Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Obama Speech Censored in China

Ninetales -

I'll be reading the communist manifesto in my poli sci class in about a month so get back to me then on that but as for people being more important than one another - when did I say that? All I said was that American workers are getting screwed by these fly by night companies moving to China to pay 5 cent labor. I think I'm STRENGTHENING the idea that Chinese workers should be getting paid more and receive better labor conditions/right, not discriminating against them.
I say we send Phelps to China to work on relations. I'm sure they like Phelps.

In reality, it's a lost cause. There isn't any eastern world bias here when purchasing goods like there is in east asia with American goods. Just compare the 360 sales in America, followed by the 360 sales in China and Japan. The only American owned company of the big 3 is suffering due to eastern/western bias. Too bad really.
First off, welcome back drrty byl. The community missed you for the past 24 hours.

Second, this sounds mildly hopeful. Although the Democrats are less business-oriented than we need them to be, the party has been noticeably unapologetic to the communists (particularly the PRC). Part of the reason why our prosperity has been so lackluster is because we've been like little piggies to the communists.

This opposition might be superficial, though, because they effectively own us. Ultimately, I'll reserve judgment until we stop wasting trillions of taxpayer dollars for worthless bailouts (which we conveniently borrow from China...).

...wait, if I read that correctly, you're saying that DEMOCRATS are the ones who notoriously hate commies? Woahhhh that is off. It is WELL known that Republicans are ALWAYS the ones who crack down on those "Damn reds."
Ninetales -

I'll be reading the communist manifesto in my poli sci class in about a month so get back to me then on that but as for people being more important than one another - when did I say that? All I said was that American workers are getting screwed by these fly by night companies moving to China to pay 5 cent labor. I think I'm STRENGTHENING the idea that Chinese workers should be getting paid more and receive better labor conditions/right, not discriminating against them.

He's saying that there's no distinction between workers in one country and workers in another country, so why should you care if they're American. I think you should, after all, it is American workers that keep the economy in this landmass going. If I'm running a store, and people aren't getting paid, then I'm not getting paid, and I'm screwed.
When America crashes, the world crashes. When China crashes, nobody crashes ;/ In fact, we'll probably all be wealthier. It's a shame, really.

PS I just noticed Crosplat's sig. Call me stupid but I don't see the relation between my quote and his reference to it. Thank you for taking an open-ended quote from me and criticizing it with your own subjective interpretation. Leave it to them vindictive red cowboys to do something like that ;/ hah
For god's sake, the GOP better put up a real candidate if they really want to take down obama, because miss "I don't want the media's attention but I want to be president" isn't going to cut it. You know something's wrong when Fox is trying to scapegoat her for losing the election.
machampX- I hope you know the reason Mccain lost was because of Palin. If you ask anyone with even an OUNCE of intelligence they will telln you this.

Palin in 2012 means the death of the GOP so you should rethink that statement.....
When America crashes, the world crashes. When China crashes, nobody crashes ;/ In fact, we'll probably all be wealthier. It's a shame, really.

PS I just noticed Crosplat's sig. Call me stupid but I don't see the relation between my quote and his reference to it. Thank you for taking an open-ended quote from me and criticizing it with your own subjective interpretation. Leave it to them vindictive red cowboys to do something like that ;/ hah

Dat durn arugala eatin liberal hippy be usin fancy wurds and logic in an attempt to hide de fact dat dey made an asinine comment!

Before you make anymore stereotypes, I live in Southern California, so I am no more a "red cowboy" than you. Maybe if I started using "Dude," "Braddah," "Bro," "Homes," "Homie," or "Dawg" you'd get a better idea of where I'm from. Funny how liberals, who are supposed to hate stereotyping and be the most tolerant group of people, tend to be the ones who stereotype and are the most intolerant of criticism.

The reason I quoted you is that the quote was so ridiculous and yet so characteristic of a liberal's response concerning a debate on beliefs. The point of my quote, which is obviously lost on you, is that liberal logic is generally not that great. You said that liberals are tolerant of those whose lifestyles make sense. Liberals are very large supporters of social security, welfare, and free health care. Ergo, liberals are tolerant of those who are too lazy to get jobs and thus live on those government benefits. Hence, because liberals are tolerant of these people and by using your definition of who liberals are tolerant of, living off of welfare makes sense while being a wealthy conservative does not.

I'll add that the quote is meant to be funny because if you can't figure out the correlation you obviously can't realize when something is meant to be in jest. If anything, maybe it'll remind you not to post such broad statements on message boards where they can be manipulated to make your beliefs, and by proxy you, come off looking foolish.

The fact that you actually care is also astonishing.

I will alienate myself from the GOP if Palin becomes the candidate in 2012. She really was a bad choice. McCain on the other hand was a good choice. Too bad he didn't pull it off, but let's hope Obama can actually find solutions to the current problems that don't include printing more money.
lol. This is the reason why I don't post on message boards ;)

Crosplat - I'm glad to see you are sensible on at least one topic - Palin being an idiot.
Guess what pokemansforgeeks
it was it
it had to do with racial slurs around with every one
palin is a very god candinate
but i think obama is going to get kicked out ofthe white house b/c he just sucks lol
For Cyrus and Pokemansforgeeks: Does it make sense that the U.S. federal government intends to finance economic stimulus money from China, the debt for which will then eventually be transferred to U.S. taxpayers, so that we (consumers) can continue to buy more "junk" from China?

Just whose side are the feds on?

Doesn't this cycle seem to prop up the perpetual status quo of enslavement/indebtedness, on both sides?