Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Updated: Uk Nationals

It should be as its out.
Out in the US, Out in Europe I don't know. But not out in the UK. POP9 was not shipped last league season.

Which would mean that only very few packs will have been given to league players by the date of Nationals.

I hope that there are no big cards in POP9
Out in the US, Out in Europe I don't know. But not out in the UK. POP9 was not shipped last league season.

Which would mean that only very few packs will have been given to league players by the date of Nationals.

I hope that there are no big cards in POP9

I have seen it at Bournemouth and I believe it will be out with the next league kits - the list is up on the pokebeach too
Confirmations have gone out. Also emails to the uknationals email now auto-respond with the full information on the event.

Please note: You still need to register on the day for the event - If players have not confirmed their attendance by Reg Close @ 9:45am they will receive a first round loss.

When you arrive at the venue, please register at the main desk with a completed deck list - You will not be registered without this.


D & A Games

Just to voice my opinion on this, but why is the complexity of everything being maxed out. For one thing theres pre-registration by email, then theres registering on the day as explained above. Last year it was'nt like this and look how good the tournament went. I know quite a few players who have been put off from going to Nationals becuase of all this multiple registration business. Think of an age group that from where im standing seems to be getting smaller, the Juniors. How are they going to deal with all this stuff. And to top this off, this is all being anounced on a forum in which 70% of players in the UK dont go on, and to my knowledge there are only 2-3 Uk juniors who go on here.

You really need to set the record straight with everone on the official page for this, or more than anything set up an actual website for this. This webpage, for me is not specific enough

Just to voice my opinion on this, but why is the complexity of everything being maxed out. For one thing theres pre-registration by email, then theres registering on the day as explained above. Last year it was'nt like this and look how good the tournament went. I know quite a few players who have been put off from going to Nationals becuase of all this multiple registration business. Think of an age group that from where im standing seems to be getting smaller, the Juniors. How are they going to deal with all this stuff. And to top this off, this is all being anounced on a forum in which 70% of players in the UK dont go on, and to my knowledge there are only 2-3 Uk juniors who go on here.

You really need to set the record straight with everone on the official page for this, or more than anything set up an actual website for this. This webpage, for me is not specific enough


Hey Luke,


Pre Registration is the only addition to the Nationals this year, and this is optional (you do not have to pre register) - you still need to go to the Registration desk to confirm you have "arrived" and to hand in your desk list on the day (As you would with any other premier event). It is not that complex (Turn Up -Register and Hand Deck List In - Wait for round 1)

The Main OP site shows the details for the event and shows how to get in contact with us in regards anything else they would like to know in regards to the event.

However thanks for brining up these points - If you drop me a line to the [email protected] with any other questions you have I may be able to sort these out for you.



D & A Games

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

Out in the US, Out in Europe I don't know. But not out in the UK. POP9 was not shipped last league season.

Which would mean that only very few packs will have been given to league players by the date of Nationals.

I hope that there are no big cards in POP9

POP 9 is legal for Nationals.
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Ok, thanks, i spose the sleepless nights have made me more confused than ever. 1 more things, what happens if people turn up without pre-registring before hand?

Chris, just to clarify are we now saying that players do not need to pre-register to play at UK Nationals?

And that it is only optional?


sigh whenever i go on Rac or google maps and type in that address, nothing turns up.

Also, will the format be DP-Pt?

the legal set is DP PT

to find it in google maps search only the post code TW16 5AQ

pre book a place so you can go the nationials as i will be certinley over booked if you just turn up on the day no booked place you might be sent away
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Attendance cap? No one has mentioned an attendance cap ???? :confused:

overbooked?? That would suggest a small venue say 300 sq m. I hope the room is bigger than 300 sq m.
There was and never has been as far as I am aware an attendance cap, there was a need for players to pre-register for Thorpe Park due to the nature of the venue -

I assumed that pre-registration was still required but it seems that may no longer be the case - Chris will I am sure clear the confusion up in no time :D
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I don't believe there is a cap (within reason).
In terms of pre-reg, I believe it is just to make it easier on the day. So not nesserary needed, but Chris will confirm of course.

pre book a place so you can go the nationials as i will be certinley over booked if you just turn up on the day no booked place you might be sent away

Just to let you know, but i think the TO has overseen any space problems on this one, i have been to Kempton park conference centre before, and we wont be short for space.
Indeed, Its 2 miles from where I live and it is a huge huge place!

The food is unlikely to be cheap but there is a BP garage just up the road (100 yards) and a mini arcade of shops 2 minutes away (in a car).

Anyone needing local info or directions then feel free to drop me a line


Indeed, Its 2 miles from where I live and it is a huge huge place!

The food is unlikely to be cheap but there is a BP garage just up the road (100 yards) and a mini arcade of shops 2 minutes away (in a car).

Anyone needing local info or directions then feel free to drop me a line



My man! :D

will def hit you up bro
Ok Clarity:

1) We have never said there was any attendance cap.

2) Pre Registration: I think I have said this a couple of times however to clarify - You DO NOT have to pre register for the Nationals.

Players can just arrive on the day and register from 8:30am to 9:45am with a completed Deck List.

The first round will start at 10am.

Any other questions can be directed to [email protected]


what time will it finish on the first day

and how do you get from the station to the conferance centre
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Chris/Ben/Ian/Russ - can you please confirm which POP Series pack Pokémon will be legal for UK Nationals 2009? Thanks.

- Fr3ddy