Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Texas State Championship ~ March 19, 2011

What a great tournament. Christine N and Spotter were great as MC's.

In the end, it was Luxchomp that did me in. Johnny K. was a pleasure to watch working his majic with that Luxchomp deck. I had a blast playing with Austin C and almost beating his Luxchomp. I have to give special props to Jarvis who is the most laid back cool guy and i am glad I got to play him both in OK and Texas. Fish Jr. got me with Gengar as revenge for his loss to me at the Tampa airport in 2008. All the other matches I played were with really good players, and good people. thats what makes Pokemon so much fun.

Special thanks to Professor Birch, whom I greatly admire, for putting on such a great tournament. Slops to me for not returning the Donphan to Ron.
So...how about them results for the MASTERS...oh yea, and Juniors and Seniors of course.

They didn't start the Master's top 16 matches until 9pm, so I'm sure the tournament didn't end until 3am or later. All the judges and players are probably still in bed as we speak, so the results won't be up until much later I think.
What a great tournament. Christine N and Spotter were great as MC's.

In the end, it was Luxchomp that did me in. Johnny K. was a pleasure to watch working his majic with that Luxchomp deck. I had a blast playing with Austin C and almost beating his Luxchomp. I have to give special props to Jarvis who is the most laid back cool guy and i am glad I got to play him both in OK and Texas. Fish Jr. got me with Gengar as revenge for his loss to me at the Tampa airport in 2008. All the other matches I played were with really good players, and good people. thats what makes Pokemon so much fun.

Special thanks to Professor Birch, whom I greatly admire, for putting on such a great tournament. Slops to me for not returning the Donphan to Ron.

Ah man. I thought you built your deck for one purpose....DESTROY ALL SP DECKS!!!
What happened my man? Donphan needs 3 energy and a belt before it can truly destroy any LuxChomp build, and that's 3 turns for Garchomp to destroy all your Pixies, correct?
Soon as premier rating is updated on pokemon.com, I'll get to my massive States report of OK and TX for the front page on the gym! :)
Haha, well this tournament not to good to say the least. Starting out with deck checks, and not getting the opportunity to fix one of the problems, it was get a new card or can't use it. Now the old school Warp energies do have a crease, but fixing the other one was nothing, while I wasn't given the opportunity for the second. No problem, someone nice enough gave me the warp so I wasn't "cheating" as was explained by the judges. Throughout the day, looks like I am still "cheating", so looks like we are going to have at least 3 or more judges on every one of my matches. That is always encouraging. Not only that, but if I were to draw a card I would need, I would notice a judge step up to say something, then walk back to their spot. Throughout the day, my friends were telling me about ruling that they saw, and told me the penalties that were given, which in most cases where either none, or just a "don't do it again". So if your last name is fish, you were not going to get to play the game fairly at all, which is unfair, and did make some of us just want to stop playing yesterday. So on a 1-10 scale on the judges, I would rate a 1 without a doubt. Playing the game was fun yesterday, and went 6-2, but next time, if there are about 40 other matches going on, don't have your judge staff watch me, try to be fair.

WOW!! I just got bashed bigtime for criticizing one judge at the practice tournament in Haltom on March 5, but this is a direct shot at the entire judging staff for supposedly targeting people " if your last name is fish". Is this a Dallas vs. Ft. Worth thing here, or what?

You went 6-2, didn't seem to have any judges decisions go against you, and you then go on to say: "Playing the game was fun yesterday....." So which one is it? Did the tournament suck in your eyes because of poor decisions by the judges, or did you actually come away thinking you had fun with an extremely impressive set of wins (6-2 is nothing to scoff at in a Texas State Championship Tournament)?
WOW!! I just got bashed bigtime for criticizing one judge at the practice tournament in Haltom on March 5, but this is a direct shot at the entire judging staff for supposedly targeting people " if your last name is fish". Is this a Dallas vs. Ft. Worth thing here, or what?

You went 6-2, didn't seem to have any judges decisions go against you, and you then go on to say: "Playing the game was fun yesterday....." So which one is it? Did the tournament suck in your eyes because of poor decisions by the judges, or did you actually come away thinking you had fun with an extremely impressive set of wins (6-2 is nothing to scoff at in a Texas State Championship Tournament)?

I think what he is getting at is not a matter of a single ruling but how it felt like they were targeted from the start of deck checks. If my understanding is wrong, please disregard.
Well, I had fun playing the game, although the Judge staff IMHO was just awful, being a fish, and talking to my sister and father about the matter, we ALL got tagged for just being us, so what I am saying, is that the tournament did suck, but putting the negatives aside, it was fun.
SO many intense games on the day, with the ones versus Daryl and Miguel standing out the most. Even though I was a little disappointed to drop both Games two and three to Paul in T8, he played excellently, and certainly deserved the title. I was angling for a finals versus my brother, but that'll have to wait until Regionals. ;)
Top 4 he played a gyarados and won.

In Finals I think he played a mirror match. I think

Not sure the names on either of the players.
Juniors top 4 was Nikil playing Connor M. from Tomball, Texas (far North Houston) and Austin C. from The Woodlands, Texas (far North Houston) against Dawson (Birch's grandson). Nikil beating Dawson in the finals.

Seniors top 4 was Josh B. (Dallas area) playing Alex M. from Austin, Texas and Cameron C. of The Woodlands, Texas playing Ryan M. of Friendswood, Texas (far South Houston). Cameron beating Alex in the finals.
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