Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Cards that just drive you out of you minds. Which cards just drive you CRAZY?


New Member
Okay we're all pokefans here, and like everything about it, BUT at some point in your time of playing Pokemon you must have encountered AT LEAST ONE card that just drove you to the point of insanity. The question is which one. At one time in my "career" it was Tyranitar EX Dragon Fronteers. The 2 turn K.O. just drove me CRAZY!!!!! Then I found my Tenticruel Legend Maker + React Energy and problem solved. Then the next one was Kaboutops Holon Phantoms. This guy played his deck so he could get it out ASAP and loaded it w/ Lightning Energy! UUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG. Then came my great Venisaur and Flygon, CG and Dragon respecivly. One hit of Flygon's Energy Shower then a bombing Green Blast (how fitting for St. Patrick's Day) and Hakunna Matata. So no that I've ranted and raved what about you guys?
All I know is, my Gyarados used to drive a number of people crazy.

Heads... heads... heads... heads...

"Hey, wait, that was my whole hand!"
I TOTALLY agree with the above. Power Spray is just irritating... a lot of people get rid of or burn cards to get more with an Uxie or Claydol... and when they end up Spraying it, your heart breaks inside.
Dialga G and lvx- deafen lock trainers, no pokebodys, and 80 and put energys in lost zone. That is sooo anoying!!
Unknown-G and Warp Point is what drives me nuts.
What the ffect won't take place!
I gonna switch my active Pokemon out for my clydol!
When there is BTS in play, and on your opponent's turn they whip a lumineon out of nowhere and fin luster you to bring you up for the knock out. :nonono:
Legend Maker Misdreavus. I ran a deck concentrating on that and it didn't win often, but everyone hated playing against it. It drove them crazy and I loved it. :biggrin:
Mewtwo X... i just hatedatedated it! the stupid body would always kill me. i mean come on the thing completely stops most gigas decks!
Power Spray. I know that they may cancel my cosmic power but the timing is insane.

what you can't do a: "I will attempt to use Cosmic power": o yeah I can't say this as I found out cause it's CONSIDERED leading your opponent and is considered gaming.. (JIMO if you were allowed to say this your opponent HAD to play Power spray right there)
note: I only did this to TRY to be Courteous..

annoying situation b: "cosmic power" *WAITS 1 2 3 4* *Starts Drawing*
opponent: power spray.
me: ok I try to be nice I get a warning now my opponent can't use power spray because it's too late? this is what happened to me GAH!

Leading your opponent? If you attempt to use a power they can spray it. How is this "gaming"? If your opponent has 3 G pokes out, you should give them an opportunity to play it before you use a power.
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Thank you for agreeing with me, I didn't get a DQ/GL because it was that clear i was trying to be nice about it. What actually happened.

My opponent was clearly running a G deck that may or may not have power spray in it. So I said "I will attempt to use Cosmic Power" oh noes tina got called on sportsmanship and leading her opponent. I was pretty upset about this. As from what I understand according to that judge it was leading my opponent. BUT if my oppoent doesn't play Power Spray in time I get to use the power. [WOW] and I was trying to help my oppoent.

Yeah, If you say cosmic power they should play power spray right then, not seconds later when your drawing. I bet you they will play it when I play mesprit or crobat, or when I poison with skunktank. Those powers take effect imedietly.
does anybody notice that later in threads people start hving conversations, and then you have posts that are totally off subject. Like this one? I hate Unknown G. Never played against it but it just seems so popular its annoying.