Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

ReploidX's Trade List

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New Member
I live in the US but I can ship overseas, if need be. Tell me what you want, and I'll check your list.

Foil Basic Energies (except Fire)

Crystal Guardians
3x 8/100 Manectric
1x 18/100 Fearow Delta
2x 22/100 Kingler (1x with Gold name and stamped with CG logo)
3x 23/100 Loudred (2x with Gold name and stamped with CG logo)
1x 25.100 Medicam
1x 28/100 Venusaur
1x 30/100 Charmeleon Delta
2x 36/100 Lairon
2x 37/100 Lombre
1x 38/100 Marshtomp
1x 42/100 Wartortle
1x 43/100 Wartortle
2x 44/100 Aron
1x 45/100 Bulbasaur
1x 46/100 Bulbasaur
1x 48/100 Charmander (1x Foil)
1x 49/100 Charmander Delta
1x 50/100 Diglett
1x 51/100 Duskull
1x 52/100 Electrike
2x 53/100 Jigglypuff (1x Foil)
2x 54/100 Krabby
2x 55/100 Lotad
2x 56/100 Meditite
2x 57/100 Mudkip
2x 59/100 Numel
3x 60/100 Seedot
1x 61/100 Spearow
2x 63/100 Squirtle
4x 66/100 Torchic
2x 67/100 Treecko
1x 68/100 Treecko Delta
1x 69/100 Whismur
1x 70/100 Wingull (1x Foil)
1x 71/100 Bill's Maintenance
2x 78/100 Dual Ball
2x 80/100 Memory Berry
1x 86/100 Energy Search

Diamond and Pearl
1x 2/130 Dusknoir (1x Reverse-foil)
3x 5/130 Infernape (1x Reverse-foil)
1x 6/130 Lucario
3x 7/130 Luxray (1x Reverse-foil)
2x 8/130 Magnezone
4x 9/130 Manaphy
4x 10/130 Mismagius
2x 11/130 Palkia (1x Reverse-foil)
2x 12/130 Rypherior (1x Reverse-foil)
1x 13/130 Roserade
2x 14/130 Shiftry (1x Reverse-foil)
1x 15/130 Skuntank
2x 16/130 Staraptor (1x Reverse-foil)
2x 17/130 Torterra
3x 18/130 Azumarill
3x 19/130 Beautifly (1x Reverse-foil)
3x 20/130 Bibarel (1x Reverse-foil)
4x 21/130 Carnivine (1x Reverse-foil)
2x 22/130 Clefable
3x 23/130 Drapion
2x 24/130 Drifblim
5x 25/130 Dustox (2x Reverse-foil)
6x 26/130 Floatzel (2x Reverse-foil)
2x 27/130 Gengar (1 Reverse-foil)
6x 28/130 Heracross (1x Reverse-foil)
5x 29/130 Hippodown (2x Reverse-foil)
4x 30/130 Lopunny (1x Reverse-foil)
6x 31/130 Machamp (2x Reverse-foil)
4x 32/130 Medicam
5x 33/130 Munchlax (2x Reverse-foil)
4x 34/130 Noctowl
2x 35/130 Pachirisu
3x 36/130 Purugly
5x 37/130 Snorlax (1x Reverse-foil)
2x 38/130 Steelix
4x 39/130 Vespiqueen (1x Reverse-foil)
3x 40/130 Weavile
4x 41/130 Wobuffet (1x Reverse-foil)
2x 42/130 Wynaut (1x Reverse-foil)
8x 43/130 Budew (1x Reverse-foil)
6x 44/130 Cascoon
10x 45/130 Cherrim (1x Reverse-foil)
9x 46/130 Drifloon (1x Reverse-foil)
4x 47/130 Dusclops
7x 48/130 Elekid (1x Reverse-foil)
11x 49/130 Grotle (1x Reverse-foil)
5x 50/130 Haunter
13x 51/130 Hippopotas
10x 52/130 Luxio (1x Reverse-foil)
10x 53/130 Machoke (1x Reverse-foil)
10x 54/130 Magneton (1x Reverse-foil)
10x 55/130 Mantyke (1x Reverse-foil)
12x 56/130 Monferno (1x Reverse-foil)
11x 57/130 Nuzleaf
11x 58/130 Prinplup
10x 59/130 Rapidash
7x 60/130 Rhydon (1x Reverse-foil)
7x 61/130 Riolu
8x 62/130 Seaking
10x 63/130 Silcoon
8x 64/130 Staravia
9x 65/130 Unown A (1x Reverse-foil)
7x 66/130 Unown B (1x Reverse-foil)
12x 67/130 Unown C
10x 68/130 Unown D
6x 69/130 Azurill (1x Reverse-foil)
15x 70/130 Bidoof (1x reverse-foil)
11x 71/130 Bonsly
18x 72/130 Buizel (3x Reverse-foil)
14x 73/130 Bunery (2x Reverse-foil)
15x 74/130 Chatot (1x Reverse-foil)
13x 75/130 Cherubi (2x Reverse-foil)
18x 76/130 Chimchar
13x 77/130 Clefairy (1x Reverse-foil)
13x 78/130 Cleffa
17x 79/130 Combee
14x 80/130 Duskull
13x 81/130 Electabuzz (1x Reverse-foil)
13x 82/130 Gastly
11x 83/130 Glameow (1x Reverse-foil)
15x 84/130 Goldeen (1x Reverse-foil)
17x 85/130 Hoothoot
14x 86/130 Machop
16x 87/130 Magenmite (1x Reverse-foil)
13x 88/130 Marill (1x Reverse-foil)
10x 89/130 Meditite
11x 90/130 Mime Jr. (1x Reverse-foil)
15x 91/130 Misdreavus (2x Reverse-foil)
15x 92/130 Onix (1x Reverse-foil)
16x 93/130 Piplup
16x 94/130 Ponyta (1x Reverse-foil)
15x 95/130 Rhyhorn (1x Reverse-foil)
12x 96/130 Roselia
12x 97/130 Seedot (1x Reverse-foil)
11x 98/130 Shinx (1x Reverse-foil)
14x 99/130 Skorupi (2x Reverse-foil)
16x 100/130 Sneasel (1x Reverse-foil)
15x 101/130 Starly (1x Reverse-foil)
18x 102/130 Stunky (1x Reverse-foil)
18x 103/130 Turtwig
14x 104/130 Wurmple (1x Reverse-foil)
9x 105/130 Double Full Heal (2x Reverse-foil)
9x 106/130 Emergy Restore (1x Reverse-foil)
11x 107/130 Energy Switch (1x Reverse-foil)
12x 108/130 Night Pokemon Center (1x Reverse-foil)
12x 109/130 PlusPower (1x Reverse-foil)
11x 110/130 Poke Ball (1x Reverse-foil)
8x 111/130 Pokedex HANDY910s
11x 112/130 Professor Rowan (3x Reverse-foil)
12x 113/130 Rival (1x Reverse-foil)
9x 114/130 Speed Stadium
10x 115/130 Super Scoop Up
7x 116/130 Warp Point (1x Reverse-foil)
18x 117/130 Energy Search (2x Reverse-foil)
21x 118/130 Potion
9x 119/130 Switch
1x 122/130 Torterra Lv.X
11x 129/130 Basic Darkness Energy
11x 130/130 Basic Metal Energy

Mysterious Treasures
1x 1/123 Aggron
2x 2/123 Alakazam (1x Reverse-foil)
1x 8/123 Feraligatr
1x 11/123 Lumineon (Reverse-foil)
3x 16/123 Typhlosion (2x Reverse-foil)
1x 18/123 Uxie
2x 20/123 Ariados
1x 25/123 Glalie
1x 26/123 Gyarados (Reverse-foil)
3x 27/123 Kricketune
1x 31/123 Nidoqueen
1x 32/123 Ninetales
1x 38/123 Urasring
2x 43/123 Cranados
1x 45/123 Dewgong
1x 46/123 Dodrio
1x 47/123 Dunsparce
1x 48/123 Gabite
1x 49/123 Girafarig
1x 50/123 Golbat
7x 51/123 Graveler (2x Reverse-foil)
2x 53/123 Lairon
5x 55/123 Masquerain
1x 56/123 Nidorina
1x 57/123 Octillery
1x 58/123 Parsect
1x 59/123 Pupitar
5x 60/123 Quilava
2x 61/123 Sandslash
1x 65/123 Unown E
1x 66/123 Unown M
1x 69/123 Abra (Reverse-foil)
2x 71/123 Aron
1x 72/123 Barboach
2x 73/123 Bidoof
3x 75/123 Buizel
2x 76/123 Chansey
3x 77/123 Chikorita
4x 79/123 Cyndaquil (1x Reverse-foil)
2x 80/123 Doduo
1x 82/123 Exeggcute
1x 83/123 Finneon
14x 84/123 Geodude (1x Reverse-foil)
10x 86/123 Kricketot
1x 88/123 Magby
1x 89/123 Magikarp
1x 90/123 Murkrow
5x 91/123 Nidoran Female
1x 92/123 Paras
1x 93/123 Pichu
1x 94/123 Pikachu (Reverse-foil)
1x 95/123 Remoraid
1x 96/123 Sandshrew
1x 97/123 Seel
2x 98/123 Shinx
3x 99/123 Slakoth
5x 100/123 Snorunt (1x Reverse-foil)
8x 103/123 Spinarak
8x 104/123 Surskit
1x 105/123 Teddiursa
2x 106/123 Totodile
3x 107/123 Vulpix
2x 108/123 Zubat
5x 109/123 Bebe’s Search (2x Reverse-foil)
2x 110/123 Dusk Ball
4x 111/123 Fossil Excavator
1x 113/123 Night Maintenance (Reverse-foil)
1x 114/123 Quick Ball (1x Outgoing to yuyuman345)
1x 115/123 Team Galactic’s Wager
5x 117/123 Skull Fossil

DP Promos
2x DP01 Turtwig
4x DP02 Chimchar
1x DP03 Piplup
1x DP10 Infernape Lv.X

1x 10/17 Scramble Energy
1x 16/17 Wobuffet

Foil Energies
25x Basic Fire
4x Basic Lightning
4x Basic Psychic

1x PK 8/108 Delcatty
1x HP 5/110 Deoxys Delta (1x Gold name and stamped with HP logo)
1x HP 90/110 Rare Candy
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i should have 2 candys for trade
i liked these
foil castaway
4x 112/123 Lake Boundary (1x Reverse-foil)
1x 114/123 Quick Ball
1x 115/123 Team Galactic’s Wager
lmk of a offer
i want the offer to include the castaway if thats fine
Epyon0015: Could you trade a Double Rainbow Energy instead of 2 or 3 Rare Candies?

Cipher Admin: Can you trade 3 Team Galactic's Wager?

Yuyuman345: Is that "dre" on your list a Double Rainbow Energy? If so, I would trade 4x LakeBoundary, 1x QuickBall, and 1x Team Galactic's Wager. I might be trading my foil Castaway to Cipher Admin, so is there anything else you wanted?
Im interested in your Castaway (Foil), PlusPower (foil), and Empoleon (DP). I have the Night Maintence and Team Galactic's Wager you need (I have 30+ of each)...Let me know if you still need them or if we can work something out.

Edit: Also interested in Foil Night Maintence.
Zapditto: I might be trading the Castaway, but I can trade the rest. I was wondering, though, if you had any Double Rainbow Energies you could part with.
Zapditto: I might be trading the Castaway, but I can trade the rest. I was wondering, though, if you had any Double Rainbow Energies you could part with.

No extra DRE - sorry. And Castaway was pretty much the main card I wanted so Id most likely only trade if it were part of the deal.
i dont have any more spairs plus
thats the big reason i wannaq trade
the castaway
err mabye
would you mabye put in a eletrivire (need thwm for a br)
now i also have 3 glacticas if u wanna trade for them
Yuyuman345: I think I'm trading the Reverse-foil Electivire to someone, so I can only offer the non-reverse version for now. How about the non-reverse Electivire, 4x Lake Boundary, and 1x Quick Ball for Double Rainbow Energies (2?)? Alternately, non-reverse Electivire and 4x Lake Boundary for 3x Team Galactic's Wager?
just tell me is there any way i can get the foil castaway off you?
pm me no matter
im thinking about the alternate deal because i dont have any spair
but lmk if there is a way to get the foil castaway
mabye i can pick u up some and we can make a trade for 3 galaticas and 2 dre :thumb::biggrin:
please pm me
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