Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

What do you do other than Pokemon?

I work quite often at my full time job, also run an at home business and have a painting business on the side. I enjoy running and invensting in the stock market. Occasionally Ill read or play some video games. Thats pretty much all I have time for now a days.
1. School
2. Playing jazz piano, composing music
3. Listening to music (mainly avant-garde jazz, free jazz, avant-garde rock, alternative rock, experimental rock, post-punk etc.)
4. Pokemon TCG online play (RS/Appr.)/forums/discussing on MSN etc. (don't play the VG really)

Also into audio equipment, films, computers, card games (not TCGS, playing cards), board games (previously have been obsessed with Monopoly, used to be part of the online Scrabble community). Also played chess to an extent. Used to spend a lot more time playing video games, now I just play Halo.


lol, could i steal this post for a sec....
Being socially awkward, being often misheard due to speech impediment, drawing anything surprisingly well (apparently), painting badly, being completely unaffected by excessive amounts of Red Bull/ Relentless, replaying Muppet Race Mania on ps1, building really detailed Lego spaceships, RedSharking, blowing £40 on Pokemon cards then realising I could've got the stack of tins cheaper somewhere else, browsing Pokegym, often being insulted for having unusually long hair, hating the current ConDem Government.

Inb4 that really annoying "Cool story bro" crapola.
I am first and foremost a student. While I do not love being a student, it will help me in my future, and other generic things to say about hard work and determination. I want a well paying job that I enjoy... and the best way to get there is to do well in school and get to a good university (for my field at least...). Next, I am a video game designer. I have not gotten paid for this yet, but I have a pretty big project to hit the Android Markets pretty soon. If you see a game from Zero Entertainment, that would be me ;D I am a Pokemon player after those two things. I love the game, but will not let it interrupt my education and my passion for game design. After that, I am a hard core gamer. It is really more of a hobby... but I cannot like something and be OK at it... I have to put a good amount of time into anything to really enjoy it. I can often be found playing Brawl or arcade games that would make a normal person rip out their hair and throw a controller at their screen. ;D

Also, I have long hair too... stick with it if you enjoy it. ;D
I'm sure I've posted what I do on here already buuuuuut...

I play Pokemanz competitively-ish...
I play the drums and the bass, primarily the drums.
Video games, primarily Halo:Reach and Pirates of the Caribbean Online
I don't play many sports. but I do play basketball. And I skateboard a lot, if you call that a sport.
Uh... school...
I listen to and enjoy music a lot.
I'm a rollback on Wikipedia (but don't go there tons) and a fairly active editor on the Pirates Online wiki, and a pretty inactive editor on like 50 other wikis.
I read fantasy books.
That's pretty much all.

Oh yeah, I go on the 'Gym a lot.
Aside from my trading online and irl, I do a lot of things. I look for work, but the market is so dry here that I've decided to join a government funded trade school program, so I'm waiting for the schools to open so I can obtain my transcripts. I also watch at least twenty movies a week, work wood, do some metal working such as sword and knife making. When it's not too cold, I usually go to the beach every day and pick up things I find there like star fish, stingrays, shells, sand dollars and any other things that wash up on shore. I also play the obligatory video games, watch television, spend time with my friend and family, and spend a lot of time online. :]
I play PING PONGGG suckas
and music n stuff, that's sorta cool.
I have an affinity for other strategy games, but I'm REALLY selective. Chess is a personal favorite.

long hair ftw...

I haz it too!

long hair here, but I'm getting a haircut soon. outta control. Have had it for 7 years though.
I play PING PONGGG suckas
and music n stuff, that's sorta cool.
I have an affinity for other strategy games, but I'm REALLY selective. Chess is a personal favorite.

long hair here, but I'm getting a haircut soon. outta control. Have had it for 7 years though.

Lol, at nats i mistook you for another friend that i had that has hair at least a foot long XF
- Work
- LOTS of Video Games (Some competitive)
This list includes: Blazblue, WoW, League of Legends, Touhou, Final Fantasy, etc. (No I don't play Halo or CoD. Massive waste of time.)
- Used to mod at an Advance Wars site, not so much now.
- Junior in College (Major in Interpersonal Communication)
- Collector of Merch (I have an extensive Dragonite Collection and I'm working on Snivy line), I also collect figures from specific VG's I like as well as football merch.
- Big Football Fan (Go Phins!)
- I cosplay, go to big anime con's. Currently about to have a cosplay from Blazblue finished. (Jubei)
- I'm a massive nerd in many ways, including being a lore nerd in most of the games I play.
Well, let's see here. I'm dating this goofy Naki kid above me. That's enough to keep anyone busy.

-I also work full time (Gamestop baby!)
-Video games are a big part of my life (Blazblue, World of Warcraft, Various DS and PSP handheld titles"
-I'm into drawing/painting
-I love biking when the weather is nice.
-I also attend anime cons quite frequently. Typically, you'll see both of us together at these things.
I play guitar and a bit of bass (slappa da bass), I go to school (meh), I run like Forrest (well not that good, but I've been out of the game because of my team's success and us being invited to a crapload of races), I do a lot of writing (playrights, songs, fanfics that I should get posted...). Musics is big in my life, I think that it's with pokemon and running for important things along with family, friends, and acedemics (I used an oxford comma!!!)

Oh ya, I forgot this, afros are amazing!!
- Full time college student - music composition major
- The above involves - Music Theory IV, Violin, Piano, Composition, Conducting, Concert Band
- Doing music theory homework. (If you thought Inception was twisted and confusing, it has NOTHING on this :D)
- Practicing Piano, Violin and Flute each day (most of the time :p)
- Working on compositions = pure awesomeness
- Messing around with music software to make my compositions sound good
- Getting very angry at my computer because it doesn't exactly do so hot running said music software.
- Playing video games, mostly SSBB, and various other good adventure games for the Wii, such as Mario, Zelda, DK, etc...
- Bigger football fan than the dork 4 posts above me. GO RAVENS! :D
- Overall nerd, get good grades, have the ability to completely lose someone in a conversation about music in 2 sentences or less, can talk for hours on end about music and not get bored, live, breath, sleep music, etc.. the usual stuff. :p