Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Ode to Great Hitmonchan


Staff member

Here's our first post for the section. This has been published on Pojo, but I'd like to have it here on our own boards:

:fighting: Ode to Great Hitmonchan :fighting:
From the days before Modified Format...

I do not like that Hitmonchan.
I do not like him, Nidoran.
I will not play him in my deck.
I won't, I won't, I say, by Heck!

Won't you play him with an Oak?
Toss your Deck until you're broke?
Will you, Won't you Item Find?
It helps you get back from behind!

I will not Oak until I'm broke.
Nor Item Find while I'm behind.
I like to use my big Stage 2's
even though they tend to lose.

But try it, try it! You just must.
Bring up Wiggly with a Gust.
Add a few of those Plus Power
In the DCI you'll tower.

Not Gust nor Power.
Not Bellsprout Tower.
Those B-B-Ps,
my blood they freeze.

You never know until you try.
You just might gain a new ally.
Before you stick with your old deck
Try a change, stick out your neck.

I'll Try. I'll try them Nidoran.
I'll add in that Hitmonchan,
and add in little 'Lectabuzz.
Why you ask? Just because.

I like it! I like it, Nidoran!
I do, I like my Hitmonchan!
And 'buzz and Scy' and all the rest.
I'm glad I followed your request.
I Oak, I Find, and Scoop Up now.
I played before, I don't know how!
This way is quick, to win the game.
So what if skill requir'd is lame.
Thank you, thank you, Nidoran!
I love, I love, my Hitmonchan.
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Notice he didn`t mention Ditto...:D

Good show chap!!Come Christmas time I`ll have to post the old version of "Twas the Night before Christmas" as well as a new version that is in the works...

Its just so funny how we all used to be like "He's broken, he should be BANNED FROM THE GAME!!!"

lol, then Rocket's Zapdos came out haha.

Nice, PokePop, very comical and good.
I always meant to do an illustration for this...
A Hitmonchan drawn in Dr Seuss' art style.
nikePK said:
Its just so funny how we all used to be like "He's broken, he should be BANNED FROM THE GAME!!!"

Well, they had a point about the "Oak is broke" thing. I mean, no card in this history of the game has ever topped Oak for sheer, unadulterated brokenness.
Marril said:
Well, they had a point about the "Oak is broke" thing. I mean, no card in this history of the game has ever topped Oak for sheer, unadulterated brokenness.

Yeah, Even The Emproved Best version of Elms couldn't top Oak.:thumb:
PokePop said:
I always meant to do an illustration for this...
A Hitmonchan drawn in Dr Seuss' art style.[/quote]

I was about to how many kids do you have? :tongue:
sdrawkcab said:
PokePop said:
I always meant to do an illustration for this...
A Hitmonchan drawn in Dr Seuss' art style.[/quote]

I was about to how many kids do you have? :tongue:
But aside from that, in case you didn't notice, the poem is modeled after "Green Eggs and Ham" by Seuss.
PokePop said:
But aside from that, in case you didn't notice, the poem is modeled after "Green Eggs and Ham" by Seuss.

in case I didn't notice...? I couldn't help but notice :lol:. Man, that poem was...*ahem* still is my favorite :clap:
I still have the classic Haymaker! I play with it too. That and Raindance. Don't get me wrong; I have modified decks too, but I just can't abondon those classics... ever...