Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

DA RULES ... And How to Become A Verified Seller, All SALES MUST LIST PRICE!!!

I do believe that it is 12:03 AM on May 18th. My 1 year mark so I was wondering if I qualify and can open a sale thread? Please let me know. Thanks for the help!
Can I keep my sale/auction thread?

I listed today as the end of it, but idk if that means the thread will get zapped or whatever. I'd prefer to keep it.
Kemony, when I clicked on your user name by your avatar, it says you joined up 5/22/2006, so at 12:01 on 5/22/2007 you can post a sale/auction thread.

Manicgiraffe, I can't see any reason why you can't keep the thread if you want to. If you want to put up a new set of sale/auctioned items it's your choice as to whether you open a new thread or not. It would probably be a cleaner cut to start a new one, but if you want to keep it so you can put a link to it in your sig, it's probably better to keep the same one. If you find it locked by accident, just get in touch with a mod to fix the situation.
Kemony, when I clicked on your user name by your avatar, it says you joined up 5/22/2006, so at 12:01 on 5/22/2007 you can post a sale/auction thread.

Manicgiraffe, I can't see any reason why you can't keep the thread if you want to. If you want to put up a new set of sale/auctioned items it's your choice as to whether you open a new thread or not. It would probably be a cleaner cut to start a new one, but if you want to keep it so you can put a link to it in your sig, it's probably better to keep the same one. If you find it locked by accident, just get in touch with a mod to fix the situation.

lol you are right, I do not know why I thought it was the 18th. Thanks P_A!
If I contributed to the Celebration Logo Contest, but have not been part of the Gym for a year, can I still open a thread if I want? Thanks

One entry gives you one point towards your 20 needed to open a sale/auction thread. The one year requirement is non negotiable. Just remind a mod when it's time to open one.
P_A im adding more images to the gallery, let me know if i reached my 20 plateau, i think i have, and if i do, please unlock my store!

Thanks for all you do around these parts Sheriff

Yes, you've reached your plateau. Thanks very much for your contributions to the gym. We all appreciate it.
Duke: Appreciate the contributions, but please check what category you're loading images into.
We have a Japanese Promo category.
I'll have to move all of these PokePark promo pictures one by one from the Article Images category into the Japanese Promo one.

Thanks in advance.
Since everyone else has been asking here, am I qualified to sell? I really don't plan on starting a topic anytime soon, but would like to know. By my count I have 21 refs, which the link is in my Signature if you would need to check. I pry won't start a topic until around worlds anyway if I was, but would like to know if I am qualified. Plmk, thanks
Good question. How about you look it up for me? Look up all your refs in the Good/Bad trader thread, write the links down in a pm to me for each of the ones that actually have your name up on their posts in that thread, and we'll jump at the chance to have you sell/auction - honestly! If some of them don't, then get in touch with them and respectfully ask them to put them up in their posts, or perhaps create one. Then get back to me when you have it. I promise I'll be very accomodating at that point.
There is no selling or buying in the trade forums. Trying post one for just buying and it will get deleted and if you have one for trading and buy then the buying part will be removed.
Let me give you a hint. No selling or auctioning is allowed in the trade portion of the pokegym. The persons who would be selling to you the cards would be doing what? Going against the rules! Did you get my hint? In other words - don't do it!
Could you reference me the post where that is said please?

Can't get any clearer when we say no selling or buying in the "trading only" forum.:rolleyes: If you wish to buy then you are more than welcome to buy off any of the "qualified" buyer we have in the auction/selling sub forum.:thumb: No link needed for that.:wink:

Thanks, pokemonmike:smile:
hi i was wondering whether i can actually post a "i want to buy cards" topic... as what ppl are selling don't seem to fit what i really want to buy PMLK thanks