Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

who wants a spoiler? (pokemon)


New Member
[CHRISBO EDIT - Fixed title to be more specific; the Anime Realm forum covers more than just Pokemon alone.]

Ok heres a spoiler of the things that are going to happen in future episodes/movies


1: may gets a skitty in episode:Skitty and aromatheropy
2: ash gets a corfish in episode: Rebel of the sea! Cophish enters!
3: max borrows a poliwag in episode:Gonna rule the school!
4:brock gets a mudkip in episode: The secret pond! full of mudkip!
5: ash has a flygon in movie: jirachi-wish maker
6: misty returns and leaves togipi on mirage island to rule it when it evolves in episode:Towards the mirage! Togepi's paradise!
7: ash gets a torkal in episode: Breaking through steel valley! torkal vs steelix!

episode names: coming up....

Escape! shapedo's island
pokemon investigation! search for prof. oak!
Dewford gym! enter brawly the surfing gym leader!
wurmple and wurmple! which is which?!
steven, aron and aggron!
Rioter of the sea! Enter corphish
Run ash! cross the river of carvanha!
the secret pond! full of mudkip!
attack of the nuzleaf family!
Team aqua vs team magma!Secret base battle!
beautifly and dustox! the final evolution!
the startling sableye!
calling on great detective meowth! is private eye azurill in great trouble?
Meditite and the battle girl! in a storm?
Dewford gym rematch! surfing battlefield!
abandoned ship!The creeping shadow!
A rival for may! intensive pokemon contest training!!
The great starter pokemon panic!!
May! the first pokemon contest challenge!
Protect the ocean museum! Attack of team magma!
beauty and the beast?! shiftry and nurse joy!
plusle and minun! the mountain lighthouse!
Sing! pokemon trick house!
Mauville gym! wattsons schocking battle!
The seriousness of mistys match! risking a life?!
Treekos new technique! the watmel field's bullet seed!
volbeat and illumise! the dance of love!
fly bagon! towards the future!
Enter misty! togepi and the kingdom of illusions!
Team rocket special- love and the origin of youth!
Towards the mirage! togepi's paradise!
another legend of celibi!
winstrate family! 4 vs 4!
Pallet town, the setting off of a pokemon trainer!
skitty and arometheropy!
zangoose and seviper! rival confrontion!
max and max! protect surskit!
Pokemon contest! fallabor convention!
vs medicham! contest battle!
plusle and minun! road assistance!
skitty and assist!meadow of numel!
once more! Team magma vs team aqua! mt. chimney battle!
The new gym leader, Flannery! The hole-filled battle field!
Heat Badge! Win The Blazing Battle!
Lots of spinda! Beyond the mountain in search of happiness!
Breaking through steel valley! Torkal vs steelix!
Return to mauville gym! VS manectric!
Skitty and Delcatty! Enter the legendary Co-ordinater!
Enter the phantom masked co-ordinator!
Verdanturf town! Pokemon contest!
Solrock and Lombre! Lengend of the holy forest!
Sky of swablu! Spirit of May!
gulpins great repelling strategy!
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and she gets rid of the life-stealing leech also known as Togepi, thank the Maker...
FYI Misty does not get rid of Togepi

She gets rid of Togetic

Also, my fave news, Cassidy now has a Sableye!!!!!
"It's Butch" lol

Yeah, They keep trying to steal Pokemon from Oaks lab on 2 seperate occassions. The second time, our good friend Richie just happens to be there. If I remember correctly, he has a Tailow now.?.?.?

One of my faves, Sakura (the 5th Eevee sister, that now has Espeon) shows up for a gym battle with none other than the Cereluen Gym leader Misty, and wins!!! Unlike a certian trainer *coughAshKetchumcough* who shall remain nameless.

Theirs an special episode with an update on the Pichu Bro.s. Dont know what episode is about though.

Theres a one shot TR playing the heroes, no Ash and Company. Also a Special.

Coming in the next few episodes here. May's Wurmple evolves to Silcoon, while Jesse's evolves to Cascoon, then an episode or 2 later, May's Evovles to Beautifly, while Jessie's evolves to Dustox.

Also, while Ash's goal is of course collecting badges, and competing in Hoenn League confrence, May's quest will be to win at the Contest. We have already seen her expressed interest in an episode already, so this isnt too big a shock I assume.

Somebody please tell me why it is fair that Jesse should get 3 Pokemon (Wobbuffett, Seviper, and Dustox) while poor James gets only 1 (Cacnea).
well what if cacnea evolves? beat that ash!

second thought, pikachu will just send a little yellow line and send them into the sky anyways. what is pikachu? lv300?!
This just in.... Ash has a new Pokemon. Its a Fire type..... TURTLE. YAY!!!!!

Ash just recently caught a Torkoal in an episode "Break through Steel Valley: Torkoal vs Steelix"

I had suspected someone would catch the Torkoal mentioned in the episode, I am glad I was right!!!!!
heh, Torcoal GO! I named mine YORcoal!
Anyways, I REALLY didn't think Jess would KEEP the Wurmple, or i though the PokeBall slipped. Oh well. Heh, what a big DISSAPOINTMENT for-a TR!
Hey Firebomb...

just FYI - Ash does not get a Flygon (in upcoming Jirachi movie)...Flygon just simply helps out Ash and the does ABSOL (ahh thank you)!!! Pretty good movie, should do very well!!! I already have it...but have no idea what they are talking about??? Can't wait for actual US release!!!

hmmmmmmmmmmm, wonder what "GIVEAWAY" (IF ANY), will be???

ps " in movie, ash had Treeko, Taillow, Corpish (in short) and Pikachu "

...ooh, we get to see Dusclops, Kirlia, Groudon, Absol, Flygon, Salamance and of course - Jirachi!!!
Ahh true...but c'mon, the short...we're not going to be able to see it until it's DVD release anyway!!! unless you can rent it!!! which i can!!! and for most of those special episodes that you talked about...WE (in STATES), will not see those either - which is a shame - boo hoo?!?!?!

the only way we will see those, is if they some how release a special DVD/VIDEO release of them here in the STATES (crosses fingers, but doubts it!!!)

but N E how, I'm with you's just not fair that Jesse has 3 pokemon to Jame's 1...NO FAIR!!! where's the LOVE??? just for that, James should catch something rare or cool at least...wouldn't ya agree???
Correction, Kasumi (Misty) does NOT come back. It's just an episode that focuses on her. And the way you people make it sound, she doesn't 'get rid' of Togetic. She lets Togetic free so that it can protect all the Pokémon on Mirage Island. Concerning Butch and Cassidy, don't get your hopes up on seeing these in the US. Like all TV specials (excluding Mewtwo's return), this one's going to get skipped by 4Kids. I can see it happening. :\

For a few more spoilers, Haruka and Musashi's Wurmples evolve..but differently. Haruka gets a Beautifly while Musashi ends up with a Dustox.

So the following trainers have these Pokémon..

Satoshi: Pikachu, Tailow, Treecko, Corpish, and Torkoal
Haruka: Torchic, Beautifly, and Skitty
Takeshi: Foretress, Lotad, and Mudkip.
Musashi: Wobuffet, Seviper, and Dustox
Kojiro: Cacnea
why cant they let us see the special episodes? its not fair!i wanted to see the episode when they show how team rocket gets together.....