Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Would you rather game!!

near, i dont usually need to see far distances and i need near for pokemon. :p anyways i have glasses for far. (shockin!?)

would you rather have no eyes or no ears?
No ears.

Would you rather have to eat a 6"x6" piece of cardboard or three non-holo Pokemon cards.
Either, considering I already eat paper. But the cards would go down eaier, I think.

Would you rather be so that everytime you heard music, you heard the same song,, no matter what, or would you rather be so that everytime you should be hearing music, you hear nothing?
I would rather not here music, alot of music I here is bad and Im ok with not hereing some good

would you rather make a deck with only ralts and kirlia and thats all you can play for the rest of your life or play magicarp decks for one season?
Magikarps, duh.

The Ralts and Kirlia would be rotated.

And if you are excluding that, when would Kirlia and Ralts with no Gardevoir or Gallade be good?

Would you rather eat soup with your hands... OR EAT SOUP WITH A FORK?!!? AHA I AM SINISTER!
Hands if that means that you could start a food fight. It'd be much more fun than the frustration of trying to eat soup with a fork.

Go out with Jessica Alba for a day, or some girl at your school for as long as you wanted?
girl from school

would you rather give up pokemon forever I meen all of it the games the TCG the show anything envolving pokemon or never be able to eat, you would alwease feel super hungey but you would never die of starvation and never could eat or drink.
ummm im fat so i need food nomatter what lol but in this case POKEMON LOL..

would you rather here the meow mix song all day or watch the banned porygon show all day,
the Meow Mix Song is G I already here it all day lol

Would u rather use ur money for college or buy a new car?
College.... are u crazy?????

Would you rather listen to nails scratching a chalk board, or someone screaming in horror :)

And to help them loveley Moderators wait 5 posts till you post again :)

Would you rather have Pokegym go down unexpectedly (like this morning :frown:) or Pokebeach go down unexpectedly.
Master Asia because Yuki sounds like a girls name.

Would you rather eat your own foot, or a chunk of toxic waist with ketchup on it?
toxit waste. I want my foot and it smells bad so i wouldnt want to go down there. you said toxic waist not waste so i would eat a waist that has ketchup :p

would you rather chew off all of your fingers one by one or would you rather have to eat 3 pounds of salt and 4 pounds of pepper and 10 punds of vinigar in 10 minutes with no drink and you cant go to bathroom or eat anything else for the rest of the day.
we'll go for option 2
but since the last 2 were disgusting i'll change the topic
Mint Chocolate ice cream or rocky road ice cream?
Rocky road ice cream
Would you rather Drink a gallon of manure
or Put 20 puppies in a wood chipper
(got that from an old question in school)
I see the world with 20 less puppies...(I had to think that one over...)
Would you rather wear a Gardy Cosplay everywhere you went for a year or live without indoor plumbing for a year?
I don't know what a Gardy Cosplay is so I'll say I'd go without in door plumbing. Public restrooms.

Sar86 is right this isn't supposed to be would rather die this way or that way.

Would you rathergo back in time to the 80's or forward in time to 2012. Anybody who knows me well knows what I would pick.
Ahh..the 80s, fun fun...

Do you want to bring home ALOT of Disney stuff or ALOT of Pokemon stuff?