Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Recent content by Electgtrplayer

  1. E

    Can We Change our SN w/o shanging our E-mail?

    I really want to change mine because i have had this handle since the day this place opened, and i'm sick of it. I dont even play electric guitar anymore. Some administrator or something please help!!! :eek:
  2. E

    Great Lakes Regionals, hold the mirrors

    I thought that this tourny was run absuloutly great. especcialy with the people, i would have never expected that many, i was hoping for like 5-60 people. Anyways i came into the tourny at 1:30 not knowing what deck i would play, sinse i was borrowing one. I basically got what snowballs other...
  3. E

    Calling all MI, OH, IN and IL players SE MI Deoxys Marathon

    Nicley run tournement. Props to the judges and TO. BTW what happened with the "drinks". I had to pay 50 dollers for that ID. just in case you want to know I got 3rd(pure luck) lost my ladt battle to mitch. Thanks again for holding it there and running it smoothly and efficiently.
  4. E

    The GTA San Andreas thread, since no 1 else is man enough to post it.

    I can honestly say that this game is the best game for PS2 or any other system yet. The main reason why its the best, Its HUGE. If GTA3 was this big it would be awesome, 2 times as good as SA. Im am not a big fan of all the gangster stuff, i liked it best when it was the mafia. I have just beat...
  5. E

    SE Michigan TRR PreRelease and Costume Bash

    Here is the winning decklist of the 15+ winner(me) in this tournement Pokemon 17 2 Zubat 1 Dark Golbat 1 Grimer 1 Dark Muk 1 Ekans 1 Dark Arbok 2 Horsea 1 psyduck 1 dark golduck 2 Sentret 1 furret 1 hopip 1 qualfish 1 slugma Trainers 3 2 Copycat 1 Swoop teleporter Energy...
  6. E

    The GTA San Andreas thread, since no 1 else is man enough to post it.

    This is the thread for all of you to put facts, glitches, codes, and anything else you find interesting about GTA San Anderas. As most of ous know it comes out tues oct 26, but if you pre-ordered it at EB games you can get it there Monday night after 7:00. It is great for me because on tues i...
  7. E

    Green Day

    Green day rocks, the old Green day is better though. Like Dookie and nimrod. There concerts are the best also, i ahve gone to like 5 of them, when they were on the pop disaster tour i went and saw them, when they were with Blink 182, and blink sucks live!
  8. E

    ATTN: People of West Michigan

    Theres a few more, Most of them arn't lucky enough to get a ride from snowball to all of them though, there is about 5 of us that could play, but thats it, so we need more people, bye
  9. E

    ATTN: People of West Michigan

    Im sorry that this is in the wrong forum, if a modderator reads this, please move it, thank you, And there is a few card shops I have in mind that would have a keague near Grand Rapids if we could get enough people.
  10. E

    ATTN: People of West Michigan

    In case you haven't noticed there is not a league even close to West Michigan. That is wrong. If you are from West Michigan, and would be interested in having a weekely league we need to meet up and show a retailer that it would be worth it to have a weekely league. If you are from West Michigan...
  11. E

    Anyone got a counter to MewTwoEX?

    why the LC kadabra of coarse, i mean, they can both knock each other out in 1 hit but with EX you draw 2 prizes( ddont mock me, i liek cards from base set, liek ratata), BTW check out the COTW post about mewtwo EX on or you can check out all the...
  12. E

    anyone that no's me will know what im postin(ho-oh)

    YOYOYO heres my all time fav deck, man i have played it for eva, it got liek 100000th place at gencon but 3 and 5th places at SBZ's Hola bak Pokemon 12 4 Ho-oh(non holo rev) 3 cleffa 2 pichu 2 tyrogue 1 mew(promo) traina's and suporters 30 4 CC 4 elm 3 DG 3 gold berry 3...
  13. E

    New guest book. sign in everyone!

    Oh.look.Our very first warning.Please do not say anything that would be considered a slur to anyone.First warning.-`Sensei Electgtrplayer's note, YAY, taht was sorta what i was shootin for, thanks