Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Pokemon Platinum Released 3/22

Again the small changes are great, and I feel like I'm not just replaying D/P. Also the new SinnohDex additions are very welcome, my entire team (Minus Empoleon of course) are from the additions (Ralts line, Elekid line, Espeon, Houndour line), though Tropius switches with Bibarel from time to time.

Since Crystal I have not given any Pokemon game over an 8.5. This changed it, IMHO 9.3. Great job to the team that worked on it!
I like the intro, but the walking music and catching and battling pokemon is still the same old lame music. I do like it when the rival battles you. He looks like a crazed monkey gone mad.
So is the last planet in our solar system.
I would not put it past them that they would have sued Nintendo fir naming a guy Pluto...
(Oh man Disney is gonna sue a planet! XD)
Kinda stupid because it is a common (Okay uncommon) name.
I can see something like a first and last name like Micky Mouse.
But a single name.
What is this world coming to when you can not use a first name due to copyright?
Not making fun of what you are saying just the fact it is true.

Pluto's not a planet.

I'm loving the game, can't wait to EV train and play through the Battle Frontier.
Pluto's not a planet.

I'm loving the game, can't wait to EV train and play through the Battle Frontier.

So you are telling me everything I learned in elementary school was wrong?:nonono:
Pluto is a planet.
It is a small planet that course takes it in and out of our solar system.
I even have one of my old Science books!

ALSO took one hour into game to find something thats not a bidoof or zubat.
I found a shinx......
Next Straly
Just picked up the game yesterday, and I'm lovin' it.


Name: W.Smith

Rival's name: Carlton


Turtwig/Mr. Secks (Mr. Seconds doesn't fit the character limit too nicely)

Bidoof/Mr. Slave

I just picked it up today. So I never played through diamond peral before but is there anyway to get Ralts near the start of the game?


Gliscor is cleaning up everything in the game with EQ or Night Slash.
Flareon is also pretty nice in the game, I even just out sped a Yanma after 2 Speed Boost o_O.
Gallade is obviously slow to level up, and is slowing down my train, meh.
Prinplup and Electabuzz KO anything in this game too right now...

Still going for my 4th badge...
How did you get Ralts/Elekid before Elite 4?

They added 50 new Pokemon to the sinnoh dex, mainly the new evolutions (Gallade, Electivire etc.).

I think the earliest you can find (Unless you hatch Togepi insanely early) is Gligar on Route 206.
Ralts is found on the route between Mt. Coronont and Hearthome City.
Electabuzz is found on Route 222

I <3 this game. Candice is a huge pain though, stupid Abomasnow and Blizzard
i am at victory road now. i could have been done with this game long ago, but decided to fight all the trainers in the game as i went.
I just beat the water gym guy lol

Pokes so far
Flareon 27 (trying to level up)
Luxray 36
Torterra 37
Chatot 36
Scyther 38

Only using 5 at the moment but I'm pretty much smoking everyone :p
Chatot FTW!!
I just beat the water gym guy lol

Pokes so far
Flareon 27 (trying to level up)
Luxray 36
Torterra 37
Chatot 36
Scyther 38

Only using 5 at the moment but I'm pretty much smoking everyone :p
Chatot FTW!!

i am only using my infernape LV79, bibarel lv28, starly lv5, and psyducklv5