Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

SteveP's Decklist Program Updated for PS

I sincerely hope all is well, but I can not see any updates...all of my league players depend on your program because it makes things so much easier.

If you ever need any help with the app, I would gladly volunteer my services...I am a fair coder and would love to help as I know how time consuming these things can be...

Thanks for all you do...and feel free to ask for my resume... ;-)
Sorry for the long delay. Dark Explorers and the latest promos are now in the test site, soon to be migrated to the production site.
I've uploaded Dragons Exalted and Tropical Beach (BW50). I've also switched modified format to the new 2012-2013 season. These changes are currently in the test site (link below). I'll be done testing soon, afterwhich, I'll request it be migrated to the production/live site.

I don't know who I need to talk to, but I have taken it upon myself to update SteveP's Decklist Program to include BCR. Let me know if y'all are interested.
Thanks to help from Jimmy Gurney, a professor from NE OH, I've updated the decklist to include BCR and DRV, as well as fixed a couple data/code bugs. The ACESPEC rule is now there. The update is now at the test site, soon to be migrated to production. The testsite URL is:


There are a few BW promos I've not added, but will do so when I get the images.

Sorry for the LONG delay.

Such a great asset for the player base. Thanks VERY much Steve, Jimmy and any one else who has or will contribute to the decklist program!

Steve, love your program. Great asset!

Question: When will the Sample Deck aka Theme Deck section be updated past Next Destinies to current? hint, hint ;-)

Thank you!
Several of my players told me that the decklist program has not been updated in quite sometime. Looks like Plasma Freeze was last update. Is this still being maintained?

I hope all is well!
Several of my players told me that the decklist program has not been updated in quite sometime. Looks like Plasma Freeze was last update. Is this still being maintained?

I hope all is well!

Was just about to ask this.

This is a great program, and I'd love to see an updated version.

Thanks so much for all your hard work!
Yes, especially with the number of events coming up with Cities would love it if someone stepped up and updated this. It's my favourite way to print my decklists for tournaments.
Give me a long weekend and access to the source code. I think I can put together something for the new sets not yet in there. Depending on how it's coded, the promos might be a bit more tough...
eesh, I was considering building a decklist manager but didn't since steve's was good. Wasn't until I went to go print one this morning that I realized it wasn't up to date :(