Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

US Nationals Info Announced

I'm pretty stoked. I don't know if Indy is closer to NC than St. Louis, but:

1.) It is not in Saint Louis.
2.) The prizes look nice when typed out.
3.) Being over 3 days reminds me of my days going to U.S. Chess Nationals in Elementary School, which, let me tell you, were wonderful times.
4.) It is not in Saint Louis.
Until downtown Indy gets swallowed by a giant sinkhole. Watch, it'll happen. :wink:

Now I just have to figure out how I'm getting there. Madison doesn't fly there directly, and I don't want to take a Greyhound bus after what happened in 2003 coming back from GenCon. Maybe I'll just have to drive (I guess I shouldn't complain, but oh well).

It's only about 5 hours for us. Its even closer than St. Louis. We'll probably be driving down in some sort of caravan I'm sure. Goooooooo Wisconsin/Illinois players. <3
I'm pretty stoked. I don't know if Indy is closer to NC than St. Louis, but:

1.) It is not in Saint Louis.
2.) The prizes look nice when typed out.
3.) Being over 3 days reminds me of my days going to U.S. Chess Nationals in Elementary School, which, let me tell you, were wonderful times.
4.) It is not in Saint Louis.

It's about 9 1/2 hours from NC. Which IIRC, is closer than St. Louis.
Pokemon will introduce me to another new state! It is amazing how many places I have traveled by playing Pokemon.
Live blues at the Slippery Noodle Inn...and Pokemon, can life get any better?

Now if I can just figure out how to make the 20+ hour trip go faster...oh yea, Pokemon!
Bummer! With travel plans for Origins already. I'm sure I'm not the only one that can't make it Nats now. Was hoping to go for the first time.
I am thrilled.

Indy is such a great city, and I loved being there a few years ago for the FAT!

I loved having Nats in St. Louis, but am REALLY looking forward to this trip!

See you ALL THERE!

I am very glad that Nationals has been announced. However, the drive from LA is sure to be a difficult and time-consuming one. The venue sounds great!

As for the swiss rounds being split into two days...I kinda liked playing Pokemon from 9 in the morning to 10 in the evening. But that's just me. Guess I won't need those bottles of Mountain Dew like last year...
3 days? Ugh my only complain. I guess judges haven't ever worked in a factory because complaining about walking on your feet for a long period of time is nothing if you have worked at one.