Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

First Great Encounters scans now on PokeBeach

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Posting unoffical scans before prereleases occur is a SIN, IMO. People who do that should go to... well you know.

I would say I lost my respect for PokeBeach... but I lost it along time ago... I got life banned (Forums and Chat room)... twice (from each) for no good reason or no reason given. It is something discriminatory I say! Something discriminatory I say!!! At least here on Pokegym you are told what you did wrong and they are vaild reasons:rolleyes:. (The 9 infraction points I got this year, SO worth it!)

I hope who ever provides scans gets what is coming to them.

Well, I don't know now.
We usually get them up then because Beach already has most of them up.
But now... well.
Maybe we should wait a few days for that excitement Mike L was talking about.:thumb:

I second that.
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Not even kidding, I gained a whole lot of respect for Pokebeach from this situation.

Pokegym pulls pranks every april fools day, but WPM gets bashed for planning a prank?

Edit: If anything I've lost alot of respect for POP, Pokegym, and a couple of pokegymers.
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You know its time to lock a thread when even the mods are spamming.

I know!!! Lets slap them with an infraction. (For those of you who don't know this the template that all notifications of infractions are written from and then sent through PM)



You have received an infraction at The PokeGym.

Reason: Inside Joke/Spaming
Mods of PokeGym,

No inside jokes. No spaming. You are setting a bad example for our little community. Regular users will follow your example and Spam. Just read this post. Please reread your own rules before posting again


This infraction is worth 8 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

All the best,
The PokeGym


Irony BURNS!!!!!!!!!!
Lemme 'splain how it's called April Fools Day sometime...

I didn't think it was possible to shoot Reese's Peanut Butter Cup out my nose. Thank you for proving me wrong. You're officially off Nationals staff.


wow you people are really getting worked up over nothing
some guy makes a prank on his website and everybody flips out
it even says that his post is fake on the website
and you all except for good folk like prime, master of puppets, and others are freakin out over nothing
there is three problems with people today
liberal whining
not putting enough into savings
and not being able to take a joke
a lot of you fall under the third one
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