Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Worlds Prize Structure

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I'm mainly talking about the money issue, articjedi. For scholarships, what good is it for someone over 40 to have one? And also, the boxes won at worlds were from FRLG, a set which had not yet been released, right? So how could they have the cards they need if the set hasnt even come out yet.
GrandmaJoner said:
I don't even buy cards, but what else do you buy them for? To play, obviously. But I think of playing to win. Althgouh i obviously find it fun, I find I play half for the fun and half for the prizes. That might be flawed in people's minds, but w/e, i still like this game.

GrandmaJoner said:
Yeah, Lugias_Realm, that's because those players aren't as good. We EARNED the right to play in worlds by spending thousands of dollars in THEIR product, which was OUR choice, but they should give something back to us, which they did. I'm just making a suggestion for next year, don't have to get all personal about it.

Reconcile these two posts please.
This whole 'what if' thing as regards the '40 year old' 15+ 'scholarship' is ridiculous. I'm sure PUI has some kind of contingency plan for that situation, should it arise...they're just not going to tell us about it.

And why should they? If they came out and stated that 'in this situation X, we'd do Y' the FIRST thing that would happen would be that people would start complaining how they're 'doing' for the 15+ and not the 11-14 and -10 :nonono:

And as I said before, I didn't see the prize structure, which was announced MONTHS in advance of Worlds, prevent any childless, out-of-school 15+ from playing...=/

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What I meant was i DID buy cards, when I was young. Right now I just trade or win them. Now that I'm older I kinda start to see that they're not really a worthwhile investment for me. only the ones I need for my deck might be. I do not collect anymore, whch is what I am referring to.
As shocking as some may think (based on my posts on the prize restructuring in PRs), I totally agree w/ SD Poke_Mom. The reason is simple...the World Championship was INVITE ONLY and FREE admission. Plus, you got prizes, scholarships, etc. WOW..simply the best Pokemon Tourney ever run! What did they owe you??? No one forces PUI to have OP and tournies. No one forced them to give us a World Champ. I can almost guarantee you that Taylor (T4 Worlds @ 10-) would trade every dollar of her scholarship (like Poke_Dad would allow that :) money to win the last 2 matches and be declared the WORLD CHAMP! Plus, PUI has looked into the legal ramifications of giving cash prizes to children (yes, you ARE children until you reach age 18 in the USA) and they came up w/ scholarships. Good choice IMHO. Education is worth its weight in GOLD. The prize structure was great IMHO. IF PUI wants to give out more boosters to T32, then that is their perogative. Let me add 1 last thing...in the grinders, anyone who showed up and had a tourney worthy deck in 10- moved onto the main event. Why should those kids get extra for not "winning" anything?? They were simply lucky enough to be there. My son WON an invite and couldn't go bc the parents had work obligations.

Lawman, if Nintendo or PUI or whatever didn't have tournies, no one would buy the cards. =/. yeah, technically, no one forced them to, but if they didnt, they would not make money off of Pokemon cards :) And yeah, OK, a kid who's 10 years old makes a decision to give up her scholarship to become Pokemon world champion. Sure, if I was 10 years old, I might have done it, but would it be worth it in the long run? Not at all =/, especially coming from a 10 year old kid. What do you think theyre gonna like better: "Hey, you can be world champ at the game you love and be known by hundreds of people?" or "Hey, you'll get money that you can use to PAY for SCHOOL 10 years from now!11111".

Yeah, the world championships were sure FREE admission. Other than the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS i paid for hotel, flight, and food. It was obviously my choice, I'm not complaining, I'm just showing that your point is invalid. ANd what do Pokemon tournies cost anyways? $5-10? Uh-oh.

And also, it's ridiculous what the top 32 got compared to the top 16. They have to realize that this is a game of LUCK. It involves a lot of skill, obviously, but a lot of times when it gets down to the best players, LUCK plays the biggest factor.

So ANYWAYS, I don't think you really thought through some of your points well. And as i am a 15 year old kid, I may not know exactly what Im talking about either, but in response to this, I think I do.
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I'm a 28 year old kid who spent less than 500 dollars to attend the best pokemon tournament anyone ever had the privilege to be at. As for the comment about being 15 I figured as much which is exactly what my previous comment meant. Being that your 15 you still live with your parent(s) and they take care of you, but in the "real world" you have to take care of yourself. And like I said before buying a product from any company gets you that product nothing more nothing less if your not satisfied with said product quit buying it, or in your case quit getting it for free.
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And your point is.... lol

Yeah, buying the product gets you more than JUST the product...you get to play games with the cards =/. For a 28 year old I don't think your points are any more valid than those coming from the 15 year old Grandma over here.
GrandmaJoner said:
And also, it's ridiculous what the top 32 got compared to the top 16. They have to realize that this is a game of LUCK. It involves a lot of skill, obviously, but a lot of times when it gets down to the best players, LUCK plays the biggest factor.

I still do not get this. I do not want to beat a comatose horse here but why should 17-32 get good prizes? Do they get good prizes at any other event?...no... Yes, the World Championship was a big event and everything we got that. Did everyone know going into the event who got the good prizes....sure. The fact that 17-32 got anything above what was advertised was a plus, not a negative. A line has to be drawn for tournament payouts. They could have cut off the prizes at the top 8 or even simply only the top 4. Could they have given more?...probably, but should we expect it.?.. no.

Ask yourself this question...Was the tournament and everything surrounding it better than what you expected? At my house is the answer is a resounding yes.

GJ: it is obvious that you haven't had the :life experiences" that many of the parents on this board have. Otherwise, you would have seen my comment that Taylor's Dad wouldn't have LET her trade in her scholarship. LOL Anyway, since I am a lawyer, the part about the $$ to minors is a valid point. If PUI tried to give you, as a minor, $$, it would have to go into a trust. You may have made some interest on it, but the $$ will be there for college when you go. The same as it is NOW w/ PUI (except they keep the interest)

I agree with everyone about the top 32 thing. I did feel really ripped off making it that far and being 1 win away from winning some actually good prizes.
plaidlesspez said:
I agree with everyone about the top 32 thing. I did feel really ripped off making it that far and being 1 win away from winning some actually good prizes.

Explain how you were ripped off... were you uninformed from the beginning of the prize structure for the tournament? If you felt that the prizes were not sufficient should you only reach the top 32, then maybe you should have not entered the tournament.

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Poke Dad, not enter the tournament? You know that everyone will that plays, why even bother saying such an idiotic statement. "Ya, if i didn't know i wasn't gonna get packs i wouldn't enter." PLEASE =/// People are getting god awful prizes now compared to what it was before for prereleases IMO, and I really wish i could say some stuff to that statement, but man i wish to stay posting here.

and to make T32, you had to have a good deck, spend a decent amonut of money on, like joner, some paid to get here, having to spend a lot of money which is very hard for a 11-14 kid (i know), and then make playoffs. you're soooooooooooooo excited, and then...you lose first round. But hey ya made it, right? ya, here's 4 more packs for such an EXCELLENT job. Seriously, the bottom 4 places got better prizes then those people.

"why should 17-32 get good prizes? Do they get good prizes at any other event? The fact that 17-32 got anything above what was advertised was a plus, not a negative.
Ask yourself this question...Was the tournament and everything surrounding it better than what you expected? At my house is the answer is a resounding yes."

Why shuold 17-32 get good prizes? most of the people that won invites, had to play in multiple tournaments to raise there ratings, going to various cities, even ones far, and a lot use to go to prereleases to cheapen their costs for cards. What does dead last get in a prerelease? The 6 packs they open. I mean come on, they ripped anyone off in 17-32nd place, some of the people had to go to multiple GC's too try to win a trip, finally win one on their last try, go there, make the playoff cut, get SO excited, then get 4 packs. Wow, awesome, huh? IMO they should've raised the prizes for 17-32, or, give small prizes for 33-64 and decent-good ones for 17-32. My friend in the 10-, after they announced standings to see who made T32, looked, and saw he made 32nd. He was so excited, he's not even 9. He gets ready to go up there, SO psyched because he made it, and they announce his name. They tell to this 8 year old that, the Standings were "wrong" and the kid didn't make it. And after being SO upset about how awesome he did, and what things he could win, what's he get? nothing. meh, i would go on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnn about this, but time for bball game.
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I agree with SomethingElse in EVERY aspect. The kid he refers to is my best friend's little brother, and I can relate to his story about 17-32 prizes. I made top 32 only to lose to a Japanese kid, who ended up making top 4, I think(MAN were they good). Anyways, I live in michigan, and had to drive all the way to chicago(5 hours) to get my invite. I can't complain with the prizes we got tho, I got 3 FRLG, 3 POP, and 1 HL. Either way, better ones woulda been good, and prizes for 33-64 would have been nice too. I can agree with His statement about the 10- player, he was very upset. And on the topic of "you should not have entered the tournament", I agree with SomethingElse on that too. Not only that that is stupid, but that I would say alot more but don't want to get banned.
Does anyone understand the difference between feeling disappointed and feeling ripped off?

Does no one else see the disconnect between statements on this topic (bigger prizes all the way down to top 32) and the Prerelease topic (prizes only for the winners)?

My head is swimming. People are so upset by Poke Dad's statement that they want to flame him, but all he's doing, basically, is making a mostly factual statement.

This ain't horseshoes. Almost winning isn't winning.
Burninating Torchic said:
Either way, better ones woulda been good, and prizes for 33-64 would have been nice too.
While we're at it, why not prizes for 65-128 too?

*sarcasm detector explodes*


'mom :nonono:
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PokePop said:
Does anyone understand the difference between feeling disappointed and feeling ripped off?

Does no one else see the disconnect between statements on this topic (bigger prizes all the way down to top 32) and the Prerelease topic (prizes only for the winners)?

My head is swimming. People are so upset by Poke Dad's statement that they want to flame him, but all he's doing, basically, is making a mostly factual statement.

This ain't horseshoes. Almost winning isn't winning.

Thank you Pop for seeing my point. I will take the flames eagerly. I would like to think that your 1st statement about disappointment vs ripped off is the case. I think there may have been some mischosen words in previous posts.

As a teacher I sometimes make extreme statements to get my students to examine what they are saying and thinking themselves. I have been known to over do it ;) I do not mean any disrespect to any of you guys who made World's. I applaud all your efforts and support of the game. But expectations vs reality need to be examined by some.
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SD PokéMom said:
While we're at it, why not prizes for 65-128 too?

*sarcasm detector explodes*


'mom :nonono:

Well, apparently you didnt read me and SomethingElse's full posts. This kid was going to be in top 32, and then they say they made an error and he was 33rd. At least he deserved the top 32 prizes.

And don't go saying that wouldn't be fair or something like that. This was a COMPLETE fault of nintendo and the rest of the people running this event, and caused an entire league of about 20 people to get extremely ticked off.

I guess now my point is, there should be prizes for everyone. They made it all the way to the world championships, I think they ALL deserve some prizes for that.
Burninating_Torchic said:
I guess now my point is, there should be prizes for everyone. They made it all the way to the world championships, I think they ALL deserve some prizes for that.

I guess you did not check in at registration. If you did, you seem to have forgotten the stuff you were given then. They even gave those rewards for being there to the folks who got in thru the grinder.
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