Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Recent content by Bimm114

  1. B

    Raichu GL

    Crobat works great with it. So does Gallalade X
  2. B

    turtwigs like a weed. cant get rid of ti no matter hard you try.

    I think it could do without the rainbow energies. Although that extra damage could come in handy...
  3. B

    What cards to get from RR?

    I'd definitely say Jirachis, Floatzels, and any lv X's you can get your hands on. Also, Rotoms aren't playable, but they're great for trade.
  4. B

    My T-Tar Deck-Obviously needs help

    I would run 4 ST T-tars, it eliminates the need for the multi energies. I'd recommend the Weavile that searches out Dark energy, and special darks are a must.
  5. B

    RR Box ratio question

    If the Japanese set is any indication, it's 2 X's per box.
  6. B

    Tutrwig GL

    I've heard a lot of good stuff about Turtwig GL. I goes great with Kazam X, Shaymin X, and Cherrim. But will it be viable in actual play? Would it be too difficult to set up the bench for it? Thanks in advance!
  7. B

    Cards to speed energy

    Team Galactic's Energy Gain can make SP pokemon's attacks cheaper.
  8. B

    A Supporter that goes back to your hand at the end of the turn? Charon's Coice.

    That certainly makes Charon's Choice much better. Rotom itself though...
  9. B

    The Eevee Rule?

    The Eeveelutions out of RR make eevee easier to run without implementing a new rule to the game. The ability to search out eeveelutions, as well as a reusable Eevee make up for it.
  10. B

    RR ideas

    One of my favorite cards I saw was Flint's Willpower. Adding an extra energy every turn? Yes please! Even better when you pair it with Jirachi.