Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Midlothian Spring BR {Win}


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Midlothian/Battle City Games Battle Roads
So this is my first event in over a year, though I’ve kept up with the game sort of, having played some variation of SP Jank since the start of the year. I decide to go with Luxchomp, and wrangle up the cards I need for the deck from people. I came up with a decent list based of my other SP stuff plus some other input, so I decided to stick with it.

Forgive the brevity and lack of gameplay detail, i wasn't planning on writing a report and with so many games played its a bit fuzzy.

Pokémon: 17
2-2 Chomp X
2-2 Lux X
1-1 Ninetales MT
1-1 Claydol
2 Uxie LA
1 Ambipom G
1 Lucario GL
1 Crobat G

NRG: 14
4 Call
4 Fire
2 Lightning

Trainers: 29
4 Cyrus
4 Rosy
2 Bebe
1 Aaron
4 Turn
3 Gain
3 Spray
3 Radar
2 Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 NM
1 TS-02

So the list is interesting, and I knew that Torterra was big in my area, so I had Ninetales in there for Belted/Lucario OHKO on Torterras... TS-02 for Candy+Torterra/Gyarados KOs mostly.

Round One: Tyree with Flygon/Nidoqueen/Torterra
This is the only matchup I’d practiced with Luxchomp other than some randoms on RS with R_A, so I thought I knew what I wanted to do in the game. Unfortunately, I prized Claydol, Vulpix, and Ambipom. I wanted the Pom to Tail Code his 3 Grass energy to Nidoqueen then sweep everything else with DragonRush/Ninetales. However, I couldn’t get anything going, and his Flygon Lv X Extreme Speeds at least one of my Lv X’s, so in the end I Bright Look and Dragon Rush a Belted Flygon to take my second and third prizes, and he KO’es my Garchomp FTL.
Record: 0-1

At this point I know I have to win out to get into the top cut, so I buckle down after going to Burger King for food after the round ends.

Round Two: Yoyofsho with Luxchomp
I’m asked how good my mirror is, and ponder it a bit, before asking how good his mirror is, to which Time for Pain says: Good Question. I believe that I can get the game, so we deal up and start. I start decently, with Garchomp and something else. I get some stuff going, and meanwhile I take out 1 Uxie and a Uxie leveled up as he tries to string stuff together. Hes got a Luxray with a gain and energy and a Crobat/something, and tries to Uxie with ONE card left in his hand. I spray it, and he’s left with practically nothing. I continue to snipe things off with Garchomps and I’ve got my Claydol out, so I let him keep Flash Impacting and damaging himself. I Dragon Rush a promocroak, and he KOes my Garchomp. I promote a belted Uxie and Psychic Restore for the KO on Luxray. He sends up his 30 damaged Bronzong G, which I flash impact for the win.
Record: 1-1

Game Three: Charizard
I start awesomely, and Dragon rush his Claydol after he Darkness Graces’ for it. I take 6 prizes through Luxray/Garchomps, never giving up one.
Record: 2-1

I’m very happy I was able to pull out the mirror, and that I had a Spray at the right time.
Game Four: Daryl with Pl0x
This is Game One of the battle against the store owners, hahaha. I start with a pretty good hand, with Garchomp, Ambipom G, call, Rosie, Luxury Ball and a Garchomp Lv X. I go first, start with Ambipom, and Call for Baltoy and luxray. Has a Ralts, but lays down a Downer Material Azelf and a Mesprit, Psychic Binding me. He also gets out a Uxie within a turn, so I’m now stuck attaching extra energy to do anything to him. A few turns later He gets a Gardevior up, and begins to Plox for 80 (with Belt). I Earthquake him 50. He levels up, teleports, brings out the Azelf, leveling up and deep balancing for 2. I use Cyrus to get another turn and turn Crobat twice to put 2 on Gardevior Lv X. I then Dragon Rushed the Gardy for 2 prizes, and I had 3 left. He loses his azelf before conceding with only a mesprit, uxie, and Kirlia on the field.
Record: 3-1

Game Five: Random water deck.
I start with Uxie, Call, and Belt, but I go first, so I psychic restore for 20 against her lone Totodile. She does 10 damage, and I Belt for the KO.
Record: 4-1

Well, I find out I made top cut, so I arranged my deck and rolled my eyes when I found out I had to play the regional champion.

Top 4: Time for Pain with Gyarados/Jank
I start with swarming 2 Luxray with 1 Garchomp and a Baltoy and Ambipom. I Dragon Rush his Solrock, but I forget about the other Lunatone protecting it from Lv X’s, so the game goes downhill and I scoop with 2 prizes left for him and 3 for me.
Game 2 starts much better, and I get out 2 Luxray again, and Trash Bolt with Lucario out and sweep about 4 prizes before he scoops.
Game 3 is similar, and I grab 2 Luxray early. I KO a Solrock, Lunatone, 2 Sableye, and a Gyarados. He brings out a massive basic threat, but I Bright look out an Azelf and Trash Bolt for the KO.
Record: 5-1

Top 2: Cary with Torterra/Flygon
Again, I’ve played this a few times, so I think I know my way around the matchup. Also, Game two versus the store owners.
I start ok, but lag behind after taking an early lead. Forest Murmurs took away my Claydol, which put me behind. I was able to get 5 prizes, but he took the game after 30 minutes.
Game two is much better, starting with Ambipom and Tail Coding and Snap Tailing for a few prizes off of Spiritomb and Azelf. I also Dragon Rush his Claydol, which really helped. I rush to get the fourth prize to legitimize the game, and grab it by Bright-Looking a Baltoy (I think). He Judges, but I take another prize before time is called, and he only had taken 1 on me.
Game Three: It is Sudden death, so 1 prize. I start with: Luxray, Call, Turn, Gain, Cyrus, Luxray Lv X, Luxury Ball. AMAZING HAND! I KNOW I can pull off a T1 win if I go second, grabbing Ambipom G and Snap Tailing for the KO. However, I go first, so I Call for Ambipom G and Baltoy. He had a lone Turtwig, but plays down a Baltoy and Azlef, grabbing a Nidoqueen from the prizes. He Belts the Turtwig and Judges. I was dreading this card, and he just ruined my win. He plays a psychic and does 30 to my Luxray. I draw: Cyrus, Aarons, and two other cards that don’t matter. I rip a Luxray Lv X topdeck, Cyrus for a Lightning, and Bright Look/Flash Impact the Baltoy for the win.
Record: 6-1

So, my first constructed tournament win! Yay!

People who lent me cards to make the deck
Power Spraying at the right time
God for being awesome
Ripping Luxray FTW
Great prize packs (2 Primes, Steelix/Kingdra)
Ambipom G for being PRO
Great Wingmen taking out stuff I didn't want to face

This being the first constructed tournament I’ve ever won prizes in.
Ninetales and the Devoluter for doing ABSOLUTELY nothing in all 11 games I played today…
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Taking down both the regional champ AND the guy who's paying the rent so you have a place to play???

Just COLD, SSlash, as cold as ICE!!

Congrats on a great event!!!
WHosE HoUse ?

Brad's House (*wicky wicky 'say whuh'*)

See there. We should RedShark moAr :biggrin:

This is awesome! I feel like I ran right wing for you all day taking down on things you didn't want to face :lol:
R_A, Duly noted in the props, my man. And yes, we should RS more, that would be fun.

Totoro ~ Thanks, it was a tough but fun fight. Tho I still feel bad for TfP for beating him though. :thumb:
Dude, don't feel bad for beating me, you got the win.

GJ on the win, it is well deserved and had to happen sooner or later. :thumb: