Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

What are YOUR Pet Peeves?


New Member
Remember, you need to explain your answers!

I am, as a rule, a patient and understanding person. I like to believe I keep myself under control most of the time. That said, there are certain things that just set me off and make me so angry or frustrated I can hardly stand it.

1) Double Spacing After Periods. Like This. Why. Would. You. Do. This.
This is easily my number one Pet Peeve. There is NO CURRENT STYLE (not MLA, not APA, not Chicago, not AP) that recommends using a second space after a period (or any other full stop). I know this probably seems silly, but as a writing student, I peer-review 3-4 short stories every week, and I have to point this out on about 90% of them (literally).

This is an unreasonable thing to get upset about, because I suppose the extra space doesn't really hurt anything...but it looks sloppy and I hate it! And it's wrong. So there.

2) People Who Espouse Knowledge...
...based on some random thing they've heard. For instance, I made a comment in one of my classes today about the fact that human language is innate (sort-f 'hard-wired' int our brains). About four of my fellow students proceeded to correct me by saying, in very uncompromising terms, that I was crazy.

"Language isn't innate, you're crazy!" one of them said.

There was a murmur of agreement. Then one student proceeded to inform the class that "all mammals communicate through learned verbal language."

Of course, the innateness of human language is generally accepted by linguists, who have the sole job of studying human language. Clearly, I was not wrong, as I have taken a number of linguistics course and would not have even opened my mouth if I didn't have something backing up what I was going to say!

New Rule: You're in college. Just because you "think" something doesn't mean you get to say it. no one cares if you're randomly spouting off words, or repeating something you read in a forwarded eMail. Just shut up unless you've actually done some research.

By the way, mammals communicate through sound, among other things, not language. Human language is productive, whereas all other mammals have a strict set of sound/message correlations. The closest language that we know of to human language is that of the Honey Bee.

3) People Who Give Me a Hard Time At The Post Office.
Listen, dudes and dudettes, I'm sorry you have to wear those ridiculous blue polo shirts, and that you're stuck in an overly-demanding customer service position. I realize this makes you feel sad and as though you're lacking fulfilment in your life.

But that doesn't give you the right to get pissy with me just because I know postal regulations (a.k.a. your job) better than you do. I wouldn't have asked for the service if it didn't exist, and I'm sorry if you feel like I'm correcting you, but you're not filling out the form correctly/affixing the form correctly/charging me the correct amount/etc.

FYI, I'm just kidding in the first part. There's nothing at all wrong with working at the post office. Unless you harass me. Then I hate you.

Well, I guess that's all I can think of for now. This will probably be an ever growing list. What are some of your Pet Peeves, and WHY.

What are some of your Pet Peeves, and WHY.
My pet peeve is, umm, I dunno. Nothing in paticular anoys me more then anything else.

EDIT: O yea, I remembered a few.

People who attack others out of nowhere at all. At least give warning if you are going to say something to get into a fight/violent debate instead of just getting into it.

Walls and walls of text. It is one thing if it is like, a textbook. But on the net, just no.

People who claim to know everything. Just UGHUGHUGH.
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friends being mad over nothing

people stealing stuff and lying about it

and when ever u play pokemon against a n00b they think YOUR a n00b and they try to talk all slow and stuff
1.) people using numbers in their words like this:
so on and so forth.
It just annoys me, and poeple that use bad grammar. I know I don't have the best grammar either, but better then some =/

2.) n00bs talking slow and explaining their decks to me, I'm like: "Hey kid! I know your deck better then you do! Play the game and stop taking 20 minute turns!" lol

3.) poeple listening to their iPods and mp3 players too loud and having both ear buds in, so when I talk to them they don't hear a word, then I look all stupid trying to talk them when I know they can't hear me =/

4.) Wall o' texts, a few bolded letters and such might drag me into their attention or if I know I can help their problem.

That's about all I think, I might add more later, srry if Ididn't post good enough reasons, I just don't know how =/
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Unfortunately, those of us who learned to touch-type using _typewriters_ had the 'double space after a period' beaten into our heads ;) :) I first learned touch-typing in an 'experimental' program back in 5th or 6th grade...so it's a nearly 40 year old :eek: habit by now :)

One of mine is text-speak, shorthand, whatever you'd like to call it, in venues such as email or message boards where there IS no character limit per message.

And I'm sure you've read the articles about how people are so used to using this type of communication that they are using it in schoolwork, etc. where it is completely inappropriate. Correct grammar and spelling are acquired skills; the more you use them the easier it will be to do so.

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my pet pieve's are people who annoy me for stupid reasons, or just act like an unreasonable idiot
i shall give an example of each

i was at work the other day, and a lady was taking her 3 year old child onto a boat without a life jacket (?!?!?!)
i shouted to get her attention, and told her niether she nor her child could go on the boat without a lifejacket
she asked where a sign for it was
i pointed to the four foot tall by eight foot wide sign less than ten feet from her, which said going on the boat requires a suitable floatation devise

another example
at the pool i used to work at, there was a little kid drowning in the shallow water
i jumped in, and pulled him out
he wasnt breathing (!!!!!!!), so i proceded to perform CPR on him to resusitate him
his dad comes over and starts yelling at me, while im performing CPR on his not-breathing son
it took 2 other lifeguards to drag him back so i could continue
the child wokeup, an ambulence arrived, the father started yelling up a storm, and demanding i be fired
yeah, after i saved his son
i was ******
"stupid stantler" decks in pokemon

other than that I don't think I have any pet peeves as I'm a pretty patient and easy going guy.
Yeah, I was always told in school to double space after a period.

My pet peeves are UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT and misusing the words they're, their and there.
and your and you're
and its and it's...

That's about it.

Example: Is that you're's hat over their?
Bad Officiating. Ugh.

It pisses me off to see a good game (or series, or season even) ruined by bad officiating.

See: 2002 Western Conference Finals Colorado vs Detroit Game 6
and more recently:
Last Thursday, Toronto vs NYI.

That might have cost us a playoff spot this year.
PSYCO829: not to say it's right, but the 'reason' :rolleyes: the parent was probably yelling at you was because his kid got into trouble at all...in other words, you weren't watching him the way THE PARENT should have been, to prevent the situation from happening to begin with =/ Umm duh? 'lifeguard on duty' doesn't mean 'you don't have to watch your kid'...=/

Which ties into another peeve: parents who abdicate active parenting of their kids in public places, assuming 'everyone else' will take care of their little darlings while they browse, shop, drink coffee etc.

Or the ones who act as if anything and everything in a store is theirs to amuse their child with: like the parent (or grandparent? definitely old enough to KNOW BETTER :mad:) who not only let their 2 y/o walk/crawl/sit on my league tablecloths/playmats, but was about to pick up the end of the one the child was sitting on and use it to DRAG HER KID AROUND ON THE FLOOR WITH to give her a 'ride' before I stopped her o_O :mad:


Lol I put 2 spaces. It's what I my teachers told me to do, so...I do it ;p.

I HATE people that don't say thank you after receiving something. Ugh it drives me crazy.
Yeah, I was always told in school to double space after a period.

I can understand those that learned to type before the computer revolution doing it, but I guess you could say it's a pet peeve that people are still being taught this.
After all, all word processing programs now automatically space it correctly, especially if you margin justify your text. Which is another thing that annoys me, people using Word or similar programs and using spaces to tab instead of using the tab feature. And of course it never lines up properly when they do it that way...
I have more, but that's enough for now.
People who misuse Their, There, and They're. Same applies to Your & You're and Its & It's. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE. Teachers teach you the differences early in school. How hard is it to remember the differences. Not like it's math or anything ._. Same applies to Then & Than and Effect & Affect.

And people who fail to make my coffee correctly or who don't bother listening to what I order. A Marble Mocha Macchiato has no similarity to a Caramel Macchiato other than them being Macchiatos. If you're not going to listen to what they're ordering, you shouldn't really be working there.

Also, I was taught to double space after a period. Unless I have one of my english professors tell me stop, I'm going to keep doing that.

And it somewhat annoys me when people highlight a text, then press Delete or Backspace. I mean, just overwrite it. Save yourself the effort.
People who throw around the word "hypocrite" too liberally. The internet surfers who will spend countless hours of their time searching message boards for contradictions between Post A and Post B just to have an excuse to toss out that word at somebody and make themselves appear more intellegent are definitely my biggest pet peeve.
People who throw around the word "hypocrite" too liberally. The internet surfers who will spend countless hours of their time searching message boards for contradictions between Post A and Post B just to have an excuse to toss out that word at somebody and make themselves appear more intellegent are definitely my biggest pet peeve.

Now that you're in the 4000 club, people will have to take a lot more time to search your posts for contradictions.
I've got a couple... One of the most annoying things to me is when people feel compelled to have their cell phone glued to their head. Yes, there are important times to have one, and yes, people want to talk to their friends, but you do not need to be using a phone at all times. My roommate last year was constantly on the phone, and when he lost his charger (forgot it back at home or something), it was as though he almost forgot how life moves on. ...Then his friend told him to forward his cell's calls to the room phone and I had to deal with that thing ringing for something like two weeks. -_-

Another thing, and this is largely an issue with being at Penn State's main campus... Between classes, in particular, there's a swarm of people walking around. Pedestrians certainly do have the right of way at a crosswalk, but people here either don't notice or simply don't CARE that they're holding traffic up a lot. It's not a few cars going, then a lot of pedestrians, then a couple cars... It's more like: slight trickle of pedestrians cross for 30 seconds, one car manages to bolt through, slight trickle of pedestrians for another 30 seconds, etc. It's incredibly frustrating being on the bus and not being able to get to the stop 200 feet away because not a single pedestrian will wait the couple seconds to let any vehicles through.

Also, people failing to spell or use correct grammar get on my nerves too. :p
Warning: Long list.

After all, all word processing programs now automatically space it correctly, especially if you margin justify your text.

Actually, in Microsoft Word at least, there's the option of whether you want one or two spaces after each period. Personally, I was taught to use two, and that's what I always use. Nice to know I solidly occupy the OP's number 1 slot, as well. And for the record, I find that it doesn't look "sloppy," it actually looks neater.

Unless I have one of my english professors tell me stop, I'm going to keep doing that.

Not even English professors can get me to stop. It's entirely a stylistic difference. It's no more or less "wrong" than spelling it "colour."

On a similar vein, people who insist on home row typing like it's the only way to type annoy me. A lot. Especially when it's being emphasized by someone who's only barely computer-literate in the first place. "I can get 40 WPM typing like this program taught me to!" Yeah, well I can get double that just by typing like I normally do. It doesn't make either of us special. Annoying to have to deal with that.

Segues nicely into something that also irritates me a lot: People who suck at something, and insist that their method is superior, or that because they suck, the thing itself sucks. This latter one is usually seen with gamers who pick up a game, play it for all of five minutes, get beaten badly, and leave it in favour of WoW or Halo. If you're bad at something, odds are it's not the something that sucks, it's you.

Speaking of that gaming generation, I can't stand people who insist on butchering our language beyond recognition. It's the Internet, things take time to type, and I can understand that. Acronyms are used in formal writing, after all. But what I can't stand are elementary grammar mistakes that I knew not to make before I was in grade five. Easily the biggest offender is "its" and "it's." The second seems to be "there" and "their" (thankfully nobody screws up "they're"). I also can't decide which I loathe more: ebonics or leet. Neither are languages in their own right, as both simply butcher the English language. English may have more exceptions to rules than it has rules, but regardless, there is a set framework within which to work. As a writer/novelist, I'm all too aware of the rules of English. How people can be passing high school without knowing the basics (or worse, intentionally mocking the language) is probably the biggest "pet peeve" I have.

At the risk of this next one sounding offensive, I also get annoyed at immigrants who are in the country five, ten, fifteen, twenty years and can't speak a word of English. This should speak for itself, and I won't dwell on it.

Common word mix-ups: blackmail and hypocrisy. Both are butchered beyond recognition in society. Blackmail has a specific meaning. Oftentimes it's used to mean extortion, which is clearly not the case. "I have <information/pictures/whatever>, and I want this amount of money or it leaks" is blackmail. "Do this, or I do this bad thing" isn't. Along the same lines, hypocrisy and double standards are two entirely seperate things, and I wish people would learn the difference.

One thing that completely gets under my skin is when a school system insists that their method and their method only is the "correct" one. I can understand teaching an approach and calling it the best one, but when you abandon all of the concepts and get lost in marking how the steps taken match the prescribed ones, you're not teaching anymore. And as anyone who's read more than three of my posts can attest, something like that will completely irritate me to no end.

Maybe it's related to the above, maybe it isn't, who knows, but Artists just annoy the **** out of me. Note the capitals. An Artist is someone you'll usually find on Deviantart or some similar site, immersed in a clique of her (and it's almost always a teenage girl) friends, who unconditionally praise and reinforce each other no matter what. Now, if they kept to themselves, I wouldn't mind, but when I have the unpleasant experience of being lectured on the "true, hidden meaning" of a picture, and how "someone like me" "couldn't understand" the one, single meaning, it's not art (note lack of capitals) at all. It's Art. And it annoys me, as I know professional artists and they act nothing like the sanctimonious Artists you find online.

As another group of people that annoy me, I find that whenever I'm working with someone and they want you to be "decisive," only to reject everything that they wouldn't have thought of themselves, it makes me question the point of even working in the first place. It's the same when people assume everything can be arbitrarily changed for no reason. If a decision is made, the point is just that—it's made. It won't be unmade on a whim.

Anyway, as a short list (yes, short), this sums up things and groups that I just plain get annoyed at, which I suppose is the definition of a "pet peeve." It's a term I don't like but it's what the OP used, so there you go.
1. People cutting me off in the middle of talking
2. Mods delete my post for absolutely no reason and then not giving me an answer to why it was deleted
3. Stalling at PKMN Events. I so dont like this.
4. PPL on aim talking to you and then leaving and not telling you they are moving away from the computer or refuse to respond after you either where helping them out or just talking.
