Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Next Worlds: Anaheim California

nice photoshop. see you in japan

btw, from the gencon website: See you at the Best Four Days in Gaming! August 18-21, 2005 and August 10-13, 2006 in Indianapolis.

looks like we can actually go to origins, gencon AND worlds next year. cool.
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They will never have it in Japan. Put it to rest dude. PUI are the ones that host it. And since they are the ones that host it, they decide where it will be. And with PUI being stationed corely in the US (as in Pokemon USA Inc.), that will likely always be in the US, where they have jurisdiction.
afirule said:
why not have worlds on the east coast! grrrr!

wud be so much easier for us europeans to get to :rolleyes:

they did...last year. I was there...last year...ONE MONTH TOO EARLY! Why can't it time with my vacation at Disney?!? I was even staying at the flipping Disney Complex! :nonono:

They always have to annoy me... :lol:
Yeah, it's true. It's Anaheim, California (a.k.a. Disneytown) from 18th August 2006 - 20th August 2006. I'm sure PUI are still deciding on the real venue...or they have already and want to keep us in suspense a while longer...

What do you do to keep an idiot in suspense?
Don't know. Tell me.
Wait a minute.
Yay!!! Instead of an 8 hour drive, its only a 6 hr drive away! :biggrin:
If I hadn't gone to Anime Expo 2005, I definitely would have gone to Worlds this year.

Wanna know why Worlds is in Cali again?
Its the cheese :thumb:
Hey, why not have it here in Denver? We have an international airport where people from all over can fly in on a 1 way flight.

For those of you who are parents or in school (college or high school) the biggest issue that I'm sure we all have in common with Worlds that we can all relate to is that it has been always been held on the last weekend right before school starts for a huge majority of the country.

When Worlds was held last year, so many parents complained to POP about the "inconvenient" schedule because their kids were either missing out on a day or two of the first week of school, or they couldn't come at all to begin with to avoid missing out on school, which is my case. POP even told these individuals that they would change the schedule for the '05 Worlds date, but like last year, it was still held on the same exact weekend, right before school! Why does POP insist on holding the biggest event of the PTCG of the year at such a bad time?!

With me being a college student, I cannot afford to miss even one day of class. It would take me 2 days to drive 1 way back from San Diego to Denver which would mean that I'd be back on late Tuesday night, and on top of that I have a league to run on Tuesday nights and I can't miss out on that either. I would have been able to attend this year, but like most people in my state, money is a huge issue on top of the amount of time it takes to travel.

What they need to do is have Worlds on the first or second weekend of August, if anything. What do they expect us all to do, fly? Perhaps money is the number one issue among the majority of us here in Colorado, so if we don't get an invite, we are pretty much screwed especially if no one else wants to come along to help split the costs. I think that $200 airfaire on top of $100 a night hotel rooms is just beyond rediculous for those who travel alone.

I just mainly think that they need to move the dates for worlds back a couple weeks so that more people have better flexibility when it comes to traveling in the summer, rather than having everyone rush back to avoid missing school.
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Vappy said:
I think they should stick to the 4 Largest U.S. cities, New York, L.A., Chicago, Houston.
Hotel rooms in New York are rediculous, I gurantee people will be sleeping in their cars or not coming at all if Worlds is ever in New York. PUI knows they can't put Worlds in an city that's out of everyone's budget. If only invited players show up, Worlds would lose a huge following and POP would suffer greatly. They have to include as many people as possible and they know it.

LA is fine with me but I'm sure some people would like Worlds to be outside CA eventually.

Chicago is just, no. Grinders finish around 10PM. 10PM. Chicago. Night time. I'm looking into my crystal ball and I'm seeing a "NO." Take it from someone who camped outside NikeTown Chicago, there are a lot sirens and a few too many people walking around. I love the city during the day, I mean its fantastic. But at night, when all of these events are letting out you'll have 100s of people riding the subway, I gurantee you'll get parents pulling their kids out of events to get to the hotel early. My experience on the subway is this: Under the influence of any number of drugs people can actually sleep while standing up, holding on the pole and snoring loud enough wake a bear from hibernation. Enough ragging on Chicago, like I said its a great city. Just not late at night.

Houston is a farse. I hate to say it cause I have family there and I know its a big Pokemon area but Houston is one of the least dense Metropolitan areas in the country. That's my only complaint, not so much about Houston but that its the 4th "Largest" city in the US. 4th most populus, sure but its not a huge city to me. Houston would be a great host so pardon my little pet peeve about population.

Denver would be nice and the DEN is by far one of the top 3 airports in the US no questions asked, with flights coming in from all over the world 24 hours a day. Plus there's a restraunt a block from 16th St. that I'd love to pay another visit to.

Las Vegas would be nice but gambling has already been associated with Pokemon in lawsuits so I don't see this happening. Ever. Plus who knows what will happen to the 10-s when daddy blows the college fund on slots. Not to mention Las Vegas is the black eye of America for some foreigners so it might not be such a good idea to fly people in and introduce them to our country with a city that condones prostitution.

Minneapolis, San Jose (SF is too expensive, like NY), Boston, Portland, Charlotte, Fort Lauderdale and Phoenix would all make great hosts from what I know of those cities. I guess I invision Worlds being at a "2nd tier" city, if you will. Somewhere big but not filled with skyscrapers. San Diego is perfect, Orlando and Seattle were perfect. I'm not saying they should avoid LA or New York but its just a different atmosphere. Anaheim will be fine, I'll keep my job at Southwest Airlines and fly for free so for the time being, I can't complain. :thumb:
Wow, Anaheim.......HOMECOMING FOR ME!!!!!, the NPPA will definately be there, and we will be ready for the challenges ahead
There seems to be a trend in the places they are choosing
San Diego-Sea World (I think)
Anaheim (sp?)-Disney

All family-friendly places!!!
An interesting desicion. I'm glad its being kept in a safe enviroment, but I'm surprised that its in California again.