Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

UK - English Nationals 19 June 2004

Now I really want to be addopted.
I assume it's not possible for outside UK people to come over and play, or get an invitation.
Meaby if we organize a big tourny overhere with as price a trip to the UK Nationals and an invitation to the Nationals , that will be great.

Can you try to get info for me about that.

Is it such impossible, that the distributor in the Netherlands will make Naionals? I think for example, that our German distributor is planning on nationals (After City Championchips were announced, I mailed them and they said: "We´re planning on a possibility to qualify for Worlds, don´t panic." Of course, there isn´t an official announcement out yet). The UK Nationals are announced very early, even before the US nationals. So I assume, that there is no reason for panic at this moment.
Of course, the new OP needs a new infra structure in Europe which must be build up. Take the prereleases you had in the Netherlands, whereas the distributors in other countries were not ready for installing such tournaments. But things begin to roll...
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As Glumanda has said I too suspect that the other european distributors will be expected to provide a Nationals type competition.

The earlier that the intention to provide Nationals is anounced, even without details, the more time we have to advertise and ensure a good turnout.

As to getting an invite to the UK Nationals: As I said earlier I believe that Nationals are a reward to the players who are spending money locally. So If you want an invite to the UK competition start spending money on UK sourced Pokémon product.;)

I may have to buy some Dutch product too *BIG GRIN*
When the tournaments where DCI sanctioned, the DCI rules were very clear ... anybody had the opportunity to play at qualifiers, even if these tournaments were called 'nationals'.

FreddyK will certainly remember the UK and Belgian presence at the Championnat de France ;)

According to the POP Floor rules (Player eligibility), players from any country may play tournaments, except if these are 'special-invitation only tournaments'.

If qualifiers are run without any players of other countries, we will miss the best part of the game ... meeting friends from abroad at main events.

Remember Lucca, Amsterdam, Rainham, London, Antwerp, Paris, Hannover, ...
What will 'international POP' mean without events like that ?
I think these will count as 'special invite' events, with the emphasis on a UK set of players representing the UK. I guess I would be anxious if I were not in the UK, how are the distributors arranging things elsewhere in the continent?

Belgium, man... :eek:
I'm not that anxious Freddy, even if not a single word about POP has been put on the Belgian distributor's website.
We all want to do our best for the game, and we can do it in a non-official way. But if the 'officials' don't care, if they don't move or don't want our help like in Holland, they take their own responsibilities.
We have proven what we can do in the past, now it's their turn to show that THEY are the professionals.

I was not talking about that in my previous post, I was simply saying that the best part of the game is the opportunity that we had to play with and meet people and friends from a lot of countries at big events.

If Pokemon becomes a 'market protected' product, if people are more concerned by their own market than by the international aspect of it and the community of Pokemon, a lot of players will quit and play other games (remember the 15+ ;) ).

Honestly, even if it's funny to play close to your home (always against the same players), it's nothing compared to big tournaments like we've played/judged.

Distributors may choose to run invitational main events, but IMO it's narrow minded and it's a vision for a very short term.

In the past, many qualifiers were won by players from other countries, and except in France I've never heard any objection. France has tried to protect the market and have French players qualified ... look where's Pokemon in that country now.

Will guys from California play qualifiers in other states ? Will players from Florida play in other states ? ... I hope they will, like they've always done.
If they may not play in other states, I'd like to know their opinion about it.
If it's ok in the USA, why wouldn't it be the same in Europe ? Money ? Sure ! Is it good for the game and PUI ? Not sure !

When you run a tournament in the UK, you know the top 8 long before the beginning of the event because it's always the same players who are on top. It's the same in every country or US state.
Isn't it more funny, and better for the game and the players, to have the opportunity to play with players from other countries/states ?

Will it be the next mistake made by the responsibles of OP in Europe ? :rolleyes:

Freddy, don't believe that I try to defend Laetitia's interests. There are a lot of players in Europe who are as good as she is, and open qualifiers do absolutely not mean a ticket to Worlds for her ;)
But open qualifiers mean opportunities to meet friends, play with them, share our passion for the game ... like we've done before.
:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: BIRMINGHAM!!!!!!!!!!! :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

how the hell am i supposed to get to birmingham
As far as I know, the Nationals in the Netherlands will be open to anybody. So I think the UK ones should be open to.

Nationals in the Netherlands planned June 27, but don't be suprised if you get there and the distributor picked people of the street to let them play there.
This happened before, because then it looks like your event is large.

Btw you can compare the nationals with the US state championship, because our countries are not large enough for CC and State and Nationals. so they swap State Championships.

Weebl - just like everyone else, although I am sure if you are organised enough you can plan to go together with one of the many people journeying to Birmingham from other parts of the country, including London. My choice is either by train (Paddington Main Line) or car (M40+)

Rainbow - this is a decision made by the distributors and I am certain that it is because they would like to see a UK player base for certain going to Worlds. Being the best in the UK and the best in Europe are two different things... although if there is an open catagory in Amsterdam I would be VERY interested in attending I agree.

Freddy as far as it looks now everyone can participate at the agecat. they belong.
Nationals will be hold in Utrecht this time not in Amsterdam.
What I try to point out is. If UK Nationals are only open for UK citizen than the Dutch Nationals should only be open for Dutch people and then there will be no traveling for us to Belgium, Germany and v.v.

Something else appeared, as it looks now we don't get City Championship only 2 or 3 qualifiers to get a bye for the Nationals.

But I have seen this distributor changing rules and thing like the wind moves, so at the time everything is official I will post it.
Invitational Nationals is the more stupid thing PUI/Distributors can do.
I will not repeat what I've already said about that.

Is the UK distributor so afraid of foreign players that he wants to prevent them of playing the UK National ? :p

Freddy, just like us you're a 'Pokemon globetrotter', and thinking at main events without seeing my friends from abroad just makes me sick.

If Nationals are invitational, let's follow the line and make City invitational too. You divide the country according to the CC and allow players from a part of the country to play in one and only one CC.

As to getting an invite to the UK Nationals: As I said earlier I believe that Nationals are a reward to the players who are spending money locally. So If you want an invite to the UK competition start spending money on UK sourced Pokémon product.

Sorry, but people/shops from outside the UK MAY NOT purchase products from the UK National distributor.

I don't understand why PUI/Distributors close the European market like that (ok, I know, money !) and close POP in Europe like that.
I'll agree with the idea when US States Championships will be open to resedents of the State only. Actually I'll still be against invitational tournaments, but at least USA and Europe will be at the same level.
Sense may yet prevail on the invitational aspect, given that despite repeated request we cannot find out what the invitational criterior are goin to be.

Also the date has changed by a week and the Nationals will now be held a week later on the 19th June 2004.
michel said:
Sorry, but people/shops from outside the UK MAY NOT purchase products from the UK National distributor.

where did you get that piece of information Michel. I'm reasonably certain that such practices are illegal.
Sure Nopoke it is illegal.
Actually we may order, but official distributors in other countries may not deliver because there is a local distributor in my country that has the distribution here.

Another example is Yu Gi Oh. We had 4 distributors and now we only have 2 in Belgium. We have problems to find cards in French edition, and the boxes are more expensive than with the previous distributors. I've asked the french distributor (who sells cards in French only) if it was possible to place an order. The answer was clear : we may not sell in other countries.

I've also asked to PUI a couple of months ago if it was possible to deal with a distributor in another country. The answer was no.

Same monopilistic situation with products as with OP material and organization.

The official distributors protect their market.

If you have other info, and if we may buy in the UK, that could interess shops in Belgium. But I don't think it will change the fact that foreign players will be banned from the UK championship.
You can order product from UK distributors for shipment to other countries within the EEC. You need a reasonably large order to make it worthwhile and there are a variety of customs requirements to do with VAT/BTW/TVA. Such trade is not called IMPORT/EXPORT within the EEC but SUPPLY.


PUI have no option but to comply with EU law and cannot prevent you from dealing with any distributor within the EEC. PUI can say 'NO' as much as they like but the practice remains legal, even though it is not their prefered method of supply. Master distributors may be 'prevented' by contract from supplying freely within the EEC but such contracts would probably not hold up if tested in EU law. However the reality is that the Master distributors will probably not wish to rock the boat with PUI. That said your local master distributor should be best placed to give you the best possible deal so there should be no economic reason to go elsewhere. At least that is how it is supposed to work in a free market economy.


I have no idea what is happening with UK Nationals.
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Michel said:
I'll agree with the idea when US States Championships will be open to resedents of the State only. Actually I'll still be against invitational tournaments, but at least USA and Europe will be at the same level.

Just to add some more info to the discussion in this thread, the VIP packages (bye/byes and/or ???) are only redeemable in _your_ state. So, if one of the California guys had won in Chandler Arizona (where I hear they played the CC as double-battle) or Tempe Arizona they can not redeem the VIP package at California state championship. Hope I have that right. Anyway, its no where near the level of geographic exclusivity you are discussing. Hope that is of interest.
edit: mispelling
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