Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pokemon Catcher

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I've generally referred to Catcher as the worst card in a bad format. Maybe they can nerf it next generation by giving it the same effect as Pokemon Circulator.
I think reprinting catcher is a great decision. It's a card that is overpriced and it's an entry barrier for players who want to enter the game. This should alleviate that problem.

Tropical Beach is another card that like Catcher is an entry barrier for players who want to build specific decks that need consistent draw yet it didn't get reprinted in Plasma Blast. If TPCi can turn a $15-20 Uncommon Staple Card into a $4 Uncommon Staple Card then why couldn't they have done so with a Worlds Invite Promo like Tropical Beach when alot of decks run 2-3 copies of it in almost every deck nowadays?
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Why does everyone refer to Catcher as a $15-20 card? I've been buying Catchers for a year and I always pay $10-12 for each - $13 at very rare times. And I've bought at least like 50 Catchers.. no joke.

Anyways, what I like about this is that it makes the set more interesting. I was thinking of only buying 1 box, but now maybe I'll go for two. At least it has a lot of cool staple trainers it seems.
I feel like people are looking at Catcher backwards. Catcher is not the solution to overpowered bench sitters. Overpowered bench sitters were a "solution" to Catcher. We didn't get these super overpowered bench sitters until Catcher was release. And why is that? Because Catcher was too good to allow setup decks to do anything!

So, put simply, overpowered bench sitters were a response to Catcher, not the other way around. So printing Catcher again seems stupid, since it just means we need MORE overpowered bench sitters, which means we need Catcher, which means we need overpowered bench sitters. . . the cycle goes on.
Not necessarily - we don't need to print more overpowered bench sitters. If they stop printing them then people won't run Catcher as much and it'll become a middle of the line TSS like Ultra Ball.

However, if they keep printing Blastoises and Klingklangs then we do need cards like Catcher.
^Catcher will always be in decks until its rotated. With all the overpowered basics running the format, it wont change.
Not necessarily - we don't need to print more overpowered bench sitters. If they stop printing them then people won't run Catcher as much and it'll become a middle of the line TSS like Ultra Ball.

However, if they keep printing Blastoises and Klingklangs then we do need cards like Catcher.
No, even if there was not a single bench sitter in the game, and everything was a 180 HP basic, Catcher is still an auto 4-of in EVERY deck. It's that good of a card.
We've had plenty of "overpowered" bench sitters before. Claydol GE, Pidgeot FRLG, Dusknoir DP and Nidoqueen RR to name a few. We didn't have Catcher back then and we did fine. In fact, many folks hold the opinion that the formats with these other "overpowered" bench sitters were some of the most fun and skill based.

Don't get me wrong, there were ways to punish your opponent's bench sitters. But they all had a cost. People ran snipers, drag-offers, cards that limited your opponents bench size, cards that shut down specific types of other cards. There wasn't a one-size-fits-all card, but competitive decks found ways to fit the counters for the bench sitters they needed to succeed(if they even needed a counter at all).

I feel the problem is compounded further by having catcher in a format defined by BBP(Big Basic Pokemon) that can attack for fatal damage from a single energy attachment. Anything that cannot be setup in a single turn can and will be targeted down before it can threaten back.

This is also why some people dislike N, and part of the reason why everyone runs strictly draw supporters with very few search supporters. You can't set up your combo over the course of a few turns like you used to. You need to be able to drop everything you need in one turn. You can't plan 2 turns ahead for fear of N taking your setup away from you, and you can't drop your pieces early or you risk them getting catchered.

I look forward to the days when N becomes a 2-of card instead of an automatic 4-of.

The game has devolved into a smash-fest where you need to be able to setup attackers in a single turn, KO anything that threatens you before it is set up. There is still some skill involved, and there are some skillful plays to be made with Catcher, N and BBP, but on the whole I feel like the game has been dumbed down.

I liked Catcher for awhile, but now I'm done with it. I'm ready for something new.
To be fair, Pidgeot FRLG and Claydol GE were not that over powered. All they did was help you setup and maintain it. The other you listed were not that bad either. The bench sitter that was a problem were the firestarter ones. Big difference between bench sitters then and now are the bench sitters support big basic and allow everything to hit hard. The game does not need bench sitter that allow more then one attachment per turn. If they do exist, their should be some damage cap on what they support.

The game now has no restraints on it and just throws broken cards at its players and say deal with it. The past had ways of dealing with this. If Pidgeot FRLG was becoming annoying to you, just run Battle Frontier and turn it off. The game does not have options like that.
Well this will make it easier to make decks that people suggest.

Though that earlier thing about energy acceleration for Stage 1/2 might be a bad idea with that new fossil that lets you play those as basics...
Well this will make it easier to make decks that people suggest.

Though that earlier thing about energy acceleration for Stage 1/2 might be a bad idea with that new fossil that lets you play those as basics...

If evolutions are played as basic Pokémon, then they are basic Pokémon. Or at least they used to be, back when cards that directly placed evolutions on your bench used to specify that. At the moment, I'm not sure if e.g. Shedinja can use prism and eviolite if benched by cast-off shell. Older versions of cast-off shell specify that Shedinja would be played as a basic Pokémon, but in the latest version it isn't. If the principles haven't changed in that regard, they would be basics.

But regardless of that, Life-Plosion takes so much setup I think it would be really difficult to break that concept even if you tried. The point of that deck is to get a toolbox without the evolution lines cluttering it up. And getting access to eviolite, skyarrow bridge and prism is a huge advantage as well.
If evolutions are played as basic Pokémon, then they are basic Pokémon. Or at least they used to be, back when cards that directly placed evolutions on your bench used to specify that. At the moment, I'm not sure if e.g. Shedinja can use prism and eviolite if benched by cast-off shell. Older versions of cast-off shell specify that Shedinja would be played as a basic Pokémon, but in the latest version it isn't. If the principles haven't changed in that regard, they would be basics.

But regardless of that, Life-Plosion takes so much setup I think it would be really difficult to break that concept even if you tried. The point of that deck is to get a toolbox without the evolution lines cluttering it up. And getting access to eviolite, skyarrow bridge and prism is a huge advantage as well.

Now the term is "unevolved Pokemon." They are still considered to be stage 2 Pokemon, they just weren't evolved to get there, and they don't get to take advantage of effects that boost Basic Pokemon.
We've had plenty of "overpowered" bench sitters before. Claydol GE, Pidgeot FRLG, Dusknoir DP and Nidoqueen RR to name a few. We didn't have Catcher back then and we did fine. In fact, many folks hold the opinion that the formats with these other "overpowered" bench sitters were some of the most fun and skill based.

These were the best times of the game. :thumb:
People keep saying that changing Rare Candy back would be bad for the game, thanks to stuff like turn one Blastoise. While I agree that that would be no fun, an old style Rare Candy would be perfectly fine if they brought back some reasonable turn one rules. No card in the game right now is as bad as the current turn one rules. Something along the lines of no Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums for the player going first, along with no trainers for the player going second, plus restoring Rare Candy. That way, neither player can have an overpowered first turn, but some great Rare Candy plays can be made later in the game.

In short, the turn one rules are ruining the game more than any card.
btw pokebeach has the full list of what's in the set (no pics yet) I'm a little surprised of what got reprinted of the trainers

#80 - Energy Retrieval -odd they'd give us this we just got superior energy retrieval which is good enough replacement
#83 - Pokemon Catcher -what the threads about enough said
#84 - Professor Juniper -makes sense we usually have the gens professor while the gen is still active
#85 - Rare Candy -staple card is staple
#90 - Ultra Ball -makes sense its the main search for poke card atm with decent tradeoff for reward
I noticed something interesting. All the reprinted cards listen in treyh37's post above mine were in the Blastoise/Kyurem EX deck that was released as a companion release to Megalo Cannon in Japan. We are even getting the Blasotise reprint, too, so that's pretty interesting. They may be sticking more closely to Japan releases now.
I think we may be looking at it the wrong way. What if the purpose of reprinting cards in this set such as Professor Juniper, Plasma Energy, and Pokemon Catcher, are to make a more interesting limited format? Now that Yu-gi-oh has made their most recent set based around limited play as well as modified, and MTG has been doing this for years, Pokemon might be deciding to make this turn as well. After all, why else would they print Plasma Energy 3 sets in a row. If I had to make a bet right now, I would say that they are preparing for a hard XY on rotation next season, and these reprints won't even matter. Even if the set isn't based around a limited format, it certainly looks like it is, and that makes me much more excited for the prerelease. I might even try drafting a few packs with some friends.
^ Well, Pokemon has only ever had 1 real format. Card in the BW block should have nothing to do with XY and cards in the XY block should not be made with cards from the BW block.

I'm glad they decided to reprint catcher so now the price will go down on them and people can stop hording. I would liketo see smarter reprints or just new trainers period.
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