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Why are people scared of Dusknoir LV. X?

Oh and back on topic speed Tangrowth / sceppy / claydol with PP/majestic dawns does well against Noir, heal every turn nulifies the noir lvl.x and makes for an interesting matchup (albeit will have an issue with abomasnow, although Tangrowth will heal the damage done by abomasnow which just makes him a wall) status condition ko's stop noir lvl.x also.

I was just thinking that a couple of days ago. Tangrowth/Sceptile could give Dusknoir problems, even have a good match-up vs. Kingdra but then how does it match-up vs. the rest of the Metagame. I've read on CC reports that it has seen play but hasn't done particularly well. It's not making top cuts so I don't see to much of a big threat to the metagme, maybe to Dusknoir and Kingdra, but not the rest.
I was just thinking that a couple of days ago. Tangrowth/Sceptile could give Dusknoir problems, even have a good match-up vs. Kingdra but then how does it match-up vs. the rest of the Metagame. I've read on CC reports that it has seen play but hasn't done particularly well. It's not making top cuts so I don't see to much of a big threat to the metagme, maybe to Dusknoir and Kingdra, but not the rest.

Mag would destroy Growth, PUMA bringing out claydol would hurt, Frosslass is a doddle thanks the the resistance and healing, Magnezone with palkia x would hurt.

Also T2 tangrowth and a benched sceppy is hard to get consistantly, working out where your resources will go to get sceppy/growth and also claydol without losing speed or mid game stability.

But yeah, Growth having resistance and healing turns kingdra into a measly 20 dmg. With a dawn stadium it's 10dmg.
Tangrowth / Sceptile is fun and can beat Noir especially if it sets up first ... but Noir gives it problems too. You have to be able to G up both Sceptile and Claydol to really have a good shot at Noir and even then it can be a problem if they start to OHKO your Tangrowths before you can respond. I've tested the machup several times and it's a fun one.
but that's just it, not everyone plays those decks.

You forgot Torterra, with it's Forest Murmurs poke-power, and it's healing attack (many still use it!).
Also AMU, who has plenty of counter-gyms and runs Palkia, along with the ability to snipe you on the bench to not activate your power.

There are other decks and tricks, too.
You forgot Torterra, with it's Forest Murmurs poke-power, and it's healing attack (many still use it!).
Also AMU, who has plenty of counter-gyms and runs Palkia, along with the ability to snipe you on the bench to not activate your power.

There are other decks and tricks, too.

yes definatly, torterra is still strong, and with sf its only stronger (the new sceppy as a tech, and maybe a 1-1 quen tech)

and yes yes yes, AMU is still a force, i dont see how it isn't. the only thing agaist it is machamp, but machamp really is dodgy play. and its dodgy play because of the deck that the card this thread is about goes in. of course, with only 2 energy on dusky he cant take advantage of weakness or that huge handicap the lvx has (or is it handicapps?).

i played dusky as my first deck with zong when SF first came out, and i think it showed potential straight from the get-go. and tbh, when the lvx was prized, i struggled. so ye the card, for me, has definatly proved itself as a contender. when i first saw it, i didn't think much of it. but upon it's release i saw the light, and it was for the better.

there is defo something here
The title of this thread kind of states how good it is. If it were a bad no one would tech Unown Gs and counter stadiums and would just overpower the Dusknoir line. Then throw in the fact that it's still winning even when it's the most countered card(s) in the format, it just goes to show how broken it is.

The one thing that Ilove the most is that it has brought back Stadium play. Which was overshadowed by Windstorm/Cess. Crystal the last few season. But even during BRs most lists focused on consistency rather then Stadiums. AMU was really the only deck that played a Stadium. It was since the LBS season that there were various good stadiums: LBS had Power Tree, Rock-Lock had Tricky Gym, non Ex decks like Queendom/Ludicargo/Delta had Desert Ruins, Mewtrick had Battle Frontier, etc.

This format Kingdra and any Sceptile variant has Dawn Stadium, AMU and Gigas have Snowpoint Temple, Fire and Fighting decks have Stark Mountain, even Eeveelutions have Lake Boundary.
Ding, ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.

I know people will argue that it doesn't hit any of the bench Kingdra line but it still does hit the Claydol. Then it's only doing 40 per turn with 1 Cresselia Lv.X in play which I can almost always T3 sometimes T4 if I'm not having the greatest start. So the 40 that it does is actually reduced to 30 with Moonlight Dance. In the mean time your setting another Snowman or a Dusknoir, AND hitting their Kingdra for 20 and Claydol for 20. If they have any other techs that aren't Water or Grass those obvious get hit as well.

gengar hits claydol for 60
for 1

snowman is not that good in this format people
gengar hits claydol for 60
for 1

snowman is not that good in this format people

with a much wider Metagame after SF, not just Kingdra, AMU, and Torttile being Tier 1, Snowman hits everything else for 20. If you start with and get the T2 Snowman against a deck that it hits everything in the deck can be something most decks can't take. Then add in the fact that it's reducing 20 to everything on your side is just too good say it's not good. It's energy requirements are what make it semi-broken, CC and then WCC. With those energy requirements it can be put into any spread deck and be effective. 100 HP on a Stage 1, with a body that prevents damage is very good. It's like Magmortar in a way, just without the big hit attack. Which it really doesn't need.

I would like to see your reasoning on why it's not that good. Oh your statement about Gengar hits Claydol for 60 for 1 is very big News. Just like that same Gengar can't touch Claydol if Claydol has Unown G.
yes definatly, torterra is still strong, and with sf its only stronger (the new sceppy as a tech, and maybe a 1-1 quen tech)

and yes yes yes, AMU is still a force, i dont see how it isn't. the only thing agaist it is machamp, but machamp really is dodgy play. and its dodgy play because of the deck that the card this thread is about goes in. of course, with only 2 energy on dusky he cant take advantage of weakness or that huge handicap the lvx has (or is it handicapps?).

i played dusky as my first deck with zong when SF first came out, and i think it showed potential straight from the get-go. and tbh, when the lvx was prized, i struggled. so ye the card, for me, has definatly proved itself as a contender. when i first saw it, i didn't think much of it. but upon it's release i saw the light, and it was for the better.

there is defo something here

If Sceptile SF is good, how come noone played it last season?
If Sceptile SF is good, how come noone played it last season?

Sceptile SF is not the exact same card as the promo Sceptile from last season. They have different attacks, HP, retreat, etc. and thus are not directly comparable.

As far as Energy Trans goes, it really is not exceptionally useful most of the time but it can come in handy for conservation purposes, or to make possible an immediate attack if you had already attached energy elsewhere and you wanted to go with something fresh such as an energyless, damageless Torterra being Warped active, with a damaged, 2 energy Torterra heading to the bench.

The main reason a tech Sceptile SF isn't a bad idea though actually has everything to do with the topic of this thread: getting around Dusknoir lv. X via its Poison ability. Gengar can also be taken care of without activating Feinting Spell if you Slice Drain followed by Poison Leaf (60+40+poison=110). Torterra MD or Tangrowth SF could also get the initial 60 on with either Earthquake or Reaching Vine.

It's also not a bad back-up attacker in general, with support from its GE counterpart of course, especially against Kingdra.
Not true...
Its froslass.
40+sleep+10 to all+dusky lv x= spread tastic.
where as
20 to all - grass types - water types+dusky lv x.= bad grass/water pkmn matchup.
Most grass decks beat dusknoir with either tech anyways, so its a mute point. And dusknoir usually beats kingdra anyways, so it's also a mute point (not to mention that 4 spread=dead claydols while not taking a whole lot).
Dusknoir isn't the only reason ppl play Gs now. Also a far known fact is Gengar, but the G will also help against Froslass (Gs all over the bench = no snipe), the Devoluter TM, Bronz's Damage Amplifier, Azelf X's attack, SF Bronz's Heavy Potential, and much more.
Most grass decks beat dusknoir with either tech anyways, so its a mute point. And dusknoir usually beats kingdra anyways, so it's also a mute point (not to mention that 4 spread=dead claydols while not taking a whole lot).

I'm 8-3 with my Dusknoir, Snowman, and Cresselia vs. Torttile. But they have been close, going to 2-2 or 1-1. About the same results vs. Leaftile.