Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

This weekend I'm not going to complain about the price of anything...

You guys are aware that this Iraq war is only happening because our president has no common sense and attacked Iraq on the grounds that there"could be" WMDs there. Of course, he didn't know this and wouldn't wait for an investigation, so he attacked Iraq. We had Bin Laden cornered(for the most part), but he went and blew it, so now we're in a war with no easy way out. So, that's what all these soldiers are giving their lives for. Absolutely nothing at all! And in all honesty, Iraq is just the tip of the George W. Bush iceberg that the Titanic that is North America collided with, and is now sinking into a new great depression!
Yah, but as good americans we're all taught that making rich people richer is better for the economy because they have more capital to spend. Right? I mean that's why we give so many tax breaks to them so they can spend more money and give us more jobs. So we shouldn't mind paying higher prices for jobs because eventually it will come back to us =D.

Right , because making everything "free" wouldn't make sense, I see.:thumb:

Only rich people are entitled to be rich. If you're poor, you aren't allowed to be rich, you pay taxes to make up for it.

America is so smart.

The sad thing is the fact that the price of oil is driving up the price of everything. natural gas in our houses, gasoline in our cars, food, and most products in general. This goes to show that we depend way too much on the middle east for our oil, and maybe we should start trying a little more to tap into our own sources, to at least alleviate things a little bit. There was an interview with Bush that I watched recently, and he said the last refinery built in the US was in the 1970's. That's a long time. Why haven't we built any new ones? You cannot tell me that we have no oil in the US, because we do. At least it would make things a little bit better for the time being. It's hurting the wallets of a lot of people, and causing many to have to leave jobs because it's costing too much to get there.
You guys are aware that this Iraq war is only happening because our president has no common sense and attacked Iraq on the grounds that there"could be" WMDs there. Of course, he didn't know this and wouldn't wait for an investigation, so he attacked Iraq. We had Bin Laden cornered(for the most part), but he went and blew it, so now we're in a war with no easy way out. So, that's what all these soldiers are giving their lives for. Absolutely nothing at all! And in all honesty, Iraq is just the tip of the George W. Bush iceberg that the Titanic that is North America collided with, and is now sinking into a new great depression!

Duh? I would have thought this would have been obvious by now :thumb:
Don't worry, it'll all trickle back down to the little people in the end. Corporate welfare always does.

The fact that I can say all this with a straight face scares me much more than it scares you, trust me. A little satiric sarcasm kinda alleviates the pain, you know.