Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars


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New Member
After reviewing some of the cards from all the DP sets, and seeing the Meta, it came to me to throw together a creative out there deck and see where it goes! Swampert gives me that chance, so without further ado, Swampert:

Pokemon 23

3 Mudkip GE (All Colorless Attacks)
2 Marshtomp SV (Plunge could help get a Baltoy/Claydol out of the way)
2 Swampert SV (Disruptive and Heavy Hitter Potential. SPs hate this one)
1 Swampert GE (Energy acceleration and discarding capability!)
2 Trapinch SW (Trap is just nice)
1 VIbrava RR (Energy Typhoon)
2 Flygon RR (Free Retreat and Backup Hitter)
1 Flygon LvX (Miller and Hitter)
2 Baltoy
2 Claydol
2 Unown G
1 Azelf
1 Uxie
1 Regirock (Energy Accelerator)

Trainers 23
4 Bebe's Search
3 Roseanne's Research
3 Felicity's Drawing
1 Volkner's Philosophy
1 Cynthia's Feelings
4 Rare Candy
1 Broken Time Space (Most everyone plays it)
2 Dawn Stadium (Status is making a come back)
2 Night Maintenance
2 Warp Point

Energy 14
4 Call
2 Upper
3 Water
5 Fighting

That is it Folks.. a simple concept deck! Strategy is cycle :fighting: energy with Regirock and use Washout to move them to the SV Swampert for a heavier hit. Once you feel the Swampert SV is getting close to being koed, Attach to Flygon, Free Retreat the Swampert, Washout and move the nrg to Flygon and continue hitting for decent damage. While Flygon is active, you can attach to the damaged Swampert and heal it from Dawn Stadium.

A couple of things that could make it more interesting:

Super Scoop Up would be fun as all get out just because of Washout from the GE Swampert. Free Retreat, Washout the nrg, then SSU!

Opt out of Flygon and go aggro with Swampert using Weavile and switching the Stadiums around for Moonlight! You still get the acceleration of Regirock and now the Dark Side of things as well!!

Enjoy it and remember, I have not tested this... it was just an idea floating around in my head!!

I played straight Swampert at BR a few days ago and went 4-1 and lost in top 4 to a MotherGengar deck I had beaten earlier. Let me give you my list and see if you can pull any ideas from that.

2 Swampert SV
2 Swampert GE
3 Marshtomp SV
4 Mudkip SV
2 Regirock LA
1 Relicanth SV
2 Claydol GE
2 Baltoy GE
1 Uxie LA
2 Unown G LA

3 Bebe's Search
2 Felicity's Drawing
2 Roseanne's Research
1 Cynthia's Feelings
2 Broken Time-Space
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokedrawer +
1 Victory Medal
1 Luxury Ball
2 Warp Point
1 Super Scoop Up
1 Time-Space Distortion
1 Night Maintenance

2 Upper Energy
6 Water Energy
6 Fighting Energy

Playing Swampert competitively and doing very well with it actually, let me give you a few pointers. First off, Drag Off is an incredibly valuable attack, being able to drag up a Claydol/Nidoqueen/other tech is just amazing. When I played against Mother Gengar the first time I was able to completely ignore Gengar during the whole game, I never had to risk a Fainting Spell because of Drag Off. Another invaluable card is Warp Point, using the wash out Swampert you can Warp back your active Swampert SV for a fresh one and tag out the energy to him to Push Over your opponents new active for a potential KO; that was how I beat Machamp coming back from losing 4 prizes to 2. Marshtomp is also very helpful, you should never evolve Marshtomp unless you really need to because Plunge is just amazing if you hit heads, it's a free switch basically but your Marshtomp gets all the energy, then you evolve and reek havoc. My build was based on speeding energy onto your pokemon then controlling the opponents bench early game, then going brute force late game to pull out the win, this deck only gets better the longer the game goes in reality. I hope I've been helpful and I hope Swampert powers into the format!
I feel that Swampert does have a strong opportunity right now. Beedrill is losing some of its strength and not being weak to Luxray, it can be a surprise!!

Will try you list out and see how it works!!

Yes, please tell me how it goes with your testing MrMeches. Swampert is a really fun deck to play right now because no one knows how to counter it just yet. I'm worried about your build though, trying to play multiple stage two Pokemon and keep it consistent may be tough; also having to play with such energy requirements but the Regirock and Swampert GE combo will help with that a lot. Your also quite right about Swampert being good format counter because most of the format is SP Pokemon and people playing less Unown G is a bonus too. More Fire also means more chances to gain weakness and less Grass types as well. All in all I'd say Swampert is the play. Oh one more thing, if you encounter more Infernape 4/Blaziken FB, then you may want to play Plus Power to one shot both of these with one Drag Off; it also eliminates pixies that have been Drug Off before letting you hit 40 damage.
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