair of] card?!?"). JA for SSU, and any valuable trainers that may end up being discarded by Ocean Grow... Something tells me this deck allows for alot of extra cards to be drawn by the opponent before the game even starts, due to having no basics in one's hand in the beginning (can't open with a Legend!)
I don't think Lugia is the main attacker in the deck. I believe the player runs other attackers (maybe Zekrom and Kyurem) with 4 Legend Box and 4 Research Record. Maybe Good Rod and Super Rod to recycle Lugia's power.
I don't think Lugia is the main attacker in the deck. I believe the player runs other attackers (maybe Zekrom and Kyurem) with 4 Legend Box and 4 Research Record. Maybe Good Rod and Super Rod to recycle Lugia's power.

There's only kyurem. And no, Lugia IS the main attacker.
well lugia is one of the 2 legends that your opp only takes 1 prize so i guess drop retreat catcher kill
Possibly hitting for 200 first turn is always a plus.. on a negative note, being the player starting with Tornados on the bench and Mewtwo EX active and getting donked first turn by this deck was not so nice... He Started Kyurem NV and nothing else, played legend box, hit lugia with 4 energy minus the water, one was a DCE... Used ocean grow, whiffed, played seeker... Played it again, used ocean grow, hit the energy, attached DCE from the seeker and retreated, elemental blast for 200 and good game... 2 rounds later he did the same to someone else! It was crazy!
Posted with Mobile style...
Having played Lugia variants before, I can tell you that Research Record is an awesome card. Check the top four, move to the bottom anything that's not energy. :)

One of the best factors going for Lugia is that it only gives up a single prize. Unlike EX pokemon, you can actually not just trade prizes directly. Even if you're facing a Zekrom deck, trading your Lugia Legend for their Zekrom EX is a good deal.

Wait what? 1 Prize? Why is that? Is there a link?
Lugia LEGEND and Ho-oh LEGEND only give one prize because they are only one pokemon. The other LEGENDs give two prizes because they are two pokemon.