Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

This man is my hero!

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I saw this buried deep in a Worlds report, and couldn't help trying to bring this to light. This is what Spirit of the game means, THIS is how sportsmanship is supposed to be!

I quote from Matash's Top 32 WORLDS report

Round 4 vs Drew Holton from U.S.A (with PLOX)

I go first and start with Sabyele. I attack Baltoy for 10 and disable.
Drew rare candies to Gallade and attaches DRE, but it's on the bench, so that gives me a little time.. he plays Wager, I end up losing the wager, and he proceeds to get a couple prizes with Gallade, and KO's random basic Pokemon (including a Sableye that I tried to stall with)
I end up getting Toxicroak and use Paralyze Poisen on Gallade, but fail on Parlysis.
he Psychic Cuts Toxicroak for the OHKO. I send up Scizor and KO him back.
he sends up a random basic pokemon. He Celio's for Gardy LV X and evolves his Kirlia into a Gardy LV X. and I was like "huh?" and he looks all depressed and stuff and is like "woah.. I thought that was Gallade... that's what I meant to get. i guess i'm stuck with this?" I was like, dude.. i'm not gonna win on a misplay, grab your Gallade."
so he got it, and we returned to our close game.
eventually, I start coming back in prizes, rotating out Scizors, and saving the Toxicroaks for the big threats.
Drew had a lot of counters to my Cess's and Beach (Windstorm, Stadiums, Warp Point)
so my power locking didn't effect him all too much.
at one point in the game, I have an active Toxicroak, and a Crougunk on the bench. I evolve the Gunk on the bench to a Toxicroak.
Drew's like "hmm.. wait a sec.. didn't you just play the Crougunk this turn?"
i was like "dang.... ya know I'm actually not sure if i did or not lol" and neither of us could really remember if I dropped it this turn, or last turn. (that's what 3 hours of sleep does to me)
so just to be on the safe side i was like "eh.. no worries dude. I'll save it till next turn.."

Everyone could learn something from this. Sometimes I feel this game is becoming to much like MTG, the above is an example of how this SHOULD be played.

He made a mistake. NOTHING on the feild of play changed NOTHING, his opponent has more honor then most people I know by letting him take his obvious misplay back.

You Sir should be commended!:thumb:
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What is more amazing is that it was at WORLDS. letting him take back that misplay could have costed him getting into top cut. I wish I could have as much SOTG as that guy.
I called myself on[edit: possible] rigged dice after flipping 8 heads in a row my opponent was really surprised lol, they are like that's never happened before!
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I called myself on rigged dice after flipping 8 heads in a row my opponent was really surprised lol, they are like that's never happened before!

Is that like admitting you're cheating?

You know they're not rigged, so how could you call yourself on a rule you know you aren't breaking? Couldn't you just use a different dice?
yeah, Ian B is amazing.

great player in skill (top cut Worlds 08, Nats 07 and Nats 08) and in SOTG
well not really a dice can be weighted and a player (the one the dice owned to) not knowing about it.
It's how the dice are made I guess.
In MTG (in similar situations) you can do this and not be accused of cheating.
(actually it is to prevent cheating)
Best is a judge watches anyway.
Anyway long story short, a judge came over and rolled tails, tails, heads.

Ryan: I believe i was using different dice too, and they were all checked.
I don't really remember a lot of it it was 1am ish in Mutant Draft.

If you think your opponent has rigged dice you don't accuse them of cheating it is probable. (not very though)
However I think it's fair to say after 8 heads a judge should be called over JIMO.
Ian is a very comendable person and carries an aura about him that just makes ya proud to say you know him and just wanna be his friend very humble and kind which is a rare quality these days.

Props to you Ian
Ian is a cool fellow. Very respectable, and definitely made my round six loss feel much easier.
I called myself on[edit: possible] rigged dice after flipping 8 heads in a row my opponent was really surprised lol, they are like that's never happened before!

Was it a Sakura-con dice?!?!

About the misplay ... umm I am sorry I do not agree, I mean it is the Toxicroaks players choice to allow a player to take back a mistake, but that is what league is for, this is worlds, and at that level of competition the entire outcome of games is usually decided by the 1st player to make a mistake. I do not see this as any kind of example of good sportsmanship but rather an even greater game misplay on the part of the Toxicroak player. Once the card has been chosen and the deck shuffled and cut it is way to late to go back in and make another selection.

I lost a City Championship to Pidgeotto Trainer this year due to making the same kind of Silly Mistake. We were tied on 1-1 and in the deciding game 3 He went first with Senseret. and I started with a Ralts and a benched Trapinch. He groped and I had rare candy, double rainbow, Cielios Network and Gardevoir and Viabra in my opening hand. The game was mine. I Rare candy the Ralts to Gardy, attach energy and pass on turn 1.

T2 2 he looks sick, He plays Roseanne's Grabs a Ralts and an energy, attaches to Ralts and evolves to Furret and Keen Eyes. Now I just got to bring everything down to win. I draw my card. Draw a castform and attach it to Gardevoir. Then I telepass for two energy. Evolve my trapinch to Vibra. And Play my Cileos at which point Ross sets his hand down infront of him. Then with both judges looking on I proceed to pick up my deck to get the Gardy X that I know is in there from my telepass. Then for some unknown reason that I cant explain to this day. I select my card, shuffle and hand him my deck to be cut. The after I hand him my deck I notice that everyone's eyes are as big as saucers and they are all staring at the table. I look at what they are staring at and I gasp.... for some reason I had selected a Flygon instead of my Gardy X. I still am unsure how I could loose my train of thought from the time I picked up my deck to when I selected my card, but I make the mistake, and as the judge pointed out after the game it was too late to fix it. I realize I have just lost the City Championship but I decide not to retreat as He will have to have Gallade, Rare candy and Double Rainbow to get me next turn so I pass.

T3 He Rare Candies Ralts to Gallade attaches Double Rainbow (of course he had all 3 cards) Retreats Furret and OHKO Gardy. I send up Viabra, Draw get nothing to help me. Evolve to the stupid Flygon I took, attached the double rainbow and end my turn. T4 He OHKOS me for the championship.

Yes, Ross could have let me take back my mistake and lost the game but that would have made him a chump rather then a champ. And if you have ever met Ross you know that he is most defiantly not a chump. (Me, I am a chump) Did he display poor SOTG by not letting me take back my mistake. That would have been an even more ridiculous mistake then the one that I made. The mistake was mine and he would have been extremely foolish to let me reverse it. League is the only place suitable for letting your opponent reverse a misplay. Not premiere event Tournaments and most defiantly not ever in the Top Cut of the World Championships.
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After this worlds i felt SOTG was there fully but this reenforces my feeling :) I am glad someone as good as drew would do that. It makes me remember when i palyed against Greg Sauk in round 2 of the Grinder. I was talking to him and screwed up shuffling my deck and discard. Blizzard walked by and i said: "ohh dang thats a game loss right??" He said i think so but let me check. Greg actually said: "I knew what was in your discard so if you dont mind blizard ill just takle out what was there and well continue." I was about to take the loss because i screwed up but he fixed it so easily and i was sitting there shocked. I thanked greg for being a good sport and helping me out after my bad first round loss.

It shows how big spirit of the game still is in pokemon. :biggrin: Thansk to people like that ill never give up playing this game.
Ian is an awesome player. For those of us that know him personally and see him all the time, his actions at Worlds are not all that surprising.

Ian has always show what true SoTG is all about. Good job Ian, and good job making your fellow Colorado players - all players if fact - proud of you and your game play. I hope this leads more players to show more SoTG.
Yamato did a Bring Down on my bronzor the first round.I pointed on his Gallade, that had less HP remaining. I let him change his move. I *maybe* could have won that match, but I don't care. At least I'm the first player in the earth that saw Yamato misplaying!
Yamato did a Bring Down on my bronzor the first round.I pointed on his Gallade, that had less HP remaining. I let him change his move. I *maybe* could have won that match, but I don't care. At least I'm the first player in the earth that saw Yamato misplaying!

Where did this idea of refusing to win become the definition of Good Sportsmanship, I cant believe that I am the only one that feels this way. An example of Good Sportsmanship is when you make an illegal move, like saying an attack that you do not have the right amount of energy for, and then when your opponent does not catch it and discards the poke and brings up a benched and draws a card. Then you catch yourself and tell them,,, wait I could not do that attack as I am short one energy, please take your pokemon out of the discard pile, and you put your prize back.

That is good sportsmanship. Mistakes happen, but not allowing a mistake you make to benefit you is stopping yourself from making an illegal move.

Stopping your opponent form making a bad move is not good sportsmanship but, in all actuality is kind of an insult to the game as you obviously are not taking the game seriously. The vast majority of games when both players are of similar skill and with similar set up, hinge on the 1st player to make a misplay. Capitalizing on your opponents mistake is not bad sportsmanship. And it is going to be a dangerous thing if that idea gets accepted in the pokemon community at large. And in swiss loosing a game you could win on purpose is unfair to the other players you played that day because you hurt their tiebreaker and you may cause them to unnecessarily cause them to miss the top cut.

(Hey Billy won the City championship but only because he is a poor sport, He and his opponent were in sudden death in the 3rd game, Billy could only do 20 damage with his, and his opponent had 20 hp left had a potion in his hand, that would have saved him and let him KO Billy next turn, but he accidentally said the attack taking Billy to only 10 hp left, after attaching the energy, then immediately after caught himself and said wait I was going to play my potion 1st. the judge looked at Billy, who is such a poor example of Spirit of the game, that he did not let the kid play the potion after he attacked.. Can you believe that!! Then Billy wins the next turn by doing 20 damage. What a poor sport Billy is. His parents should be ashamed of raising such a bad kid!!)

Really is that where we want to see the game headed, that players are afraid to win a game when their opponent makes a mistake. Tiger Woods does not let his opponent have a do over when they miss a 3 inch putt does he? Is Tiger a poor Sport? Of course not Tigger is a Champion precisely because he makes fewer mistakes then his opponents.

Last year in the NFL playoffs, Cowboys vs Giants at then end of the game Dallas was very close to scoring the game winning touchdown, and keep their Superbowl hopes alive,
when the Dallas QB threw an interception into the endzone. Did the NY Giants in an example of SOTG hand back the ball to Dallas, and say here you go lets do that down all over again as we all know that it was not your intention to throw the ball to the wrong player. Then Dallas repeats the down and scores a Touchdown!!! And the Cowboys go on to win the Superbowl being the only team to beat the Patriots last year" The Giants Coach is interviewed after the Superbowl, and he says... *maybe* (WE) could have won that match, but I don't care. At least I'm the first (Coach) player in the earth that saw (Dallas) Yamato misplaying

Yea he would keep his job!!
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